IRS Employees Ordered to Send Tea Party Cases to IRS's Only Obama Political Appointee


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
Obama didn't know anything? He's pure as the wind driven snow:doubt:

IRS employees were ordered by their superiors--including Lois Lerner who pleaded the 5th Amendment against self-incrimination rather than testify in Congress--to send certain Tea Party tax-exemption applications to the office of the IRS's Chief Counsel, which was headed by William Wilkins, who at that time was the only Obama political appointee at the IRS, according to a letter released today by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

“As a part of this ongoing investigation, the Committees have learned that the IRS Chief Counsel’s office in Washington, D.C. has been closely involved in some of the applications,” reads a letter released today by the House committees on Oversight and Government and Ways and Means. “Its involvement and demands for information about political activity during the 2010 election cycle appear to have caused systematic delays in the processing of Tea Party applications.”

It further states, “ased on his decades of experience, [career IRS official Carter Hull] determined he had enough facts to make recommendations whether to approve or deny the applications. … However, Mr. Hull’s recommendations were not carried out. Instead, according to Michael Seto, the head of Mr. Hull’s unit in Washington, Lois Lerner instructed that the Tea Party applications go through a multi-layer review that included her senior advisor and the Chief Counsel’s office.”

Wilkins, the IRS chief counsel, had been appointed by President Obama to his position in 2009,

IRS Employees Ordered to Send Tea Party Cases to IRS's Only Obama Political Appointee | CNS News
At least we're getting some movement on this important scandal. Of course the brain dead left will tell us this is old news.
Christine O'Donnell's tax records were leaked on the very day she announced her candidacy as the GOP nominee for the Senate.

Former GOP Senate candidate Christine O?Donnell told her tax records were breached - Washington Times

People, you need to understand something....

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal enterprise.

And the sooner we start treating it like it is -- A gang of criminals hell bent on stealing everything, including our Freedom, the sooner we can get to work dismantling it.

The problem, and I'm gonna tell you like it is -- The Republican Party is filled with gutless, nutless pussies that are too comfortable and too fat to do anything about it.

While we are the good guys in this battle, we're playing soft. And we're gonna keep losing until we get tough.

Which I don't see happening any time soon.

So get used to being the party in the permanent minority.

People need to go to prison for this. And I mean for a LONG time. A long, long time.
Christine O'Donnell's tax records were leaked on the very day she announced her candidacy as the GOP nominee for the Senate.

Former GOP Senate candidate Christine O?Donnell told her tax records were breached - Washington Times

People, you need to understand something....

the dimocrap party is not a political party, it is a criminal enterprise.

And the sooner we start treating it like it is -- A gang of criminals hell bent on stealing everything, including our Freedom, the sooner we can get to work dismantling it.

The problem, and I'm gonna tell you like it is -- The Republican Party is filled with gutless, nutless pussies that are too comfortable and too fat to do anything about it.

While we are the good guys in this battle, we're playing soft. And we're gonna keep losing until we get tough.

Which I don't see happening any time soon.

So get used to being the party in the permanent minority.

People need to go to prison for this. And I mean for a LONG time. A long, long time.

The GOP is filled with gentlemen who want to do the right thing and get along. The Dems are filled with street thugs. You dont win against opponents like that without getting down with them.
This is what happens every time dimocrap scum get involved in.... Well, anything.

They corrupt it. They pollute it with their corruption.

They care nothing for the rule of law, for common decency, for the dignity or privacy of others.

They only care about their sick and disgusting ideology -- Win at all costs. No matter what it takes, no matter who gets hurt, no matter the tattered, shattered corpses they leave in their path... Win. That's all they care about. Win.

These people, Lois Lerner and her cohorts, need to spend the rest of eternity in prison.

New testimony claims Lois Lerner and Obama appointee were behind Tea Party targeting |

New testimony from IRS officials claims that Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS's Exempt Organizations division, instructed employees to send Tea Party group applications for tax-exempt status through a multi-layered review that included the IRS chief counsel's office, which is led by Obama appointee William Wilkins.
Lerner "sent me email saying ... when these cases need to go through multi-tier review and they will eventually have to [through her staff] and the chief counsel's office," said Michael Seto, the head of the IRS unit that was handling Tea Party applications.

This new testimony suggests that the decision to target Tea Party organizations came from Lerner herself, and that Wilkins' office was closely involved in some of the applications.

Tax law specialist Carter Hull, who works for Seto, testified that despite his 48 years of experience approving or denying tax-exempt status applications, he was told in the winter of 2010 that, at the direction of Lerner, the applications would need to be sent to the chief counsel's office for further review. Hull said never before in his nearly five-decade career had he been told to send applications up the pipeline.

H/T Ace of Spades HQ
Yeah I didnt think a career IRS lawyer like Carter Hull was the source of all this. That isnt how bureaucracies work.
The circle of evidence is closing in, closer and closer and closer.

Remember what I have been saying since the beginning of these scandals everytime the Democrats declared them dead..

It took over two years from beginning to end to bring Nixon down with Watergate. We aren't even through first year yet.
The circle of evidence is closing in, closer and closer and closer.

Remember what I have been saying since the beginning of these scandals everytime the Democrats declared them dead..

It took over two years from beginning to end to bring Nixon down with Watergate. We aren't even through first year yet.

Methinks they will get to the bottom of the barrel faster this time around.

The IRS scandal was connected this week not just to the Washington office—that had been established—but to the office of the chief counsel.

That is a bombshell—such a big one that it managed to emerge in spite of an unfocused, frequently off-point congressional hearing in which some members seemed to have accidentally woken up in the middle of a committee room, some seemed unaware of the implications of what their investigators had uncovered, one pretended that the investigation should end if IRS workers couldn't say the president had personally called and told them to harass his foes, and one seemed to be holding a filibuster on Pakistan.

Still, what landed was a bombshell. And Democrats know it. Which is why they are so desperate to make the investigation go away. They know, as Republicans do, that the chief counsel of the IRS is one of only two Obama political appointees in the entire agency.

Read more many Tea Party organizations did not get their 501c4 status?

Do we have a count?
I wonder if there are any nutters here who think Darrel Issa has done this nation a disservice in his role as oversight committee chairman?
At least we're getting some movement on this important scandal. Of course the brain dead left will tell us this is old news.

They are attempting to impeach the IG. They are digging deep to find ideological parity in the profiling (impossible, it's 20:1).

And they have the entire Jurassic media. Nothing is a fair fight when the Fourth Estate is Obama's Fifth Column.


It was Maryland's Rep. Elijah Cummings, the panel's ranking Democrat, who, absurdly, asked Ms. Hofacre if the White House called the Cincinnati office to tell them what to do and whether she has knowledge of the president of the United States digging through the tax returns of citizens. Ms. Hofacre looked surprised. No, she replied.

It wasn't hard to imagine her thought bubble: Do congressmen think presidents call people like me and say, "Don't forget to harass my enemies"? Are congressmen that stupid?

Mr. Cummings is not, and his seeming desperation is telling. Recent congressional information leads to Washington—and now to very high up at the IRS. Meaning this is the point at which a scandal goes nowhere or, maybe, everywhere.

The desperation is palpable.
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The media cant continue help to cover this stuff up forever..where's Woodward and Bernstein when you need them?

Look at their results so far. They delay and obfuscate. Holder is held in contempt of Congress for his lies in F&F and ... NOTHING! It's off the radar.

What they DON'T cover is enough to sway each of these investigations.

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