Is America Ready for A New Political Party?

Adam's Apple

Senior Member
Apr 25, 2004
Long article. Might want to print out to read.

Third Time
By Peggy Noonan, Opinion Journal
June 1, 2006

Something's happening. I have a feeling we're at some new beginning, that a big breakup's coming, and that though it isn't and will not be immediately apparent, we'll someday look back on this era as the time when a shift began.

All my adult life, people have been saying that the two-party system is ending, that the Democrats' and Republicans' control of political power in America is winding down. According to the traditional critique, the two parties no longer offer the people the choice they want and deserve. Sometimes it's said they are too much alike--Tweedledum and Tweedledee. Sometimes it's said they're too polarizing--too red and too blue for a nation in which many see things through purple glasses.

In 1992 Ross Perot looked like the breakthrough, the man who would make third parties a reality. He destabilized the Republicans and then destabilized himself. By the end of his campaign he seemed to be the crazy old aunt in the attic.

The Perot experience seemed to put an end to third-party fever. But I think it's coming back, I think it's going to grow, and I think the force behind it is unique in our history.

for full article:
Great find, Adam's Apple! It gives voice to many of my personal feelings, in clearer, more coherent language than I could manage.

I've always said that the beating heart of liberalism is its elitist arrogance. I shall now have to concede that this disgusting character flaw is rampant in the "one-world" wing of my party, as well. Being treated with contempt is not pleasant, no matter where it comes from. Down-to-earth, realistic, hard-nosed conservatism is the only hope this constitutional republic has, and the electorate realize that - even if our "betters" in political office do not.

Therefore, I believe that either, A) the Republican Party will relocate its beating heart (perhaps with the aid of a hard kick to the region somewhere a bit further south - administered by its conservative base), or, B) a new party - respectful of, and responsive to, ordinary, freedom-loving Americans - will soon emerge.

Americans aren't stupid. We won't sit back and watch ignorant, arrogant politicians - from either party - give it all away.
As someone who voted not once, but TWICE for Ross Perot... I've learned my lesson. And, the Naderites of 2000 screwed my vote for Gore... it solidified it. When will people learn that as long as we don't demand some type of reform which forces more parties into the system, we'll never have anything but the two party system and must work from within it to destroy it.
jasendorf said:
As someone who voted not once, but TWICE for Ross Perot... I've learned my lesson. And, the Naderites of 2000 screwed my vote for Gore... it solidified it. When will people learn that as long as we don't demand some type of reform which forces more parties into the system, we'll never have anything but the two party system and must work from within it to destroy it.

Conventional wisdom (and recent history) would seem to support your view, jasendorf. However, there are a few differences this time around. For one, I haven't sensed this foul a mood in such a large segment of the electorate in many a year. But, more important is the very means by which you and I are now conversing - the Internet.

The very same smug, self-satisfied Republicans who were happy to reap the benefits of a new openness in discourse may learn very soon that it's a sword that cuts both ways. I believe a third party has a better chance of succeeeding now than at any time in recent history.

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