Irrefutable proof that Biden is racist, sexist, and predjuiced.

What the Obama/Biden Administration did in Northern Africa makes them the most Racist Administration in History. The Western Powers feared the creation of an African currency based in Gold, so they attacked Libya and murdered Gaddafi.

The Corporate MSM created FAKE NEWS provide cover for the dirty deed, which destroyed the economic future of MILLIONS of Africans.

YES, Biden is a RACIST PIG, without a doubt, but what is considered TRUTH???

TRUTH is what the RICH & POWERFUL say it is and the RICH & POWERFUL are supporting Biden.
Ghaddafi got a knife enema. You can see it for yourself online. Those were all angry, angry Libyans who murdered him, not the U.S.

Gaddafi was in a military convoy attacked by NATO air power, destroying his vehicle and leaving him laying helpless on the road. Radical, pro-terrorist rebels found him and murdered him.

Ghaddafi got a knife enema. You can see it for yourself online. Those were all angry, angry Libyans who murdered him, not the U.S.

Gaddafi was in a military convoy attacked by NATO air power, destroying his vehicle and leaving him laying helpless on the road. Radical, pro-terrorist rebels found him and murdered him.

You mean the brutal dictator who raped young boys and girls and shot the airliner out of the sky over Scotland, murdering Americans? Yeah, fuck that guy. But you feel free to keep mourning his death, America-hater.
Ghaddafi got a knife enema. You can see it for yourself online. Those were all angry, angry Libyans who murdered him, not the U.S.

Gaddafi was in a military convoy attacked by NATO air power, destroying his vehicle and leaving him laying helpless on the road. Radical, pro-terrorist rebels found him and murdered him.

You mean the brutal dictator who raped young boys and girls and shot the airliner out of the sky over Scotland, murdering Americans? Yeah, fuck that guy. But you feel free to keep mourning his death, America-hater.

Yes, he was a Jekyll and Hyde...starting out as Hyde and ending up as a Jekyll. I also wanted him dead after he was involved with shooting down of Pan Am flight 103.

BUT, he loved Africa and the people of Africa and was in a position to change the continents economic dependence on Western currencies.

Also a strong foe of Osama bin Laden and other terrorist groups, providing stability for Northern Africa.

His murder at the hands of Obama/Biden created a Hell-Storm in Africa that devastated that continent beyond one could imagine-----rapes, murders, slavery, racism, wars and a massive exodus from Africa.
U.S Congressman Wants Libyan Rebels Investigated on ‘Crimes Against Humanity’

Representative Jesse Jackson, Jr., reacting to reports in The Wall Street Journal has called for an investigation by the International Criminal Court into the reported killings of Black Libyans in the city of Tawergha.

A Journal reporter witnessed some of the torching and wrote that the words “slaves” and “negroes” were scribbled on the walls of the now emptied homes.

In an earlier news report The Wall Street Journal reported that rebels from the city of Misurata had declared that Tawergha would be “no more” and that the units conducting the attacks was named “The Brigade for Purging Slaves, black Skin.”
The real reason the DOJ went after Jesse Jr., putting him in jail.
The simple fact that he already said he will only pick a woman of color for his running mate.

Now aren't we getting desperate

Biden has painted himself into a corner that is more serious then you think. He has placed himself in a lose/lose situation. He gets flack if his ticket is ALL WHITE and he gets flack if women are discounted for a spot on the national ticket SOLELY because they are White.

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