Irony strikes the Left in an unthinkable, yet poetically perfect manner


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
Everywhere needed
In San Francisco, there stands a building called The Millennium Tower. The name itself add exponentially to the irony. This building is home to or one of the homes for many wealthy and influential leftists such as Tom Perkins of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, football executive Carmen Policy and Hall of Fame football icon Joe Montana., San Francisco itself being ground zero to the entire Socialist and Leftist movement.

Full story here...
A 58-story skyscraper in San Francisco is tilting and sinking — and residents say their multimillion-dollar condos are 'nearly worthless'

Here...Google maps clearly shows that Millennium Tower sits directly East Northeast of The SalesForce Tower on the Western Financial center of San Francisco's downtown.
Google Maps

As we all know, many so called "Millennials" are associated with the Socialist, Leftist, BLM & Antifa movements plaguing our nation today.

That said, how ironic that THAT particular building has begin to sink at the rate of 2 inches per year and has already sunk 14 inches, causing the value of multi-million dollar condos to lose value at an even faster rate.

But what's equally ironic is that the building's lean is LEFT, towards the West and towards the Pacific Ocean! Like the left with it's inadequate foundation, this building's demise is also due to that major flaw...a lean to the left and an equally inadequate foundation.

The name of the building, the location and the flaw are all just too ironic to pass up.

Are the Gods indeed having fun with this and telling us all something?

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Better than what happened to the right's old headquarters:


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