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IRS Bombshell


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
I didn't steal their lede, they stole mine :)

People, this is going to lead back to the White House.... Trust me.

The question is now, who will fall on their sword for the Liar in Chief? Anybody?

  • IRS BOMBSHELL: Thousands of Lerner emails recovered in targeting probe
    INVESTIGATORS RECOVER 32,000 emails to and from former IRS exempt organizations director Lois Lerner, top left, related to targeting of conservative groups, and tell the House oversight committee that employees did not ask for backup tapes, contradicting testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bottom left.
Yo, e-mails are popping up all over from Lois Lerner! Now, all we need to find out is where is Obama`s name on one of them, or the D.J. Eric Holder? Can`t wait, the suspense is too much!!!


why constitution was written.jpg
IRS Watchdog Reveals Lois Lerner’s Missing Emails Now Subject Of Criminal Probe

So they found tapes IRS testified were destroyed, and back up tapes that IRS said didn’t exist. Hopefully, someone is going to jail here, and they find the smoking gun email.

Via Washington Times:

The IRS’s inspector general confirmed Thursday it is conducting a criminal investigation into how Lois G. Lerner’s emails disappeared, saying it took only two weeks for investigators to find hundreds of tapes the agency’s chief had told Congress were irretrievably destroyed.

Investigators have already scoured 744 backup tapes and gleaned 32,774 unique emails, but just two weeks ago they found an additional 424 tapes that could contain even more Lerner emails, Deputy Inspector General Timothy P. Camus told the House Oversight Committee in a rare late-night hearing meant to look into the status of the investigation.

“There is potential criminal activity,” Mr. Camus said.

dimocraps are the scum of the earth.

One more as long as I'm talking about the criminal enterprise known as the dimocrap scumbag party....

More Lawbreaking: Treasury Dept Gave $3 Billion To Health Insurers Without Authorization From Congress

Constitution? Law? What’s that?

Via Washington Examiner:

The U.S. Treasury Department has rebuffed a request by House Ways and Means Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan, R- Wis., to explain $3 billion in payments that were made to health insurers even though Congress never authorized the spending through annual appropriations.

At issue are payments to insurers known as cost-sharing subsidies. These payments come about because President Obama’s healthcare law forces insurers to limit out-of-pocket costs for certain low income individuals by capping consumer expenses, such as deductibles and co-payments, in insurance policies. In exchange for capping these charges, insurers are supposed to receive compensation.

What’s tricky is that Congress never authorized any money to make such payments to insurers in its annual appropriations, but the Department of Health and Human Services, with the cooperation of the U.S. Treasury, made them anyway.
Lerner works for the most notorious liar in world history.

You expected her not to follow His lead?

the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media got his back, jack....

#FF @CNN. The home of serious journalism.


Can you guess which one is the Anchor?

I'm not so sure......
Treasury IG: New Lois Lerner e-mails shows “potential criminal activity

Remember when Barack Obama insisted that there wasn’t a “smidgen of corruption” in his administration related to the IRS scandal? Good times, good times. The discovery of tens of thousands of e-mails from Lois Lerner, the central figure in the IRS targeting of conservative non-profits, may rewrite the scandal — and may end up with criminal charges for Lerner:...VIDEO

Treasury IG New Lerner e-mails shows potential criminal activity Hot Air
And the spineless, nadless republicans will do nothing.

What would you have them do, brownie?

Commit ritual seppuku in protest?

Might as well. Anything else and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, the DNC and DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will wipe the floor with us.

And the spineless, nadless republicans will do nothing.

What would you have them do, brownie?

Commit ritual seppuku in protest?

Might as well. Anything else and the Lying Cocksucker in Chief, the DNC and DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media will wipe the floor with us.


They could do plenty, especially in regards to cutting funding signicantly to these agencies. They control the purse now, they have the house and the senate but watch what they do.
Anyone who works in IT called shenanigans the instant Lerner and crew tried to claim the emails were actually gone. Quite frankly, they should have simply demanded them from the copies the NSA is certain to be maintaining.
They could do plenty, especially in regards to cutting funding signicantly to these agencies. They control the purse now, they have the house and the senate but watch what they do.

And the Lying Cocksucker in Chief controls the Veto Pen.

There is fighting, and then there is winning. Fighting with NO chance of winning is stupid..... Beyond stupid. All you'll do is allow dimocraps to wipe the floor with us.

You want to get these dimocrap scumbags out of office? Vote. Vote for whoever has the best chance of beating them.

But you likely won't if I guess correctly (I often do). You'll vote for someone who has around ZERO (0) chance of beating whatever socialist scumbag the dimocraps nominate.

Thanks for nothing.
I didn't steal their lede, they stole mine :)

People, this is going to lead back to the White House.... Trust me.

The question is now, who will fall on their sword for the Liar in Chief? Anybody?

  • IRS BOMBSHELL: Thousands of Lerner emails recovered in targeting probe
    INVESTIGATORS RECOVER 32,000 emails to and from former IRS exempt organizations director Lois Lerner, top left, related to targeting of conservative groups, and tell the House oversight committee that employees did not ask for backup tapes, contradicting testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bottom left.

And if these emails contain the same big bucket of nothing as all the other emails contained......what then?

Does there come a point when you admit that your claims are blithering nonsense. Or do you just push your time line back again, as your ilk have been doing for 3 years?
When this came up a year or two ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."

There's a criminal investigation under way because of this most recent discovery.

Koskinen is now a proven liar. Lerner will be called to testify again and given immunity -- Which means that if she doesn't testify, she goes to prison.

If Patriots take the White House in 2016, people are going to prison over this, of that you can be certain.

Which is why dimocrap scum are so desperate to win. If they don't, they're going down -- Hard. Really hard.

It's the same reason Dictators never leave Office voluntarily, they either die in office or are forcefully removed..... They're crooks, liars, thieves and scum -- Just like the entire dimocrap party.

What I want is a President that will kick some ass this time, not a weenie like GW was.

GW could have put THOUSANDS of dimocrap scum in prison but deferred, instead.

A serious mistake, AFAIC. This time, we need someone who will root out the criminals and lock them up -- For a long, VERY, long time.

And I think Scott Walker is just that kind of Man.

At least, I have high hope he is.

You people are so seriously fucked right now. Hitlery is done and you have no bench.

BTW, where is that walking advertisement for FDS?

Where is that scrunt? Why isn't the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM asking HER questions?

The Clinton Foundation Scandals, Explained

That sounds pretty sketchy, but at least the foundation didn't accept any foreign donations while Hillary was secretary of state. Right?

Not exactly. The Washington Post reported on Wednesday that the Clinton Foundation accepted millions of dollars in foreign government donations while Hillary was serving in the State Department. Most of those donations were technically allowed due to the many exemptions included in the so-called "ban." However, at least one of those donations-$500,000 from the Algerian government-violated the ban, and was not reported to the State Department's ethics office.

Oh, that sounds pretty bad.

Yeah.Wow. The Clintons have been in politics their entire lives. They must know how bad all this looks.


Maybe they just don't care?

Has Hillary even tried to defend herself?
Nope. Her aides have repeatedly declined to comment.

Is anyone else defending her?
Not really.
When this came up a year or two ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."

Count on it. "At this point, what difference does it make"?
When this came up a year or two ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."


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