Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

As Krugman says now,things are going well enough, considering all the Pub obstruction and fear mongering. All we should do is rehire those teachers, pass some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution Pub bills that are just blatant electioneering, thanks. They are totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy well as tax cuts for the bloated rich- the whole pandering to the greedy rich/corps Pub platform, a proven disaster for the country. see sig pp1.

change the station have said this 5 times already.....get some new shit.....
Two things for sure- Pub corruption and cronyism caused the SECOND Pub great depression, and Keynesian stimulus averted its effects. The debt "crisis" fear mongering and austerity has ended growth for the great part.

Luckily, it looks like enough was done. Even Krugman only wants to rehire "the teachers" etc, laid off because of Pub austerity overkill. The disfunction they cause hurts too. We need some infrastucture work, especially after 30 years of voodoo. Cheney was right that debt didn't matter, but to stimulate growth in the depression he and Pubs caused...PUBS-ALWAYS A DISASTER.
He look posterior sniffer, I can name TWO infrastructure projects right here in this region that are being sued into a grinding halt by LIBERAL environmentalists.
Ruling leaves toll road in doubt | & The Charlotte Observer Newspaper is a grass roots environmentalist group funded by those which side with liberal causes.
Infrastructure my ass...Anything that represents progress and is absent of some new urbanist smart growth mas transit nonsense, is attacked by environmentalist attorneys.
These are the same people who bitch about traffic jams and long commutes. They also whine about shitty cell service, but will fight to the death to keep a cell tower out of their town.
As Krugman says now,things are going well enough, considering all the Pub obstruction and fear mongering. All we should do is rehire those teachers, pass some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution Pub bills that are just blatant electioneering, thanks. They are totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy well as tax cuts for the bloated rich- the whole pandering to the greedy rich/corps Pub platform, a proven disaster for the country. see sig pp1.

Quoting or paraphrasing Paul Krugman gets you no points.

Krugman is a tool and a zealot who needs mindless idiots like you to make him seem necessary and important.

The GOP stopped the recession Obama had us in and have turned it around.

Rhandi roads is a liar and so is Ed Shults.

That fact that you pisswads keep your heads in the sand is too funny.

"Your in debt....what you need is MORE DEBT !!!" You bed.....killer logic.

Killer alright.

Piss of you moron and move to Cuba where they might fall for your pompous crap.

The Political Jungle: Ed Shultz - LIAR!!!!
holy fucking i have to be high to understand this guy?....:eusa_eh:


I've been trying to imagine who on SNL (in all their history) could take his posts make them into a script and convert it to a character.

I'm thinking either Aykroyd or Martin "wild and crazy guy" persona would be the only ones that could pull it off.

franco is truly one of a kind.

BTW he does make far more sense when you're shit faced. It's scary. :eusa_angel:

whats scarey is he "claims" he has a one with an advanced degree would be so ignorant expressing themselves...... he expresses himself like a stroonge from outer slobovia....


franco is the one on the right

I've been trying to imagine who on SNL (in all their history) could take his posts make them into a script and convert it to a character.

I'm thinking either Aykroyd or Martin "wild and crazy guy" persona would be the only ones that could pull it off.

franco is truly one of a kind.

BTW he does make far more sense when you're shit faced. It's scary. :eusa_angel:

whats scarey is he "claims" he has a one with an advanced degree would be so ignorant expressing themselves...... he expresses himself like a stroonge from outer slobovia....


franco is the one on the right

The gay it.
1945-1980: Consumer demand created by high wages, government programs, and entitlements. Put simply: government ensured that the middle class had money for consumption. Their ability to spend money caused the capitalist to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money. That is what capital does - it functions off of demand. When their is no demand - like now - For 45 years government policy was designed to create middle class demand. And during those years, America had its most sustained economic boom.

But the ultra wealthy wanted more. So they purchased a political party and poured trillions into think tanks and popular media > opinion management.

1980: Business funds the Reagan ascendancy because they want cheaper labor, monopoly-friendly regulations, and lower taxes - In short, business got sick of tax and labor policies of sustaining a solvent middle class of consumers. And business got sick of the regulatory burden of protecting air and water. And business got sick of paying for the infrastructure costs of the modern industrial state - they got sick of the paying to maintain roads, bridges, and energy grids. So Reagan broke unions and laid the rhetorical groundwork for ignoring the environment and infrastructure (which he did to make room for tax cuts. But his spending cuts never amounted to anything because he spent like a drunken sailor RE the Pentagon Budget and new War on Drugs). Most brilliantly, Reagan used the Cold World to bring the 3rd world into the global system (-he wasn't fighting the Soviets in Grenada anymore than McCarthy was fighting soviets in Iowa. Reagan was using a brutal, military form of coercive neoliberalism to give American capital access to 3rd world labor and resources. He supported dictators who let foreign capital walk away with all the resources of the hose country. Thus starts the great era of capital flight to human rights abusing dictator run countries in Asia, South America, Central America, and the middle east.

1980-2008: Cheap labor comes to America. Walmart is the new model > low wages and little to no benefits. High paying manufacturing jobs disappear, shipped to Asian sweatshops. Clothing and sneakers and silverware are made for pennies by workers with no freedom who live in mud huts (-capitalism and freedom?). Reagan has a problem though. What happens to the domestic economy if the break bulk of workers no longer have sufficient wages and benefits to consumer. Answer: expand the credit system. And thus begins the great era of debt based consumption. Morning in America paid for by Amex, Master Card, Visa, and sub-primes. It got so bad we had to hawk the last thing left with any value: our homes. Now there is nothing to fuel demand. The wealthy have all the money and the middle class is too bankrupt to borrow another dime.

FDR's wage based consumption is replaced by Reagan's credit based consumption.

America swallowed poison in 1980. The concentrated wealth that took over the Republican Party destroyed the goose that laid the golden egg: demand. They tried to make up for the failed trickle down by expanding credit. This resulted in the Bush Financial Meltdown. The game is over and no election will change that. If the GOP re-takes Washington, they will do what they always do: change the conversation from the economy to evil doers. Get ready for the War on Terrorism Part II. If you thought Bush bankrupted and destroyed our freedoms with the Patriot Act, you ain't seen nothing yet.

(Oh, one more thing. Austerity doesn't work when the problem is demand. Morons)
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Exactly. Try and help them, TD LOL

"Pubs STOPPED the Depression?" You're HILARIOUS. Read something fcs.
(Oh, one more thing. Austerity doesn't work when the problem is demand. Morons)
1945-1980: Consumer demand created by high wages, government programs, and entitlements. Put simply: government ensured that the middle class had money for consumption. Their ability to spend money caused the capitalist to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money. That is what capital does - it functions off of demand. When their is no demand - like now - For 45 years government policy was designed to create middle class demand. And during those years, America had its most sustained economic boom.

But the ultra wealthy wanted more. So they purchased a political party and poured trillions into think tanks and popular media > opinion management.

1980: Business funds the Reagan ascendancy because they want cheaper labor, monopoly-friendly regulations, and lower taxes - In short, business got sick of tax and labor policies of sustaining a solvent middle class of consumers. And business got sick of the regulatory burden of protecting air and water. And business got sick of paying for the infrastructure costs of the modern industrial state - they got sick of the paying to maintain roads, bridges, and energy grids. So Reagan broke unions and laid the rhetorical groundwork for ignoring the environment and infrastructure (which he did to make room for tax cuts. But his spending cuts never amounted to anything because he spent like a drunken sailor RE the Pentagon Budget and new War on Drugs). Most brilliantly, Reagan used the Cold World to bring the 3rd world into the global system (-he wasn't fighting the Soviets in Grenada anymore than McCarthy was fighting soviets in Iowa. Reagan was using a brutal, military form of coercive neoliberalism to give American capital access to 3rd world labor and resources. He supported dictators who let foreign capital walk away with all the resources of the hose country. Thus starts the great era of capital flight to human rights abusing dictator run countries in Asia, South America, Central America, and the middle east.

1980-2008: Cheap labor comes to America. Walmart is the new model > low wages and little to no benefits. High paying manufacturing jobs disappear, shipped to Asian sweatshops. Clothing and sneakers and silverware are made for pennies by workers with no freedom who live in mud huts (-capitalism and freedom?). Reagan has a problem though. What happens to the domestic economy if the break bulk of workers no longer have sufficient wages and benefits to consumer. Answer: expand the credit system. And thus begins the great era of debt based consumption. Morning in America paid for by Amex, Master Card, Visa, and sub-primes. It got so bad we had to hawk the last thing left with any value: our homes. Now there is nothing to fuel demand. The wealthy have all the money and the middle class is too bankrupt to borrow another dime.

FDR's wage based consumption is replaced by Reagan's credit based consumption.

America swallowed poison in 1980. The concentrated wealth that took over the Republican Party destroyed the goose that laid the golden egg: demand. They tried to make up for the failed trickle down by expanding credit. This resulted in the Bush Financial Meltdown. The game is over and no election will change that. If the GOP re-takes Washington, they will do what they always do: change the conversation from the economy to evil doers. Get ready for the War on Terrorism Part II. If you thought Bush bankrupted and destroyed our freedoms with the Patriot Act, you ain't seen nothing yet.

(Oh, one more thing. Austerity doesn't work when the problem is demand. Morons)

It's a nice story.....but it is crap.

Please provide the numbers and show the shifts in the numbers with the established cause and effect.'s a nice story.
1945-1980: Consumer demand created by high wages, government programs, and entitlements. Put simply: government ensured that the middle class had money for consumption. Their ability to spend money caused the capitalist to innovate and add jobs in order to capture that money. That is what capital does - it functions off of demand. When their is no demand - like now - For 45 years government policy was designed to create middle class demand. And during those years, America had its most sustained economic boom.

But the ultra wealthy wanted more. So they purchased a political party and poured trillions into think tanks and popular media > opinion management.

1980: Business funds the Reagan ascendancy because they want cheaper labor, monopoly-friendly regulations, and lower taxes - In short, business got sick of tax and labor policies of sustaining a solvent middle class of consumers. And business got sick of the regulatory burden of protecting air and water. And business got sick of paying for the infrastructure costs of the modern industrial state - they got sick of the paying to maintain roads, bridges, and energy grids. So Reagan broke unions and laid the rhetorical groundwork for ignoring the environment and infrastructure (which he did to make room for tax cuts. But his spending cuts never amounted to anything because he spent like a drunken sailor RE the Pentagon Budget and new War on Drugs). Most brilliantly, Reagan used the Cold World to bring the 3rd world into the global system (-he wasn't fighting the Soviets in Grenada anymore than McCarthy was fighting soviets in Iowa. Reagan was using a brutal, military form of coercive neoliberalism to give American capital access to 3rd world labor and resources. He supported dictators who let foreign capital walk away with all the resources of the hose country. Thus starts the great era of capital flight to human rights abusing dictator run countries in Asia, South America, Central America, and the middle east.

1980-2008: Cheap labor comes to America. Walmart is the new model > low wages and little to no benefits. High paying manufacturing jobs disappear, shipped to Asian sweatshops. Clothing and sneakers and silverware are made for pennies by workers with no freedom who live in mud huts (-capitalism and freedom?). Reagan has a problem though. What happens to the domestic economy if the break bulk of workers no longer have sufficient wages and benefits to consumer. Answer: expand the credit system. And thus begins the great era of debt based consumption. Morning in America paid for by Amex, Master Card, Visa, and sub-primes. It got so bad we had to hawk the last thing left with any value: our homes. Now there is nothing to fuel demand. The wealthy have all the money and the middle class is too bankrupt to borrow another dime.

FDR's wage based consumption is replaced by Reagan's credit based consumption.

America swallowed poison in 1980. The concentrated wealth that took over the Republican Party destroyed the goose that laid the golden egg: demand. They tried to make up for the failed trickle down by expanding credit. This resulted in the Bush Financial Meltdown. The game is over and no election will change that. If the GOP re-takes Washington, they will do what they always do: change the conversation from the economy to evil doers. Get ready for the War on Terrorism Part II. If you thought Bush bankrupted and destroyed our freedoms with the Patriot Act, you ain't seen nothing yet.

(Oh, one more thing. Austerity doesn't work when the problem is demand. Morons)


FDR economy was worse than the 7 Biblical Lean Years. From his inauguration until Hitler conquered France, US unemployment average 20% and never dipped below 14%. That's Fail, that's Epic Fail, that's Obama Fail
That's Hoover fail, that's Booosh fail, that's a Pub depression fail. And FDR AND Obama lowered UE, EVEN with Pub obstruction after destroying the world economy with corruption, greed, and and cronyism. MORON. Change the channel, Pubbot.

Luckily, THIS time the Dems got in FAST while there was still an economy to STIMULATE. Scott Brown's election started pub obstruction, ending the fast recovery. Le desastre!
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That's Hoover fail, that's Booosh fail, that's a Pub depression fail. And FDR AND Obama lowered UE, EVEN with Pub obstruction after destroying the world economy with corruption, greed, and and cronyism. MORON. Change the channel, Pubbot.

Luckily, THIS time the Dems got in FAST while there was still an economy to STIMULATE. Scott Brown's election started pub obstruction, ending the fast recovery. Le desastre!

And FDR AND Obama lowered UE

Unemployment is higher and jobs are lower than when Obama took office.
Liberal math fail! Again.
The abyss began before Obama was elected and lasted till October 20109- so you're a BSing pub dupe. His stimulus turned it around- but thanks for the depression and disfunction since Scott Brown seated 2/4/2010.
That's Hoover fail, that's Booosh fail, that's a Pub depression fail. And FDR AND Obama lowered UE, EVEN with Pub obstruction after destroying the world economy with corruption, greed, and and cronyism. MORON. Change the channel, Pubbot.

Luckily, THIS time the Dems got in FAST while there was still an economy to STIMULATE. Scott Brown's election started pub obstruction, ending the fast recovery. Le desastre!

And FDR AND Obama lowered UE

Unemployment is higher and jobs are lower than when Obama took office.
Liberal math fail! Again.

The number of adults in the workforce has gone down from about 67% to 63%...
...The Obama administration’s figures do not include people who have stopped looking for work, but still want jobs. That accounts for 6.3 million Americans...

Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data

What’s important is the broader trend. Since President Obama took office, America has lost a net 740,000 jobs. But during the first 30 months of President Ronald Reagan’s economic recovery, which started in December 1982, total U.S. employment increased by 8.9 million jobs.
Read more: Lies, Damned Lies and Government Jobs Data | Fox Business

“For 59 out of the last 60 weeks, the weekly jobless numbers have been revised, after the fact, always in the same direction: higher. That's unheard of.”

The abyss began before Obama was elected and lasted till October 20109- so you're a BSing pub dupe. His stimulus turned it around- but thanks for the depression and disfunction since Scott Brown seated 2/4/2010.

You poor dupe.
How do you manage to breathe with such a low IQ?

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