Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Thread summary: The ODS kooks on this thread here are deeply stupid and delusional people.

There's no point in arguing with ODS kooks. The mindwiping they've volunteered for is far too complete. You can't reason someone out of a position they weren't reasoned into, hence there's no point in attempting logic with them. They will be hopelessly brainwashed twits until the day they die, forever unfit to be part of the normal society which now points and laughs at them whenever they go off on one of their idiot rants.

But on the bright side, they make for great comic relief.
So you like the fact Obama's a dictator? Quite an admission. Go ahead, neg me, tell me to get a job, call me a fat loser if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that YOU put a dictator in the White House.

my work here is done. hahaha

yes, like all libs, you have succeeded in making a fool of yourself with your blind obama worship.:cuckoo:

^moar whining of mouth breathers in an "Obamama is a sychopaff"; ZOMG" thread.
Ur absolutely right ron...Obamahaters just make shit up...or spin positives (like Barrack's affability and charm) into a negative (sociopathy)...Then they repeat all that crap over and over again...until they believe it themselves.
Now THATS pathological.

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The nation is divided with neither side willing to accept the authority of the other.

And therein lies the problem. There is no authority (outside of the 18 enumerated powers of course). But sadly the Dumbocrats think that winning any election entitles them to unlimited powers.

yep, remember how they said, HE WON get over it..... and that's why they have loved Obama walking all over Republicans... and the people who are Republicans now have no real Representation in our own government...Obama acts just like a dictator and his followers cheer and throw flowers at him...

We have a constitution. It sets forth a process. We followed the process. He campaigned on Obamacare. Romney campaigned against it. The people voted and chose Obama. That is how America works. The right wing idiots have hated Obama from day one. They never got over it.
Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

Yes because he is far left, just look at the far left posters on this board for a perfect example.

The Obama-haters continue to prove that they are not able to understand the difference between a period and a comma. As a single sentence, your post has no coherent meaning.
So you like the fact Obama's a dictator? Quite an admission. Go ahead, neg me, tell me to get a job, call me a fat loser if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that YOU put a dictator in the White House.

my work here is done. hahaha

yes, like all libs, you have succeeded in making a fool of yourself with your blind obama worship.:cuckoo:'s not "blind Obama worship" to refute phony, asinine and inflammatory charges such as "dictator" and "psychopath"....
The virulent need to cast such allegations is in itself, pathological.
Dictators r not term limited and subject to checks and balances.
Psychopaths do not try to make sure all Americans enjoy the rights in our constitution...not just the privileged.
U want a dictatorship? Go to Putin's Russia. U idiots on the extreme right seem to worship him anyway...while denigrating ur own prez.

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my work here is done. hahaha

yes, like all libs, you have succeeded in making a fool of yourself with your blind obama worship.:cuckoo:'s not "blind Obama worship" to refute phony, asinine and inflammatory charges such as "dictator" and "psychopath"....
The virulent need to cast such allegations is in itself, pathological.
Dictators r not term limited and subject to checks and balances.
Psychopaths do not try to make sure all Americans enjoy the rights in our constitution...not just the privileged.
U want a dictatorship? Go to Putin's Russia. U idiots on the extreme right seem to worship him anyway...while denigrating ur own prez.

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Wipe the shit off your nose.
If the theory is "idiotic" hillbilly Jed, then coming up with it would require no intelligence. You literally just contradicted your own argument. Talk about "bitching slapping yourself" :lmao:

Now quick, throw another tantrum and say something which will prove to the USMB community why you mooch off of your girlfriend and struggle to hold jobs.

Sorry, champ, but you're not turning this around on me. You can't even come up with your own theories. You copy and paste, then say "well I didn't write it" when called out on your dumb-as-rocks op.

And don't pretend to know anything about my personal life. I worked for the same company for 11 years before moving on to a better opportunity with good pay, 4 - 5 weeks paid personal time each year, a company-funded investment account and full benefits.

Now get back to copying and pasting more drivel.

Uh, junior, I don't know anything about your personal life. All I know about you is that you mooch off of your girlfriend and you're a blind, partisan hack.

I posted an article and chose not to weigh in on the initial post simply so I wouldn't have to listen to whiners like you complain that I biased the article. The fact that you exposed your ignorance by not reading the article before commenting is humiliating for you chief. No matter how hard you try to deflect that on to me, the damage is done junior. Now everyone knows you're a blind partisan hack who weighs in before even reading an article.

You don't know anything about me but you know that I mooch off of my gf. :lol: you should have left it at you don't know shit about me.

You post partisan drivel, then won't stand behind it when called out on it. You have no backbone and no credibility. You're a straight up tool and a complete moron on top of it.

Go copy and paste some more, moron.
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yes, like all libs, you have succeeded in making a fool of yourself with your blind obama worship.:cuckoo:'s not "blind Obama worship" to refute phony, asinine and inflammatory charges such as "dictator" and "psychopath"....
The virulent need to cast such allegations is in itself, pathological.
Dictators r not term limited and subject to checks and balances.
Psychopaths do not try to make sure all Americans enjoy the rights in our constitution...not just the privileged.
U want a dictatorship? Go to Putin's Russia. U idiots on the extreme right seem to worship him anyway...while denigrating ur own prez.

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Wipe the shit off your nose.

Is that all u can do? Insult people when u cannot respond to rational arguments?
Ur pathetic

Sent from my iPhone using's not "blind Obama worship" to refute phony, asinine and inflammatory charges such as "dictator" and "psychopath"....
The virulent need to cast such allegations is in itself, pathological.
Dictators r not term limited and subject to checks and balances.
Psychopaths do not try to make sure all Americans enjoy the rights in our constitution...not just the privileged.
U want a dictatorship? Go to Putin's Russia. U idiots on the extreme right seem to worship him anyway...while denigrating ur own prez.

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Wipe the shit off your nose.

Is that all u can do? Insult people when u cannot respond to rational arguments?
Ur pathetic

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If you had MADE a rational argument I would have, but all I see from your post is insults toward anyone who says anything critical of your messiah.
Actually , a review of the dialogue above clearly indicates my arguments to be the rational ones...based on facts, not name calling and emotion...Ur aware that hate and fear are emotions, right?
.... alluding to BO as "messiah" and insults toward anyone who disagrees w u about him...are expressions of those emotions... Try being rational for a change.

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Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion, New Study Says

Is the person that caused this, a psychopath?

Nearly half a million people have died from war-related causes in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003, according to an academic study published in the United States on Tuesday.

Approximately 60 MILLION died from war-related causes in WWII. The person that is responsible for many of those deaths is considered to be one of the greatest US Presidents by historians.

Was FDR a psychopath?
We have a constitution. It sets forth a process. We followed the process. He campaigned on Obamacare. Romney campaigned against it. The people voted and chose Obama. That is how America works. The right wing idiots have hated Obama from day one. They never got over it.

We used to have a constitutioin. It did set forth processes and laid down eligibility requirements. The people ignored the constitution and chose Obama. That's why American doesn't work anymore. The left wing useful idiots have loved Obama from day one, despite knowing nothing about Him. Some of them will never get over that. Some will but won't admit it. Others have already scraped the bumper strips off even their Subarus and Priuses and are desperately trying to move on. The only business growing in America is bumper-strip removal but canny teens have learned never to accept checks from recovering liberals - only take cash.
Iraq Death Toll Reaches 500,000 Since Start Of U.S.-Led Invasion, New Study Says

Is the person that caused this, a psychopath?

Nearly half a million people have died from war-related causes in Iraq since the US-led invasion in 2003, according to an academic study published in the United States on Tuesday.

Approximately 60 MILLION died from war-related causes in WWII. The person that is responsible for many of those deaths is considered to be one of the greatest US Presidents by historians.

Was FDR a psychopath?

Um...I dunno ..
But I DO know FDR didn't CAUSE WWII
AND we DO know that W/Cheny orchestrated the invasion of Iraq.
There IS a difference....

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We have a constitution. It sets forth a process. We followed the process. He campaigned on Obamacare. Romney campaigned against it. The people voted and chose Obama. That is how America works. The right wing idiots have hated Obama from day one. They never got over it.[/quote]

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