Zone1 Is Autism a legitimate reason to euthanize a human being?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
When the government gets in the business of murdering people......or euthanizing them............they have crossed a line that leads to the slippery slope...

Do you think those who believe in euthanasia ever thought that healthy people who were autistic would be viable subjects for murder........I mean,........euthanasia?

The study noted that in many cases, doctors determined there was “no prospect of improvement” for intellectually challenged individuals because there is no treatment for their handicap.
“Reasons for the EAS [euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide] request included social isolation and loneliness (77%), lack of resilience or coping strategies (56%), lack of flexibility (rigid thinking or difficulty adapting to change) (44%) and oversensitivity to stimuli (26%). In one-third of cases, physicians noted there was ‘no prospect of improvement’ as ASD and intellectual disability are not treatable,” the study reads.
The number of people euthanized in the Netherlands since the practice was allowed is astonishing.

Between 2012 and 2021, nearly 60,000 people were killed at their own request, according to the Dutch government’s euthanasia review committee. To show how the rules are being applied and interpreted, the committee has released documents related to more than 900 of those people, most of whom were older and had conditions including cancer, Parkinson´s and ALS.

See Planned Parenthood , Bill Gates senior and his vile son , Big Bad Willy . Actually , ugly little nerd , Silly Willy .

I know people on the spectrum who live perfectly productive lives.

But looking at the handful of obviously autistic people here , is that really true , in your opinion ? Rhetorical .And in mind game thinking terms only , is it not likely that the world would be a more comfortable and safer place without them ? Sticking my neck out to be savaged , I will say , Yes . But whether they should be euthanised is another matter .Maybe low pain torture and told to pull themselves together .rofl.
When the government gets in the business of murdering people......or euthanizing them............they have crossed a line that leads to the slippery slope...

Do you think those who believe in euthanasia ever thought that healthy people who were autistic would be viable subjects for murder........I mean,........euthanasia?

The number of people euthanized in the Netherlands since the practice was allowed is astonishing.

At their own request.

If you believe people have the right to decide whether hey live or die then there is no problem with that choice.

But I have to question the medical professionals who assist people who are not terminally ill to die.

Are Doctors forced to comply with the demands of the suicidal?

Even if they are I would think that Doctors would refuse to be part of this.,
At their own request.

If you believe people have the right to decide whether hey live or die then there is no problem with that choice.

But I have to question the medical professionals who assist people who are not terminally ill to die.

Are Doctors forced to comply with the demands of the suicidal?

Even if they are I would think that Doctors would refuse to be part of this.,

These people are not completely in control of who they are...they have autism.......
At their own request.

If you believe people have the right to decide whether hey live or die then there is no problem with that choice.

But I have to question the medical professionals who assist people who are not terminally ill to die.

Are Doctors forced to comply with the demands of the suicidal?

Even if they are I would think that Doctors would refuse to be part of this.,

Do you think people with downs syndrome have the capacity to make that choice too?
Do you think people with downs syndrome have the capacity to make that choice too?

it depends.

But I will say that Down's and autism do not have a lot in common.

Downs syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects brain development Autism doesn't necessarily include mental retardation

So each case is best decided individually.
Do you think people with downs syndrome have the capacity to make that choice too?
If any person is deemed by both the medical and legal authorities to be capable of living independently and making his own choices what's the problem?

As I said I have no problem with anyone making the choice to end his own life.

I wonder why any doctor would assist in that if the person was not terminally ill.
Obama wants death panels to determine who should be allowed to live and who should be put down. We need to get that bastard as far away from us as we can...
Give the government an inch and they'll kill you...
What stupid person/politician is willing to kill an individual born autistic; only the murderer of innocent people. xxxxxxxx mod edited to avoid derail change of topic.
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Suicide is an absolute right people can exercise.

But no government should be able to force the medical profession to assist in anyone's suicide.
But it can.....and do you trust that the government will have the safe guards for these people?

If a person is found mentally competent I have no problem with that person making his own decisions.

Which is why i said these cases are best judged individually.
AR-15 interjections into the conversation and responses have been removed from view as not germane to the OP Thread Topic of euthanasia and thread title. Please remain on OP topic and thread title:

Is Autism a legitimate reason to euthanize a human being?​

What stupid person/politician is willing to kill an individual born autistic; only the murderer of innocent people and those who sold/gave an AR 15 for fun.
AR-15 interjections into the conversation and responses have been removed from view as not germane to the OP Thread Topic of euthanasia and thread title. Please remain on OP topic and thread title:

Is Autism a legitimate reason to euthanize a human being?​

Rye catcher post#15.....that is the post where they began to derail the thread...

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