IRS Admits to Almost 7K 'Unreported' Documents in Targeting of Conservatives


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The IRS hasn't given a time when they will review the unreported documents. I think they need to turn them over and let someone else review them. They haven't exactly cooperated with anything so far.

"Who’s going to plead the Fifth on this one?

Judicial Watch reported on Wednesday that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) admitted that it didn’t report almost 7,000 documents pertaining to the 2013 scandal involving the agency’s targeting of conservative and Tea Party groups during 2010 through 2012.

According to Judicial Watch:

Judicial Watch announced today that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) reported to a U.S. District Court that it located “an additional 6,924 documents of potentially responsive records” relating to a 2015 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit about the Obama IRS targeting scandal. The FOIA lawsuit at issue sought records about the IRS selection of individuals and organizations for audits based upon applications requesting non-profit tax status filed by Tea Party and other 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organizations (Judicial Watch v. Internal Revenue Service (No. 1:15-cv-00220))."

IRS Admits to Almost 7K 'Unreported' Docs Targeting Conservatives
There should be a public outrage over this regardless of party or politics. It's utterly shameful the left wants to completely ignore this because it was "their team" who was culpable. If the Trump administration pulled something like this, they'd be rioting and burning cities to the ground in protest.

We continue to see more and more smoking gun evidence this was the most corrupt administration ever in the White House. They routinely misused government agencies to hobble, hamper, harass and impugn the integrity of their political adversaries. These are police state tactics you'd expect from a rogue dictator.
There should be a public outrage over this regardless of party or politics. It's utterly shameful the left wants to completely ignore this because it was "their team" who was culpable. If the Trump administration pulled something like this, they'd be rioting and burning cities to the ground in protest.

We continue to see more and more smoking gun evidence this was the most corrupt administration ever in the White House. They routinely misused government agencies to hobble, hamper, harass and impugn the integrity of their political adversaries. These are police state tactics you'd expect from a rogue dictator.

It's a clear abuse of power but the lib media ignores it. I think some are so used to corruption in government that it doesn't phase them anymore when they hear this stuff.
Barry Hussein derailed the investigation by invoking "executive privilege" to prevent the IRS chief from testifying. The MSM was silent.

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