IRS says there is no rule against releases tax returns during an audit

How do you stupid assed liberals have any idea how much Trump paid in taxes? I thought not. More diarrhea of the liberal mouth, always FULL of shit. Why in the world would he release tax returns before the end of an audit, until an audit is finished not a damn soul on earth knows how much the IRS will take and any tax return before then would be incorrect, and of course then the liberal lying scum would accuse Trump of LYING about his taxes. Jump off something you know about, hell your knowledge of anything not pumped out by the lie machine of the dnc and the Treasonist they selected for their candidate is ultra limited..
We know this, and we would know more but he'd lose if he released his returns, he doesn't pay his fair share. No rich person does.
If I was running for office, and my taxes were being audited, I would not share them until I knew what the outcome was. Until there is a final determination, hopefully in my benefit, the opposing party would make hay about any trivial thing. Once the audit was done and I got a clean bill of health financially, anyone who wanted to find faults with the laws used to protect my wealth and/or investments would be petty.

If people then wanted to find fault with the return, I would simply tell them to sign up for my University and they, too would learn how to come out ahead, legally. :)
True. The IRS doesn't care what you do with your copy of your tax return. Since Trump has so many businesses, deductions and apparently some questionable activities since he's always being audited, the media would have a field day with it which is why he's not going to release it.

Trump only releases positive information about his business dealing. It's a privately held business so he can do just that. It would be interesting see what would happen if the media had as much information about Trump's dealings as we have about Hillary.
Why would Trump release his returns since scumbag Harry Reid LIED on the Senate floor to avoid a lawsuit for defamation about Romney's taxes? Reid even admitted he lied on national TV stating...We won, didn't we!!!!
He'd release them because for decades only people who have have won. But Trump knows that if he does, he loses. That's because he pays jack-shit. Stupid shits like you pay his taxes for him.

His supporters and people with a 3 digit IQ don't care!...Only subversive scum who see the Hildebeast getting beat badly make a stink over it!
Why would scum care what other scum does if it doesn't affect them personally? No scum like Trump cares about this nation, that's hard work and means taxes.

Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?
If I was running for office, and my taxes were being audited, I would not share them until I knew what the outcome was. Until there is a final determination, hopefully in my benefit, the opposing party would make hay about any trivial thing. Once the audit was done and I got a clean bill of health financially, anyone who wanted to find faults with the laws used to protect my wealth and/or investments would be petty.

If people then wanted to find fault with the return, I would simply tell them to sign up for my University and they, too would learn how to come out ahead, legally. :)
Trump is the first in generations to not release his taxes. And will also be the first to lose because that was a factor.
How do you stupid assed liberals have any idea how much Trump paid in taxes? I thought not. More diarrhea of the liberal mouth, always FULL of shit. Why in the world would he release tax returns before the end of an audit, until an audit is finished not a damn soul on earth knows how much the IRS will take and any tax return before then would be incorrect, and of course then the liberal lying scum would accuse Trump of LYING about his taxes. Jump off something you know about, hell your knowledge of anything not pumped out by the lie machine of the dnc and the Treasonist they selected for their candidate is ultra limited..
We know this, and we would know more but he'd lose if he released his returns, he doesn't pay his fair share. No rich person does.
Pete, there are tax laws that protect people from unfair taxes. I use them myself. This griping about no rich person pays their share is so amusing. They put more at risk than you can even make in a life time. I was once considered pretty wealthy but lost most of it in the Nazdaq Bubble. Since then although my losses were huge, I was able to deduct what you would consider a sizeable amount immediately and for the rest of my life a very small portion is considered a credit on my taxes. All longer wealthy, but that's no problem. :)
If I was running for office, and my taxes were being audited, I would not share them until I knew what the outcome was. Until there is a final determination, hopefully in my benefit, the opposing party would make hay about any trivial thing. Once the audit was done and I got a clean bill of health financially, anyone who wanted to find faults with the laws used to protect my wealth and/or investments would be petty.

If people then wanted to find fault with the return, I would simply tell them to sign up for my University and they, too would learn how to come out ahead, legally. :)
Trump is the first in generations to not release his taxes. And will also be the first to lose because that was a factor.
He hasn't released them YET.
Why would Trump release his returns since scumbag Harry Reid LIED on the Senate floor to avoid a lawsuit for defamation about Romney's taxes? Reid even admitted he lied on national TV stating...We won, didn't we!!!!
He'd release them because for decades only people who have have won. But Trump knows that if he does, he loses. That's because he pays jack-shit. Stupid shits like you pay his taxes for him.

His supporters and people with a 3 digit IQ don't care!...Only subversive scum who see the Hildebeast getting beat badly make a stink over it!
Why would scum care what other scum does if it doesn't affect them personally? No scum like Trump cares about this nation, that's hard work and means taxes.

Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?

Richard Centillion was the father of modern economic having written about it over 4 decades before Smith...I see I'm dealing with an illiterate!
How do you stupid assed liberals have any idea how much Trump paid in taxes? I thought not. More diarrhea of the liberal mouth, always FULL of shit. Why in the world would he release tax returns before the end of an audit, until an audit is finished not a damn soul on earth knows how much the IRS will take and any tax return before then would be incorrect, and of course then the liberal lying scum would accuse Trump of LYING about his taxes. Jump off something you know about, hell your knowledge of anything not pumped out by the lie machine of the dnc and the Treasonist they selected for their candidate is ultra limited..
We know this, and we would know more but he'd lose if he released his returns, he doesn't pay his fair share. No rich person does.
Pete, there are tax laws that protect people from unfair taxes. I use them myself. This griping about no rich person pays their share is so amusing. They put more at risk than you can even make in a life time. I was once considered pretty wealthy but lost most of it in the Nazdaq Bubble. Since then although my losses were huge, I was able to deduct what you would consider a sizeable amount immediately and for the rest of my life a very small portion is considered a credit on my taxes. All longer wealthy, but that's no problem. :)
They don't put jack-shit at risk. They have the money to lose. Money you can't afford to lose is at risk and if you did that, and you did you dumbshit, you shouldn't have.

Trump should be paying 50%. There's not a chance in hell that he pays even as much as a third of that but the ones cleaning his casinos pay twice what he does. Fair? Fuck no.
If I was running for office, and my taxes were being audited, I would not share them until I knew what the outcome was. Until there is a final determination, hopefully in my benefit, the opposing party would make hay about any trivial thing. Once the audit was done and I got a clean bill of health financially, anyone who wanted to find faults with the laws used to protect my wealth and/or investments would be petty.

If people then wanted to find fault with the return, I would simply tell them to sign up for my University and they, too would learn how to come out ahead, legally. :)
Trump is the first in generations to not release his taxes. And will also be the first to lose because that was a factor.
He hasn't released them YET.
He never will. He can't. If he does, he loses.
There's no rule against releasing college records or Wall Street speeches, either.
The difference regarding college transcripts is that presidential candidates never do that. GW Bush's were leaked by the press. He did not release them. You are comparing apples and oranges. Obama didn't need to release his--no other presidential candidate has ever done that. Why should a standard be required of him that isn't required of anyone else?

On the other hand, ALL presidential candidates in MODERN history have released both full health records and tax returns. So we should hold Trump to that standard. BTW Has Trump released his college transcripts? Do you expect him to as no other presidential candidate has ever done that?

You guys are hypocrites, leveling one standard for your candidate and another for the opposition. Double standard. HYPOCRITE.
You're the hypocrite. If Trump decided not to release his college records or speeches, or The Blamer or the Queen decided not to release their taxes, you'd have no problem with that.
You libstains will say or do anything to get your free stuff. Thats because you libstains are government-dependent fools.

People who say 'libtard' or 'libstain' and such are childish, low level thinkers.

No one except RWs have ever complained about someone not releasing college transcripts: no one. Only the RW and only because it was Obama.
His supporters and people with a 3 digit IQ don't care!...Only subversive scum who see the Hildebeast getting beat badly make a stink over it!
Why would scum care what other scum does if it doesn't affect them personally? No scum like Trump cares about this nation, that's hard work and means taxes.

Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?

Richard Centillion was the father of modern economic having written about it over 4 decades before Smith...I see I'm dealing with an illiterate!
I said modern economics, idiot, and was Smith wrong?
Yes,Smith was the wrong answer...Your tiring with your stupidity, I'll let others school you, I can only take so much liberal insanity for the night!
He'd release them because for decades only people who have have won. But Trump knows that if he does, he loses. That's because he pays jack-shit. Stupid shits like you pay his taxes for him.

His supporters and people with a 3 digit IQ don't care!...Only subversive scum who see the Hildebeast getting beat badly make a stink over it!
Why would scum care what other scum does if it doesn't affect them personally? No scum like Trump cares about this nation, that's hard work and means taxes.

Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?

Richard Centillion was the father of modern economic having written about it over 4 decades before Smith...I see I'm dealing with an illiterate!
You spelled his fucking name wrong - Richard Cantillon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And he hadn't even died when Smith was born, dummy. So, was Smith wrong?
Why would scum care what other scum does if it doesn't affect them personally? No scum like Trump cares about this nation, that's hard work and means taxes.

Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?

Richard Centillion was the father of modern economic having written about it over 4 decades before Smith...I see I'm dealing with an illiterate!
I said modern economics, idiot, and was Smith wrong?
Yes,Smith was the wrong answer...Your tiring with your stupidity, I'll let others school you, I can only take so much liberal insanity for the night!
Great to know that Smith was wrong because he warned that if there was a generational transfer of wealth you ended up with assholes like Trump.
How do you stupid assed liberals have any idea how much Trump paid in taxes? I thought not. More diarrhea of the liberal mouth, always FULL of shit. Why in the world would he release tax returns before the end of an audit, until an audit is finished not a damn soul on earth knows how much the IRS will take and any tax return before then would be incorrect, and of course then the liberal lying scum would accuse Trump of LYING about his taxes. Jump off something you know about, hell your knowledge of anything not pumped out by the lie machine of the dnc and the Treasonist they selected for their candidate is ultra limited..
We know this, and we would know more but he'd lose if he released his returns, he doesn't pay his fair share. No rich person does.
Pete, there are tax laws that protect people from unfair taxes. I use them myself. This griping about no rich person pays their share is so amusing. They put more at risk than you can even make in a life time. I was once considered pretty wealthy but lost most of it in the Nazdaq Bubble. Since then although my losses were huge, I was able to deduct what you would consider a sizeable amount immediately and for the rest of my life a very small portion is considered a credit on my taxes. All longer wealthy, but that's no problem. :)
They don't put jack-shit at risk. They have the money to lose. Money you can't afford to lose is at risk and if you did that, and you did you dumbshit, you shouldn't have.

Trump should be paying 50%. There's not a chance in hell that he pays even as much as a third of that but the ones cleaning his casinos pay twice what he does. Fair? Fuck no.
You haven't a clue. I haven't any idea how much Trump pays, but when he builds a high rise building, that's a risk, just as the casinos were. Those high rises are offices and apartments and what if he can't fill it with renters or buyers?
Of course the wealthy put their money at risk. You just have to learn about financial wins and losses and stop being so jealous.
^^^ delusional fool alert
Trump pays less in taxes, as a percentage, than you do you fucking moron.

The woman who wipes his piss off the toilet pays more than he does. Fair share? Not a fucking chance.

You know jack shit idiot...why even waste my time with you clearly you dropped out in the 9th grade to smoke pot.
Hey, dumbass, you pay more as a percentage in taxes than Trump does. Suck it, bitch.

I'm in the 2% fool living the good life, I hoard my wealth. I live in a state with no income tax...wait for it...on purpose so you moochers can't touch my money. :eusa_dance:
Typical scum. Made your wealth here but refuse to be patriotic and pay taxes here. Just like Trump. Unpatriotic scum of a feather.

And I bet you shop in the next state over, so you don't have to pay sales tax, right scum?

Well there's no sales tax in the state south of me and its only 12 miles away, what do you think. :muahaha:
Trump pays less in taxes, as a percentage, than you do you fucking moron.

The woman who wipes his piss off the toilet pays more than he does. Fair share? Not a fucking chance.

You know jack shit idiot...why even waste my time with you clearly you dropped out in the 9th grade to smoke pot.
Hey, dumbass, you pay more as a percentage in taxes than Trump does. Suck it, bitch.

I'm in the 2% fool living the good life, I hoard my wealth. I live in a state with no income tax...wait for it...on purpose so you moochers can't touch my money. :eusa_dance:
Typical scum. Made your wealth here but refuse to be patriotic and pay taxes here. Just like Trump. Unpatriotic scum of a feather.

And I bet you shop in the next state over, so you don't have to pay sales tax, right scum?

Well there's no sales tax in the state south of me and its only 12 miles away, what do you think. :muahaha:
I vote with my wallet all the time!!!!!
Yes the Cunton wants to rasise the inheritance tax to don't care since you have nothing to begin with.
Adam Smith opposed the generational transfer of wealth. Was the Father of Modern Economics wrong?

Richard Centillion was the father of modern economic having written about it over 4 decades before Smith...I see I'm dealing with an illiterate!
I said modern economics, idiot, and was Smith wrong?
Yes,Smith was the wrong answer...Your tiring with your stupidity, I'll let others school you, I can only take so much liberal insanity for the night!
Great to know that Smith was wrong because he warned that if there was a generational transfer of wealth you ended up with assholes like Trump.
Damn, you really are a fucking communist...jumped right past socialist...Comrade Jerkoff Pete
New York Times (9-21-2016):

Mr. Trump has offered nothing but fallacious excuses for keeping his returns secret. Initially, he said he would not release returns until the Internal Revenue Service completed an ongoing audit; the agency said there’s no rule stopping disclosure during an audit. Recently, one of his sons said the returns are so long and complex that people would ask too many questions if they were allowed to see them.
True. The IRS doesn't care what you do with your copy of your tax return. Since Trump has so many businesses, deductions and apparently some questionable activities since he's always being audited, the media would have a field day with it which is why he's not going to release it.

Trump only releases positive information about his business dealing. It's a privately held business so he can do just that. It would be interesting see what would happen if the media had as much information about Trump's dealings as we have about Hillary.
Why would Trump release his returns since scumbag Harry Reid LIED on the Senate floor to avoid a lawsuit for defamation about Romney's taxes? Reid even admitted he lied on national TV stating...We won, didn't we!!!!
Harry Reid is not running for president.

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