Is Antifa Still Being paid By the Russians?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Antifa Declares Anti-Trump Feminist A Fascist

"Dissenting feminist Christina Hoff Sommers is now considered a fascist.

Sommers appeared at Lewis & Clark Law School on Monday to share her critical perspective of contemporary feminism. But the American Enterprise Institute scholar didn’t really get the chance to speak thanks to “anti-fascist” protesters who crashed her event.

“No platform for fascists, no platform at all!” the protesters chanted during the speech. “We will fight for justice until Christina’s gone. Which side are you on, friends, which side are you on?”

Besides the obvious irony of how an intolerant fascist group that opposes free speech calls itself ANTI-Fascist (ANTIfa), the question still persists - based on their continued actions -, "Is Antifa still being paid / manipulated by Russia to split America down racial lines?"
--- Antifa Declares Anti-Trump Feminist A Fascist

Evidence presented shows that Russia successfully conducted Psychologial Operations within the United States intended to interfere in the US election in 2016 through the use of social media, which successfully got liberals to organize and march for them, and paid money to Liberal groups to include 'The Black Fist', 'Black Lives Matter', and Antifa to spread racial division and violence, continuing to divide Americans.

(Russian internet trolls sought to co-opt unwitting American activists)

(In attempt to sow fear, Russian trolls paid for self-defense classes for African Americans)

(Russian troll factory paid US activists to help fund protests during election)

Evidence proved that the vast majority of massive rioting and violence (rioting, looting, burning, etc...) perpetrated in Baltimore and other cities, for example, was caused by paid protestors and thugs who were bussed in from out of town.

So now Antifa pops up again, like a bad rash, interrupts free speech in action again, and continues to spread racial division...

Are the Russians still 'pulling' their 'puppet' strings...still paying them to do their bidding?
LOL ANIFTA is a bunch of Fascists running around calling others Fascists. Evidently they don't know the definition of Fascists. Fucking morons

Antifa Declares Anti-Trump Feminist A Fascist

Dissenting feminist Christina Hoff Sommers is now considered a fascist.

Sommers appeared at Lewis & Clark Law School on Monday to share her critical perspective of contemporary feminism. But the American Enterprise Institute scholar didn’t really get the chance to speak thanks to “anti-fascist” protesters who crashed her event.

“No platform for fascists, no platform at all!” the protesters chanted during the speech. “We will fight for justice until Christina’s gone. Which side are you on, friends, which side are you on?”

Antifa Declares Anti-Trump Feminist A Fascist
Why aren't ALL Americans anti-fascism? Why aren't all Americans AntiFa? And why the constant lies about AntiFa from RWNJs?
sooner or later we just need to stop giving a flying shit what these guys are saying and when no one cares anymore, they'll go back to being pissed at life on facebook and instagram.

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