Is America fundamentally Christian?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on the philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.
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He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

The "beast" has always enslaved people into religions and it's religious ideas. Where do you think all buildings, cities, government and man's laws come from?

God commanded us to not worship false gods but sinners can't obey Him.
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

The "beast" has always enslaved people into religions and it's religious ideas. Where do you think all buildings, cities, government and man's laws come from?

God commanded us to not worship false gods but sinners can't obey Him.

Back in the days of old, collectivists told us that they were god. Then when that no longer worked they told us that they spoke for god. Then when that no longer worked they told us that there is no God, thus making themselves a god of sorts all over again. When this no longer works and we stop implicitly trusting that they have the wisdom to run our lives how they see fit, what will they do? My guess is revert back to claiming that they speak for God. This is probably where Islam fits into the picture in the future.
Ive seen absolutely no evidence that the Founders were poisoned against religion. Most of them were very religious men.
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

The "beast" has always enslaved people into religions and it's religious ideas. Where do you think all buildings, cities, government and man's laws come from?

God commanded us to not worship false gods but sinners can't obey Him.

Back in the days of old, collectivists told us that they were god. Then when that no longer worked they told us that they spoke for god. Then when that no longer worked they told us that there is no God, thus making themselves a god of sorts all over again. When this no longer works and we stop implicitly trusting that they have the wisdom to run our lives how they see fit, what will they do? My guess is revert back to claiming that they speak for God. This is probably where Islam fits into the picture in the future.

Christians believe they speak for God but they're nothing but sinners under the old covenant. Sinners will have to wait until their flesh dies in this age before waking up to the new covenant that only us saints understand in this age.

Jeremiah 31
31: "Behold, the days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah,
32: not like the covenant which I made with their fathers when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant which they broke, though I was their husband, says the LORD.
33: But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put my law within them, and I will write it upon their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
34: And no longer shall each man teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, `Know the LORD,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, says the LORD; for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more."
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on the philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

What would make a country "fundamentally christian" I suppose is what you must decide.

Personally I think we are, but not in a positive religious way.
1 - Christians have done terrible things to each other for silly reasons
2 - Christians have a habit of damning others to hell while sinning themselves
3 - Give a Christian an excuse and he can find a war to fight, yup, that is us anymore
4 - Poor Native Americans.
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on the philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

Try again.
He's extremely influential.....Every time you hear some moronic right-winger gassing on about how we were founded as a Christian nation they have, directly or indirectly, bought into Barton's lies.

Not really, Wm. Buckley Jr.. was that way too based on the philosophy or Eric Voegelin. Jesus was the most powerful figure in history and he counseled us to not emannitize the ecshaton, i.e.., don't create a powerful liberal state that will try to create heaven on earth. That may be the fundamental wisdom of Christianity. It is about the individual perfecting himself and his relationship with God, not about the liberal state doing good works and accidentally killing millions in the process.

The other thing you don't realize is that our Founders, geniuses that they were, were poisoned against religion by the big liberal governments of Europe claiming they were the religious authority on earth.

Further, they took the extreme moral behavior that religion created in the soul of each man for granted. That is why there is nothing about morality in the Constitution. Had they know that liberals would kill religion, sanction class warfare, and destroy the family they would have put some basic behavioral guidelines in the Constitution.

So what's your problem?

Is it with Chrisitianity?

Is it with Christians?

Is it with someone's interpretation of history? How impacting can that be on the current landscape?
Your question should be phrased as "Are American Fundamentalists Christians"?

When compared to the teachings of Jesus there is a huge disparity between what is practiced as opposed to what was taught.

Love thy neighbor but not if they happen to of a different race, creed, language, political party, income or sexual orientation is closer to the reality in America today.

And yes, this applies to fundamentalists of all religions. They are all equally guilty of being "holier than thou" but since you asked this question about America, Christians and specifically fundamentalism the answer is to look at yourselves and ask that question. The picture is not a pretty one in my opinion.
America is fundamentally pluralistic. There was a reason that the text of the Constitution explicitly forbids the former religious colonies from ever having religious tests for any public office. Because the United States was to be a NEW GENERATIONAL ORDER. People at the time had no problem with what the delegates had done, because they didn't take their religion as seriously back then as evangelicals do today. To know this, we need only look at the mysticism they indulged in in the popular books of the day

from Poor Richards Almanack (1773) which was based around the zodiac.

Unfortunately, despite the numerous resources with which the ignorantsia could improve their degraded minds, they have been conditioned that knowledge is sinful, and that critical thinking leads to hell.

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