Republicans have Zero Credibility and the Fake Biden Claims are More of their Lies.

Boebert is a nut job.

Republicans punt on Boebert's effort to impeach Biden

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The Hill › homenews › house › 4062791-re...
4 days ago — House Republicans on Thursday neutered an effort to impeach President Biden, punting the resolution to a pair of committees and avoiding ...

The articles, which accuse Biden of overseeing “a complete and total invasion at the southern border,” triggered an outcry from some of Boebert’s GOP colleagues, who were caught by surprise and quickly condemned any impeachment vote as premature.

But Boebert is already warning that if the two committees don’t move on impeachment quickly enough to satisfy her sense of urgency, she intends to reintroduce the “privileged” resolution to force the issue to the House floor once again.

“That is my commitment, that if nothing happens in committee like I’m promised that it will, yes, I will bring a privileged resolution every day for the rest of my time here in Congress,” Boebert told reporters Wednesday night.

Of course she will...................Boebert is as looney as MTG.

nobody can lie like the democrats can.....and some actually believe all their horseshit

Exactly how government's are over-turned without violence. Has happened many times in world history. Indoctrination coupled with incrementalism. Democrats have been groomed from pre-school that Republicans are bad, Capitalism is destructive, the US is evil, religion is fake, you can choose your gender, etc. Our enemies don't have to lift a finger to see our downfall. They just have to wait out the Democrat's indoctrination scheme to complete it's course.
I have long held that part of the reason Repubs spend so much time and energy focused on a never ending litany of conspiracy theories and false allegations is the need, on the part of the party's elected officials, to distract their constituents from the fact they have no vision for solving the nation's problems.
You guys pushed the "Russia collusion" hoax for 6 years. You claimed that COVID came from bat stew with ZERO evidence, then you silenced anyone who suggested that it came from a lab. You are the party of Jussie Smollet. You said the Convington kid harrassed the indian. You guys said Rittenhouse crossed states lines with a gun in order to murder people, you said Mike Brown had his hands up. You said your endless riots were peaceful, you said looters needed food, etc, etc, etc.

Dont be an annoying fucking hypocrite. Its already bad enough that youre a libcuck douche.
Your cognitive dissonance would be a wonder to behold if it weren't so pathetically banal and common to you sad little proggies.
little catch phrase all you have ?
Cool story, Simp.

Now show us your numbers proving Barry Hussein didn't run up the most debt in history.
Hilarious. Biden didn’t run up the debt dufus; the debt increases because of the accumulated compound interest and deficits of ALL the previous administrations. All presidents inherit debt. If it went significantly, it’s Trump’s doing, he ran up HIS deficit. Biden can only control his own deficit.
little catch phrase all you have ?

Hilarious. Biden didn’t run up the debt dufus; the debt increases because of the accumulated compound interest and deficits of ALL the previous administrations. All presidents inherit debt. If it went significantly, it’s Trump’s doing, he ran up HIS deficit. Biden can only control his own deficit.
Cool story.

Any comment on what I was actually talking about, Simp? That being the fact Obama ran up more debt than any other President in history.
Cool story.

Any comment on what I was actually talking about, Simp? That being the fact Obama ran up more debt than any other President in history.
Obama didn’t run up the debt. He inherited an increase from Bush with his tax cuts he had to live with till they sunset. He reduced it for Trump by lowering the deficit after two years in office. You’re such an idiot. Do you even know what compound interest is ? You simpletons don’t know how to fking add let alone compute the exponential growth in compound interest.
Cool story.

Any comment on what I was actually talking about, Simp? That being the fact Obama ran up more debt than any other President in history.
You don’t know the difference between debt and deficits do you ? Admit it. You’re a math illiterate.
Obama didn’t run up the debt. He inherited an increase from Bush with his tax cuts he had to live with till they sunset. He reduced it for Trump by lowering the deficit after two years in office. You’re such an idiot. Do you even know what compound interest is ? You simpletons don’t know how to fking add let alone compute the exponential growth in compound interest.

You don’t know the difference between debt and deficits do you ? Admit it. You’re a math illiterate.
Obama ran up more debt than any other President in history. fact!

Hey Faun this is the moron you hitched your wagon to in this thread.:itsok::laughing0301:

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
Obama didn’t run up the debt. He inherited an increase from Bush with his tax cuts he had to live with till they sunset. He reduced it for Trump by lowering the deficit after two years in office. You’re such an idiot. Do you even know what compound interest is ? You simpletons don’t know how to fking add let alone compute the exponential growth in compound interest.

You don’t know the difference between debt and deficits do you ? Admit it. You’re a math illiterate.

Cool story.

Any comment on what I was actually talking about, Simp? That being the fact Obama ran up more debt than any other President in history.
Trump added $7.8 trillion to the debt in 4 years.
Obama added almost $10 trillion in 8 years.
I know, and the vote was.................
"House Republicans on Thursday neutered an effort to impeach President Biden, punting the resolution to a pair of committees"

Maybe, but that dog won't hunt.
"The articles, which accuse Biden of overseeing “a complete and total invasion at the southern border,”

Every Republican voted for it dumbass
Mod Edit: Removing quote - cleaning thread.

Glad you understand that Trump (in four years) ran up almost as much debt as Obama did in eight years
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