The Hunter Biden “Whistleblower” Is A Big Fat Liar. Heres The Proof

Tell us again how can you be so sure that the laptop in question belonged to H.B.?
Neither 'The Big Guy' of Hunter have ever said it wasn't.

And beyond that, he claimed ownership when he filed suit against Mac Issac.
Zero connection of Joe to anything. Some dude sends an email offering 10%. Nothing is executed. No one ever met Joe to discuss any business.

Hey... Joe.. I'll offer you 20% of a joint venture.. signed Citygator... uh oh.. more trouble for Joe I guess.
Most Americans don't care about Hunter Biden. Upon hearing his name, they roll their eyes and direct their attention elsewhere. Which is unfortunate, because those who don't turn away are swamped by a firehose of falsehoods. In the absence of scrutiny, professional liars find new mouthpieces to keep recycling the same bogus claims about imaginary corruption. Gary Shapely, the IRS "whistleblower” touted by CBS and Murdoch media, is the latest in a succession of individuals who adhere to a five-step disinformation template:

Step 1: Scavenge private emails to find a fragment that seems ambiguous.

Step 2: Falsify the context and meaning of the fragment in order to fabricate “evidence” of corruption.

Step 3: Embellish the falsified fragment with other lies.

Step 4: Repeat endlessly.

Step 5: Smear others in the media or government who don't coopt your false claims, by accusing them of a coverup of corruption.

Debunking those five steps requires extended explainers. Here’s the Part 1 of an accounting of Shapely's campaign of deception.

Shapely’s Setup: The Big Lie about “10 held by H for the big guy?"

On May 13, 2017, James Gilliar posed a question in an email, which would be truncated years later so it could serve as a right wing meme. He asked if someone he didn't know, Joe Biden, might want to join the other prospective partners, which included Hunter Biden and James Biden, in launching an investment advisory business to be financed by a large Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy. The clear answer was no, as confirmed by their lawyers, and by all partners who signed the final contract on May 22nd.

Not that it would have mattered, because their stillborn enterprise, (the non-Chinese 50% stake was called Oneida Holdings, while the overall venture was called SinoHawk Holdings), was never funded for reasons that eventually became obvious. CEFC turned out to be a Chinese Enron, a house of cards headed for collapse within a year. So all the emails and extended negotiations added up to sound and fury signifying nothing.

All these facts were easily accessible on Google well before the 2020 election. Which is why anyone who spent five minutes on basic fact checking can be certain that Tony Bobulinski is a big fat liar, and that anyone who touts him as a credible "whistleblower" is also a big fat liar.

Bobulinksi became the self-appointed poster boy for the Hunter Biden "corruption scandal," using the same M.O. deployed by everyone else touting the contents of the notorious laptop. He scavenged email correspondence to pluck out one singular fragment; he then falsified the fragment's context and meaning; and then presented it as a "smoking gun" for Fox News. He then doubled down by smearing others who ignored his lies, and accused them of engaging in a coverup.


Read the email for yourself:


Bobulinski excised the parts that refuted his story—the question mark, words like "provisional" and "Expectations," the subsequent documentation and contract—to reverse the intent of the message and suggest that Joe Biden was somehow involved in a business with China.

His fraud went viral, as the pretext for a firehose of lies. Over the past two years, that fragment—"10 held by H for the big guy," or its popular paraphrasing, "10% for the big guy"—has been amplified endlessly, and become a defining marker of dishonesty. Anyone who cites that email fragment to show that Joe Biden had any ownership stake in the aborted venture is a liar. Anyone who cites the email to refute Joe Biden's denial of involvement is a liar. And anyone who says this never-funded venture was lucrative is a liar.

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine actively repeats all these lies constantly, whereas others in Murdoch media, such as Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier, are more subtle and merely insinute lies by invoking the same email fragment.

Bobulinski claimed that Joe Biden was "involved" with the venture because he was introduced to the former Vice President before the contract was signed; and he lied when he said that they "discussed business," when there was never any business to discuss, only his hopes and dreams. His hope to entice the Joe to sign on was quickly vanquished.


The New York Post Amplifed the Same Bogus Narrative Using Another Falsified Email Fragment

Bobulinski's media rollout dovetailed with the New York Post's notorious Hunter Biden laptop story on October 14, 2020. The M.O. is identical, wherein the paper falsified the context and meaning of an email fragment so as to fabricate a phony story about Joe Biden's "involvement" in his son's business affairs. In 2015, Joe Biden made a brief appearance at a charity fundraising dinner in a private room at Georgetown restaurant, and he was introduced to everyone there, including a Ukrainian consultant working for the board of directors of Burisma. If you've ever been to one of those events, you know the opportunity for discussing substantive business is close to zilch. If you're an adult, you know a meeting is nothing but a gesture without concrete followup action. Subsequently, the consultant sent Hunter an email thanking him for a chance to meet the Vice President. That was all of it.

The New York Post concealed all those key facts in order to deceive readers into thinking that they "discussed business" and that the Vice President was "involved" in his son's affairs, and that his denial of involvement was untrue.

Just a minimal amount of fact checking Burt’s another steaming pile of right wing bullshit.
Most Americans don't care about Hunter Biden. Upon hearing his name, they roll their eyes and direct their attention elsewhere. Which is unfortunate, because those who don't turn away are swamped by a firehose of falsehoods. In the absence of scrutiny, professional liars find new mouthpieces to keep recycling the same bogus claims about imaginary corruption. Gary Shapely, the IRS "whistleblower” touted by CBS and Murdoch media, is the latest in a succession of individuals who adhere to a five-step disinformation template:

Step 1: Scavenge private emails to find a fragment that seems ambiguous.

Step 2: Falsify the context and meaning of the fragment in order to fabricate “evidence” of corruption.

Step 3: Embellish the falsified fragment with other lies.

Step 4: Repeat endlessly.

Step 5: Smear others in the media or government who don't coopt your false claims, by accusing them of a coverup of corruption.

Debunking those five steps requires extended explainers. Here’s the Part 1 of an accounting of Shapely's campaign of deception.

Shapely’s Setup: The Big Lie about “10 held by H for the big guy?"

On May 13, 2017, James Gilliar posed a question in an email, which would be truncated years later so it could serve as a right wing meme. He asked if someone he didn't know, Joe Biden, might want to join the other prospective partners, which included Hunter Biden and James Biden, in launching an investment advisory business to be financed by a large Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy. The clear answer was no, as confirmed by their lawyers, and by all partners who signed the final contract on May 22nd.

Not that it would have mattered, because their stillborn enterprise, (the non-Chinese 50% stake was called Oneida Holdings, while the overall venture was called SinoHawk Holdings), was never funded for reasons that eventually became obvious. CEFC turned out to be a Chinese Enron, a house of cards headed for collapse within a year. So all the emails and extended negotiations added up to sound and fury signifying nothing.

All these facts were easily accessible on Google well before the 2020 election. Which is why anyone who spent five minutes on basic fact checking can be certain that Tony Bobulinski is a big fat liar, and that anyone who touts him as a credible "whistleblower" is also a big fat liar.

Bobulinksi became the self-appointed poster boy for the Hunter Biden "corruption scandal," using the same M.O. deployed by everyone else touting the contents of the notorious laptop. He scavenged email correspondence to pluck out one singular fragment; he then falsified the fragment's context and meaning; and then presented it as a "smoking gun" for Fox News. He then doubled down by smearing others who ignored his lies, and accused them of engaging in a coverup.


Read the email for yourself:


Bobulinski excised the parts that refuted his story—the question mark, words like "provisional" and "Expectations," the subsequent documentation and contract—to reverse the intent of the message and suggest that Joe Biden was somehow involved in a business with China.

His fraud went viral, as the pretext for a firehose of lies. Over the past two years, that fragment—"10 held by H for the big guy," or its popular paraphrasing, "10% for the big guy"—has been amplified endlessly, and become a defining marker of dishonesty. Anyone who cites that email fragment to show that Joe Biden had any ownership stake in the aborted venture is a liar. Anyone who cites the email to refute Joe Biden's denial of involvement is a liar. And anyone who says this never-funded venture was lucrative is a liar.

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine actively repeats all these lies constantly, whereas others in Murdoch media, such as Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier, are more subtle and merely insinute lies by invoking the same email fragment.

Bobulinski claimed that Joe Biden was "involved" with the venture because he was introduced to the former Vice President before the contract was signed; and he lied when he said that they "discussed business," when there was never any business to discuss, only his hopes and dreams. His hope to entice the Joe to sign on was quickly vanquished.


The New York Post Amplifed the Same Bogus Narrative Using Another Falsified Email Fragment

Bobulinski's media rollout dovetailed with the New York Post's notorious Hunter Biden laptop story on October 14, 2020. The M.O. is identical, wherein the paper falsified the context and meaning of an email fragment so as to fabricate a phony story about Joe Biden's "involvement" in his son's business affairs. In 2015, Joe Biden made a brief appearance at a charity fundraising dinner in a private room at Georgetown restaurant, and he was introduced to everyone there, including a Ukrainian consultant working for the board of directors of Burisma. If you've ever been to one of those events, you know the opportunity for discussing substantive business is close to zilch. If you're an adult, you know a meeting is nothing but a gesture without concrete followup action. Subsequently, the consultant sent Hunter an email thanking him for a chance to meet the Vice President. That was all of it.

The New York Post concealed all those key facts in order to deceive readers into thinking that they "discussed business" and that the Vice President was "involved" in his son's affairs, and that his denial of involvement was untrue.

Just a minimal amount of fact checking Burt’s another steaming pile of right wing bullshit.
another daily shit feeding from the daily kook, from the kook of all kooks.......................your name is now Daily Kook you kook
Most Americans don't care about Hunter Biden. Upon hearing his name, they roll their eyes and direct their attention elsewhere. Which is unfortunate, because those who don't turn away are swamped by a firehose of falsehoods. In the absence of scrutiny, professional liars find new mouthpieces to keep recycling the same bogus claims about imaginary corruption. Gary Shapely, the IRS "whistleblower” touted by CBS and Murdoch media, is the latest in a succession of individuals who adhere to a five-step disinformation template:

Step 1: Scavenge private emails to find a fragment that seems ambiguous.

Step 2: Falsify the context and meaning of the fragment in order to fabricate “evidence” of corruption.

Step 3: Embellish the falsified fragment with other lies.

Step 4: Repeat endlessly.

Step 5: Smear others in the media or government who don't coopt your false claims, by accusing them of a coverup of corruption.

Debunking those five steps requires extended explainers. Here’s the Part 1 of an accounting of Shapely's campaign of deception.

Shapely’s Setup: The Big Lie about “10 held by H for the big guy?"

On May 13, 2017, James Gilliar posed a question in an email, which would be truncated years later so it could serve as a right wing meme. He asked if someone he didn't know, Joe Biden, might want to join the other prospective partners, which included Hunter Biden and James Biden, in launching an investment advisory business to be financed by a large Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC China Energy. The clear answer was no, as confirmed by their lawyers, and by all partners who signed the final contract on May 22nd.

Not that it would have mattered, because their stillborn enterprise, (the non-Chinese 50% stake was called Oneida Holdings, while the overall venture was called SinoHawk Holdings), was never funded for reasons that eventually became obvious. CEFC turned out to be a Chinese Enron, a house of cards headed for collapse within a year. So all the emails and extended negotiations added up to sound and fury signifying nothing.

All these facts were easily accessible on Google well before the 2020 election. Which is why anyone who spent five minutes on basic fact checking can be certain that Tony Bobulinski is a big fat liar, and that anyone who touts him as a credible "whistleblower" is also a big fat liar.

Bobulinksi became the self-appointed poster boy for the Hunter Biden "corruption scandal," using the same M.O. deployed by everyone else touting the contents of the notorious laptop. He scavenged email correspondence to pluck out one singular fragment; he then falsified the fragment's context and meaning; and then presented it as a "smoking gun" for Fox News. He then doubled down by smearing others who ignored his lies, and accused them of engaging in a coverup.


Read the email for yourself:


Bobulinski excised the parts that refuted his story—the question mark, words like "provisional" and "Expectations," the subsequent documentation and contract—to reverse the intent of the message and suggest that Joe Biden was somehow involved in a business with China.

His fraud went viral, as the pretext for a firehose of lies. Over the past two years, that fragment—"10 held by H for the big guy," or its popular paraphrasing, "10% for the big guy"—has been amplified endlessly, and become a defining marker of dishonesty. Anyone who cites that email fragment to show that Joe Biden had any ownership stake in the aborted venture is a liar. Anyone who cites the email to refute Joe Biden's denial of involvement is a liar. And anyone who says this never-funded venture was lucrative is a liar.

New York Post columnist Miranda Devine actively repeats all these lies constantly, whereas others in Murdoch media, such as Martha MacCallum and Bret Baier, are more subtle and merely insinute lies by invoking the same email fragment.

Bobulinski claimed that Joe Biden was "involved" with the venture because he was introduced to the former Vice President before the contract was signed; and he lied when he said that they "discussed business," when there was never any business to discuss, only his hopes and dreams. His hope to entice the Joe to sign on was quickly vanquished.


The New York Post Amplifed the Same Bogus Narrative Using Another Falsified Email Fragment

Bobulinski's media rollout dovetailed with the New York Post's notorious Hunter Biden laptop story on October 14, 2020. The M.O. is identical, wherein the paper falsified the context and meaning of an email fragment so as to fabricate a phony story about Joe Biden's "involvement" in his son's business affairs. In 2015, Joe Biden made a brief appearance at a charity fundraising dinner in a private room at Georgetown restaurant, and he was introduced to everyone there, including a Ukrainian consultant working for the board of directors of Burisma. If you've ever been to one of those events, you know the opportunity for discussing substantive business is close to zilch. If you're an adult, you know a meeting is nothing but a gesture without concrete followup action. Subsequently, the consultant sent Hunter an email thanking him for a chance to meet the Vice President. That was all of it.

The New York Post concealed all those key facts in order to deceive readers into thinking that they "discussed business" and that the Vice President was "involved" in his son's affairs, and that his denial of involvement was untrue.

Just a minimal amount of fact checking Burt’s another steaming pile of right wing bullshit.
Good thing you don’t care about this…
I think the 4,738 threads by liberals telling people how unimportant Hunter Biden, tells a different story. Liberal fear is so obvious.

Actually, any case against Biden is over.

only the most deluded and desperate are still harping on a case that’s over.

And idiots.
I find it strange that someone would start a thread about something that "is over".

Why would they do that ?
So, the ReNaziKlans big important Whistleblower was not afraid come forward. He was NOT killed by the Biden.

He is however a Federal Fugitive wanted on charges of acting as an Unregistered Agent for the People's Republic of (Communist) China.

Imagine what would have happened if his Federal Fugitive Status had been revealed in a hearing on National Television. The ReNaziKlans knew who and what he was and fucking lied about.

Representatives Dave Goldman (D-NY) and Jamie Raskin (D-MD) have sent a letter to Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) taking Comer to task for allowing Luft potentially manipulate his investigation "not only for his own self-interest but perhaps also in furtherance of the [Chinese Communist Party's] efforts to undermine U.S. security interests."

Here is PDF of the letter sent by Reps Goldman and Raskin to Comer.

Comer would have allowed a person who is accused acting as an Unregistered Agent for the People's Republic of China to testify and in doing allow that person to manipulate his own investigation.

Comer showed an astonishing lack of good judgement, if not out and out stupidity for thinking he could pull this shit off.

IF Comer claim he did NOT know about Luft being accused of being a Chinese Agent, he should have. It is his job to know.

IF on the other hand, Comer did know and tried bluff his way though it, it show a huge amount of disrespect for the American People.

It also shows how absolutely, completely and totally the ReNaziKlans are to distract from the Rapist and Traitor.
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He is however a Federal Fugitive wanted on charges of acting as an Unregistered Agent for the People's Republic of (Communist) China.
Someone else was an unregistered agent.........don't think he was charged.....must have some connections.
It's not that the whole very made manufactured outrage over Hunter Biden is based on lies, it's by now they know they are lied and do not care.

The jack hole MAGA MAGGOT'S turns a blind eye to all the money made by Ivanka with Chinese Trademarks (after the Rapist and Traitor imposed Tariff's on China) and the Two Fucking Billion Dollars ($Fucking 2,000,000,000.00) that Jared made from a deal with Saudi's. Never the millions made Ivanka. Never the billions made by Jared, we have to go after H.B. with lies, contrived Emails (there is no proof of H.B. being originator of the Emails), we have go after H.B.

H.B. never served his father's office either as Vice-President or President. Ivanka and Jared worked in the White House, but we have to go after H.B.

Don’t stroke out.

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