IRS whistle blowers exposed and destroyed Xiden Cartel


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
It was laid down step by step with all the details and all the DOLLARS. A little kid could have followed it. You had the parties involved, the dates, the payouts etc

All backed up with the laptop and the hundreds of emails and photos with names and dates.

Plus all tied is with the other whistle blowers stories that have leaked out from IRS, FBI and business partners.

The case is a 1000 percent slam dunk but the useful idiots in this room and in the country refuse to accept it .

You have to have an IQ of about 50 to not put this together.
It was laid down step by step with all the details and all the DOLLARS. A little kid could have followed it. You had the parties involved, the dates, the payouts etc

All backed up with the laptop and the hundreds of emails and photos with names and dates.

Plus all tied is with the other whistle blowers stories that have leaked out from IRS, FBI and business partners.

The case is a 1000 percent slam dunk but the useful idiots in this room and in the country refuse to accept it .

You have to have an IQ of about 50 to not put this together.
Sadly, the useful idiots refuse to listen to the details, or, more accurately, the lame-stream media won’t report it.

I believe this will have to move to impeachment in order for the useful idiots to get a clue.

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