Is austerity a good idea now? Only if you're blind...

Can't handle a thread that's not just some ridiculous Pub propaganda insult/fantasy? LOL

I think folks just sit back and watch as you make an ever bigger asshole of yourself, you stupid massive asshole.

Austerity is a damn good thing if the alternative is saddling yourself with so much more debt that you have no chance of ever avoiding complete collapse.

Why assholes like you cannot grasp that simple, obvious and totally accurate assertion is a reflection of just how massive an asshole you are.

By the way, you are an enormous asshole.

Coming from you people, brainwashed hater/dupe ugly 'Merican morons, I take that as a tribute LOL! Read something...The NYT would be good- a factual, thoughtful, deep, expert source that is respected around the world, by everyone BUT Pub dupes. You're a vulgar, loudmouth joke in polite society. Hoping for your recovery. Get some fresh air LOL:eusa_whistle:
TY for all the factfree Pub psychobabble, Pubtrolls (the only kind). Pubs ruin the country every time with cronyism, busts,stupid, arrogant foreign policy, and division, especially Reaganism see sig pp1, with its brainwashing of the chumps (pp3).

Pubs have ruined the nonrich and the country, and you'd think the big question is who pays for condoms or some idiocy. And the answer to Keynsianism, is NOT "when you lose your job, you should cut spending..."..."common sense" idiocy, dupes. You don't listen to Rush or Beck and learn ANYTHING except anger and BS demagogues only care about their own money.

The above incoherent babble brought to you by the cadets who washed out of the Soros/OWS School of Mindless Propagandizing. That's right. Even those turds have higher standards than the droning unpersuasive shit offered by FrenchiTub.

I certainly don't expect to persuade a brainwashed hater/dupe Rushbot like you. Thanks for your "brilliant" help in persuading the silent majority...
Whatis important is to know Pubs got us in this mess, and have no new ideas to get us out. Even their cruel Ryan Plan would not lower spending, only pander to the bloated rich , and their policies only further ruin the non rich and the country with fraud, cronyism, and bubble (Sig pp1). Their propaganda machine is simply FOS (pp3, and more every day).
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TY for all the factfree Pub psychobabble, Pubtrolls (the only kind). Pubs ruin the country every time with cronyism, busts,stupid, arrogant foreign policy, and division, especially Reaganism see sig pp1, with its brainwashing of the chumps (pp3).

Pubs have ruined the nonrich and the country, and you'd think the big question is who pays for condoms or some idiocy. And the answer to Keynsianism, is NOT "when you lose your job, you should cut spending..."..."common sense" idiocy, dupes. You don't listen to Rush or Beck and learn ANYTHING except anger and BS demagogues only care about their own money.

The above incoherent babble brought to you by the cadets who washed out of the Soros/OWS School of Mindless Propagandizing. That's right. Even those turds have higher standards than the droning unpersuasive shit offered by FrenchiTub.

I certainly don't expect to persuade a brainwashed hater/dupe Rushbot like you. Thanks for your "brilliant" help in persuading the silent majority...

Without your litany of mindless, petty (and generally dishonest) labels, your posts would be a study in brevity.

Still dopey as all shit, but brief at least.
Any actual facts or argument, Pubtroll? Mindless!

As Krugman would say, rehire those teachers, some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution bills, thanks. Totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy too...
Any actual facts or argument, Pubtroll? Mindless!

As Krugman would say, rehire those teachers, some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution bills, thanks. Totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy too...

First things first, troll boi. You cannot validly criticize anybody else when YOU have never done what you demand of others. But you could (theoretically) attend to this massive deficit in your posting "skills."

Try to formulate a coherent argument. It goes like this. State a major premise. State a minor premise. Assert a rule of logic and derive your stated "conclusion."

Use actual facts to support your argument. Try to avoid your standard fare of mindless ad hominem.

Unless and until you do that, your posts have no chance of ever being persuasive.
Can't handle a thread that's not just some ridiculous Pub propaganda insult/fantasy? LOL

I think folks just sit back and watch as you make an ever bigger asshole of yourself, you stupid massive asshole.

Austerity is a damn good thing if the alternative is saddling yourself with so much more debt that you have no chance of ever avoiding complete collapse.

Why assholes like you cannot grasp that simple, obvious and totally accurate assertion is a reflection of just how massive an asshole you are.

By the way, you are an enormous asshole.

The poster you address like so many others are on the dole and are threatened that they will actually have to go out and work for what they get.

It's that simple.
As Krugman says now,things are going well enough, considering all the Pub obstruction and fear mongering. All we should do is rehire those teachers, pass some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution Pub bills that are just blatant electioneering, thanks. They are totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy well as tax cuts for the bloated rich- the whole pandering to the greedy rich/corps Pub platform, a proven disaster for the country. see sig pp1.
As Krugman says now,things are going well enough, considering all the Pub obstruction and fear mongering. All we should do is rehire those teachers, pass some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution Pub bills that are just blatant electioneering, thanks. They are totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy well as tax cuts for the bloated rich- the whole pandering to the greedy rich/corps Pub platform, a proven disaster for the country. see sig pp1.


I knew FrenchiTug couldn't do it.

TY for all the factfree Pub psychobabble, Pubtrolls (the only kind). Pubs ruin the country every time with cronyism, busts,stupid, arrogant foreign policy, and division, especially Reaganism see sig pp1, with its brainwashing of the chumps (pp3).

Pubs have ruined the nonrich and the country, and you'd think the big question is who pays for condoms or some idiocy. And the answer to Keynsianism, is NOT "when you lose your job, you should cut spending..."..."common sense" idiocy, dupes. You don't listen to Rush or Beck and learn ANYTHING except anger and BS demagogues only care about their own money.

what the fuck?......huh?....can we get a translator here?....he is one of Deans hangerons maybe Dean can translate...
Romney's major charity is the Mormon Church. Biden is a POOR politician who fights for Policy that helps people, not cutting taxes on the bloated rich and destroying Medicare, Medicaid, SS or raising military spending when we spend as much as the next 13 countries, almost as much as the rest of the world. Pub dupes!! You're not getting what you think. Totally duped by the greedy, polluting rich/corps...change the channel...

Frankie?.....wholly shit.....we dont have a Psycho garbler translator on the premises.....can you speak some English?.....
TY for all the factfree Pub psychobabble, Pubtrolls (the only kind). Pubs ruin the country every time with cronyism, busts,stupid, arrogant foreign policy, and division, especially Reaganism see sig pp1, with its brainwashing of the chumps (pp3).

Pubs have ruined the nonrich and the country, and you'd think the big question is who pays for condoms or some idiocy. And the answer to Keynsianism, is NOT "when you lose your job, you should cut spending..."..."common sense" idiocy, dupes. You don't listen to Rush or Beck and learn ANYTHING except anger and BS demagogues only care about their own money.

The above incoherent babble brought to you by the cadets who washed out of the Soros/OWS School of Mindless Propagandizing. That's right. Even those turds have higher standards than the droning unpersuasive shit offered by FrenchiTub.

I certainly don't expect to persuade a brainwashed hater/dupe Rushbot like you. Thanks for your "brilliant" help in persuading the silent majority...

believe me Frankie,and im saying this nicely.....when many see the shit that you post.....they are hoping you are with the "other' make your side look bad Frankie.....and the undecided sure as hell wont cozy up to a whack job like you....the "pubs" love people like you.....
Any actual facts or argument, Pubtroll? Mindless!

As Krugman would say, rehire those teachers, some jobs bills the old GOP always supported, and no cronyism/screw the workers/pollution bills, thanks. Totally discredited bubble and bust/recession making policy...raising military spending is crazy too...

mindless? sure are Frankie.....:lol:
Sure. Now run along, Pubtroll.

no he is right post like a meth freak who has done some you think your impressing anyone? you think any one who is NOT a Democrat will listen to ya?.....your not doing your side any good Frankie.....shut up and let your smarter brother Dudley do your talking....even he cringes when he see's a post by you....

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