Is America doomed?

Well, compared to what they had before, Lenin wasn't exactly bad news.
Change can be good or bad. That was very bad news, leading to 70 years of oppression and failure. Of course, in their zeal, they were eventually able to spread their brand of oppression and failure to most of their neighbors and the four corners of the world.

There are morons who would love to do it again.
As long as the radical, muslim, kenyan fraud is in the now black house, yes, we're doomed.

Next question...

Words like "doomed" or "destroyed" (from another thread) miss the mark. Hyperbole.

We'll still be here, just in another form. The Left isn't kidding (honesty is good!) when they use phrases like "re-make America", "fundamentally transform America" and "change". They don't like it the way it has been (please don't claim that you would want to re-make, fundamentally transform, or change something that you like, let alone love), and they're going about the business of making it the way they want it to be.

It's working, too. Within 20-25 years, we're going to look like one of the standard Euro-social democracies like France or Greece or England or Spain or Germany. Maybe a step or two to the left of that. All the momentum is there, the Left has been very patient over the last 40 years, and here it comes.

The Right is certainly not blameless, by the way. They've made America an easy target for the Left by (1) going completely absolutist on a wide range of issues, from taxes to shutting down huge departments to bending over for political correctness and identity politics, to running absolutist candidates and saying absolutist shit that played right into the Left's hands, and (2) completely failing to recognize and deal with how swiftly the Left has changed the culture in the country.

So it is what it is. Game over. I've completed my grieving process for this country and I try to look at the bright side, the positives that will come with this "change". The one variable that remains is the southern border and how quickly the Left will be able to essentially dissolve it. That's one strategy that hasn't occurred to me until recently, and it could speed up my 20-25 year time frame significantly.

America as the dynamic, high risk, anything is possible leader of the world? Nope. Poof. Bye bye. And for many, that's just fine.

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Not doomed.

Fractured and apathetic? Yes.

It reminds me of the old parable about a family. I've heard it put several different ways but the gist is probably best described as this; "I sometimes want to kill my brother but I always will kill anyone who tries to kill him." When the chips are down, the apathy will go away and you'll see a resurgence of bipartisanship like we saw after 9/11 briefly.

What the gloom and doomers do not take into account is that there has always been this feeling in the nation that the American experiment is just about over. That challenges from Europe or the Far East and now China will usurp and destroy our nation. I think a certain political philosophy thrives on always having an enemy at the gates (hence our laughable defense spending). But what the gloom and doomers fail to realize is that the Internet, self-publishing, and other social media have allowed this alarmist cult to become more vocal than they were in the 1990's

I mean, really, do you think this "We're Doomed" malarkey just came up?

This was the most popular magazine in the world's cover story back in 2009---5 years ago.


Actually, I was fibbing...not 5 years ago. Not 10 years ago. Not even 15 years ago. It was 25 years ago, we were asking the same questions about America... Yet here we are the only superpower remaining. What happened? We just kept on keeping on. And in 25 years, we'll still be here as we will be 125 years from now.
There is one chance that America has and that's to divide and keep some fraction of what was America alive.
The funny thing is that the extreme elements of the political spectrum known as the far left said you could do worse than Bush.

Well obviously they lied as we now have Obama.

Whatever, as you denied what's coming in your other post........

You know it's coming unless you live under a rock.

You are not a prophet, and have not the sense to foresee the future.

Trying to draw a parallel between prophecy, economic facts, and common sense is the equivalent of sticking your head in the sand, or sticking your head somewhere else. :cuckoo:

Common sense with our economy and the Markets left the building a long time ago.
The economic factors tend to show a crash. Similarities to the Margin Debt were indicators in the past. The only thing keeping it going is the Fed.
Prophecy is beliefs in possibly revelations, and a hundred years of war. Some believe and some don't, but major Wars usually happen after massive economic implosions world wide. The Market collapse this time will be devastating world wide, and groups like the IMF keep their talking points on a Global Reset. Hell they are even talking about what to do with a new reserve currency during the reset.
With Hussein Obama ? yes it is.... America is doomed with the likes of him.

America's best days are ahead of us, there will be some great changes coming in the economic system and the culture and tenor of this Country. Right now we are witnessing and hearing the death rattle of the old order of bitter old white racists trying to fight back against the inevitable, just like sick and wounded animals they are the most dangerous as they are lashing out with their fear and hatred . This too shall pass in the near future.
We're not doomed. There is common ground.


Right-wing Conservatives can grow "Marihuana" to provide jobs for Americans and support our troops in war, and left-wing hippie Progressives can grow "Marihuana" to provide jobs for Americans and support our troops in war.

That's called "compromise". It's how we won World War II.
America's best days are ahead of us, there will be some great changes coming in the economic system and the culture and tenor of this Country. Right now we are witnessing and hearing the death rattle of the old order of bitter old white racists trying to fight back against the inevitable, just like sick and wounded animals they are the most dangerous as they are lashing out with their fear and hatred . This too shall pass in the near future.

I thinks this is what he meant to say, I corrected the misspelled words:

America's best days are behind us, there will be some f@@ked -up changes coming in the economic system and the culture and tenor of this Country. Right now we are witnessing and hearing the death rattle of Obama , just like sick and wounded animals that Democrats are the most dangerous of them are lashing out at Middleclass America with fear and hatred . This too shall pass in the near future as the Demorats are sent packing and common sense once again prevails .
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No, this nation is not doomed. In fact, we still have a great many wonderful things to accomplish. And any disciple of Ayn Rand fails to see reality at all.

Agreed. Rand thought too much of herself, her 'followers' tend to be smug, know it alls, also. She espoused atheism and egotism, and rejected altruism, faith, and, charity. Those who repeat her prattle should read about her; a second rate novelist, she, like L. Ron Hubbard, found $$$$$ in those too eager for "meaning" to THINK.
Hyperinflation is on it's way, and the storm clouds are gathering.

All people with functioning brains (sorry, liberals) are stockpiling food, securing water sources, and are prepared to defend their families and property.

These same people have also figured out that PAPER PROMISES are not "money", and the only TRUE means of monetary exchange for goods and services are silver and gold.

Then by all means we need this:

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

-Companies with 300 employees or less, employee expenses above the deduction are subsidized at 100% with funds usually give back to the States.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure. Remove the FICA limit.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years which will eliminate inflation.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.
Obviously, the quality of the American people and their ability to think rationally is on a very downward trend. It is not impossible for the US to reach
the threshold which allowed Lenin to cease power with popular support.

I'm're not.....think about it.

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