Is America doomed?


VIP Member
Dec 28, 2012
"When you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing - When you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors - When you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you - When you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice - You may know that your society is doomed.”
---Atlas Shrugged
No, this nation is not doomed. In fact, we still have a great many wonderful things to accomplish. And any disciple of Ayn Rand fails to see reality at all.
Financially we are screwed.

Other nations have been screwed before and survived, depends on how you handle what is coming. If we decide more of the same then we are doomed.
We've been screwed before and we pulled through.

Hyperinflation is on it's way, and the storm clouds are gathering.

All people with functioning brains (sorry, liberals) are stockpiling food, securing water sources, and are prepared to defend their families and property.

These same people have also figured out that PAPER PROMISES are not "money", and the only TRUE means of monetary exchange for goods and services are silver and gold.
So what's the answer? I say get the grubbing for money out of elections and go to public financing.

How about we limit financing to the area the person represents, for senate no out of state money, for congress no out of district money, that should keep the congress critters more loyal to the people that finance and elect them.
Wow, just wow. There was a time that this would have been taken seriously. Not now. Sad.
Uses of Cannabis during periods of Anarchy:

Fibers for weaving your own clothes, seed for food, flowers for medicine, stalks for paper and multiple uses.

If this society collapses then maybe the cops will finally stop arresting people for weed and we can rebuild the way our Founders did.
The funny thing is that the extreme elements of the political spectrum known as the far left said you could do worse than Bush.

Well obviously they lied as we now have Obama.
Wow, just wow. There was a time that this would have been taken seriously. Not now. Sad.

Yes it is Sad that we have allowed them to squander our children's future. Or stupidity of allowing TPTB screw us will be coming to roost soon, and hell will follow.
Sure we are doomed. There is nothing we can do about it either. It's not campaign financing although that may be part of it. The political power has tipped to those who produce nothing and now demand that their demands be satisfied.
WE ARE DOOMED IF WE REJECT GOD AND VOTE IN more clueless leaders. our choice!
The ace-in-the-hole is the greatest document ever created. Democrats have been keeping American kids ignorant ever since Jimmy Carter pardoned all the left wing teachers who renounced their citizenship and fled to Canada. The pesky Constitution still gets in the way of the liberal agenda but more Americans are paying attention.
The ace-in-the-hole is the greatest document ever created. Democrats have been keeping American kids ignorant ever since Jimmy Carter pardoned all the left wing teachers who renounced their citizenship and fled to Canada. The pesky Constitution still gets in the way of the liberal agenda but more Americans are paying attention.
That wouldn't even make sense if it was in English.

Watch this and thank a liberal for your freedom:

[ame=]Hemp For Victory (1942) U.S. Department of Agriculture - YouTube[/ame]
Hyperinflation is on it's way, and the storm clouds are gathering.

All people with functioning brains (sorry, liberals) are stockpiling food, securing water sources, and are prepared to defend their families and property.

These same people have also figured out that PAPER PROMISES are not "money", and the only TRUE means of monetary exchange for goods and services are silver and gold.

We have been hearing this gloom and doom for forty years.

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