IRS Employees Ordered to Send Tea Party Cases to IRS's Only Obama Political Appointee many Tea Party organizations did not get their 501c4 status?

Do we have a count?

Do you need that number to denounce this usurpation? Are you just deflecting, making you complicit with this thuggery?

I'm curious to hear your 'logic' here.
Evolution of a Grand Lie:

Rep. Trey Gowdy, a South Carolina Republican, finally woke the proceedings up with what he called "the evolution of the defense" since the scandal began. First, Ms. Lerner planted a question at a conference. Then she said the Cincinnati office did it—a narrative that was advanced by the president's spokesman, Jay Carney. Then came the suggestion the IRS was too badly managed to pull off a sophisticated conspiracy. Then the charge that liberal groups were targeted too—"we did it against both ends of the political spectrum." When the inspector general of the IRS said no, it was conservative groups that were targeted, he came under attack. Now the defense is that the White House wasn't involved, so case closed. many Tea Party organizations did not get their 501c4 status?

Do we have a count?

Do you need that number to denounce this usurpation? Are you just deflecting, making you complicit with this thuggery?

I'm curious to hear your 'logic' here.

There we none, dummy. The number is zero.

You prove my point. You are down with political thuggery. You support it. You are unable to isolate and denounce scumbaggery so long as it's YOUR scumbaggery. That makes you an intellectual fraud (with plenty of company).

Second chance: Do you need that number to denounce this usurpation? Are you just deflecting, making you complicit with this thuggery?

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None of the organizations that were not exclusively involved with public welfare of some sort should not have been given tax exempt status period. Instead of this witch hunt, Mr. Issa should be investigating why the IRS took it upon itself to change the wording of the Law passed by Congress.

The way Issa released select bits of the interviews that support his thesis a couple of months ago really gives me no confidence in his case what so ever. Just another case of the Boy who cri......I mean the Congressmen who cried "IRS, Benghazi, Fast-n-Furious". Take your pick.
These people, Lois Lerner and her cohorts, need to spend the rest of eternity in prison.

New testimony claims Lois Lerner and Obama appointee were behind Tea Party targeting |

New testimony from IRS officials claims that Lois Lerner, the director of the IRS's Exempt Organizations division, instructed employees to send Tea Party group applications for tax-exempt status through a multi-layered review that included the IRS chief counsel's office, which is led by Obama appointee William Wilkins.
Lerner "sent me email saying ... when these cases need to go through multi-tier review and they will eventually have to [through her staff] and the chief counsel's office," said Michael Seto, the head of the IRS unit that was handling Tea Party applications.

This new testimony suggests that the decision to target Tea Party organizations came from Lerner herself, and that Wilkins' office was closely involved in some of the applications.

Tax law specialist Carter Hull, who works for Seto, testified that despite his 48 years of experience approving or denying tax-exempt status applications, he was told in the winter of 2010 that, at the direction of Lerner, the applications would need to be sent to the chief counsel's office for further review. Hull said never before in his nearly five-decade career had he been told to send applications up the pipeline.
Time to drag Lois back in front of Congress...this time threatening to hit her with an Obstruction of Justice charge if she pulls the same shit she pulled last time.

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