Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

This topic is stupid. If Obama is a psychopath then so is Bush Jr., Clinton, Bush Sr. and all of the other Presidents. All of the power that Obama has as Commander-in-Chief was there when he was elected. He hasn't done anything to "change" the status quo. He has carried on the oligarchy at the expense of the working class. In fact, reports were that 95% of the financial gains during his Presidency have to the 1% job creators. Under any other President, this would be called "free-market capitalism".
Remember when Obama "promised" to have "the most transparent administration" in modern history? And all of the little liberal lap-dogs on USMB believed it? :lol:

Another trait of the psychopath - "a shady and mysterious past". Oops....

Abramson: Obama Administration 'Most Secretive White House'

Obama is the guy that was going to "end the black and white world"
Obama was the guy that was going to "still the rising of the oceans"
Obama was the guy who was going to bring "Hope and Change"

Sort of sounds like a Roman Emperor, doesn't it? Or a Madman.

"Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our Emporer weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It's no "ordinary" weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the Sons and Daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-United States into a herd of competing minorities, who, like suckling pigs, are afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice in protest the ruin of our country.

So don't denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetency to do what no other King or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history: He has destroyed America"

-Reis R Kash

No, Barry is no nut job. He's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do. Bring the US down.
Dude, your redundancy is getting old. Why don't you start a thread on Bush and the Iraq War?

What is getting old is the display of ignorance from the Obama-haters. I get it you hate Obama; rah rah. However, this thread is specifically about Obama being a psychopath. A psychopath is someone who does not feel guilty about things. Therefore, the fact that there was a bi-partisan senate report that said Bush mislead Congress and the American people in order to invade Iraq is a bigger lie and a better example of potentially being a psychopath. I didn't bring up the word psychopath.

All I am doing is asking a simple question that has stumped the Obama-haters. What has Obama done that is worse than getting over 4,000 Americans killed under false pretenses?
A valid response is to answer the question or show that it is an invalid question. I have already posted a link to the bi-partisan report showing that bush did in fact mislead congress and the American people.

If there is one single Obama-hater with enough brains to do it, then please attack my argument and show where it is wrong. That isn't going to happen. There is only enough brain-power for personal attacks.

You have no argument to "attack" because the thread is on Obama being a psychopath and you've yet to create an argument that he is not. Instead, all you've done is yell "Bush! Bush! Bush!" like a typical Dumbocrat incapable of forming his own thoughts. You've been spoon fed "Bush! Bush! Bush!" by your Dumbocrat propaganda masters and that is all you know how to parrot.

This woman made a compelling argument and one hell of a comprehensive case for Obama being a psychopath. You're inability to critically-think (libtards favorite buzz word :lol:) has you blind to her argument and screaming "Bush! Bush! Bush!" like the good little libtard that you are.

Can you make a case that Obama is not a psychopath based on real-world, independently verifiable events? Can you dispute her facts? No? Yeah, didn't think so. Now scream "Bush! Bush! Bush!" like a good little libtard. As if it somehow excuses the psychopathic actions of Obama... :eusa_doh:

Name calling is a sign of mental frustration. I understand that you are frustrated since you cannot address what I said. I am simply pointing out that the right wingers don't give a shit about American lives as much as they hate Obama. A psychopath is someone who does things with no concern for the consequences. If someone called George W Bush a womanizer, then of course they natural reaction is going to be to bring up Clinton since he was known for being a womanizer. If some idiot right winger wants to call Obama a psychopath, then of course there is going to be a comparison to his predecessor since it is an established fact that George W Bush mislead congress and the American public and the result was that thousands of Americans died. That is a fact that you are unable to effectively counter. George W Bush was the commander in chief and also in charge of the executive branch provided the bogus intelligence. He lied to congress and the American people. His message was to "be afraid". He also promoted torture in the name of freedom and liberty. Only a monumental fuck-up or a pure psychopath could do that kind of shit.
Narcissists have a way of becoming psychopaths when they have to give up their power. Let's see what happens in January 2017.
But it is interesting to consider some characteristics when combined with actions of President Obama since he took office. He certainly had the initial charisma and likability. He had the perfect-looking family with the perfect-looking face at the perfect time for America to fall for him. No matter what his opponents pointed to, no one questioned him for fear of being labeled racists.

Psychopaths often act audaciously, without regard for those affected. They get away with actions that others in their positions haven’t, because of their ability to remain calm even when committing atrocities, and their ability to manipulate whole groups of people.

Obama has taken more luxury vacations than any other president, and he has done so as the American economy was in collapse for his policies. He has taken his entire family and spent tens of millions of dollars in exotic, luxe locations like Hawaii, Vail, Europe and Africa. His predecessors made Americans increasingly familiar with places like Camp David and Martha’s Vineyard or their own vacation homes such as the Bushes’ Kennebunkport, the Kennedys’ Cape Cod, the Reagans’ Rancho Del Cielo in California or George W’s exotic locale, Crawford, Texas. Other presidents were exceptionally sensitive to the state of the American people, foregoing vacations when the American people were mourning or hurting economically – not the Obamas. When the economy was at its worst, gas prices were at record highs, and Americans were going without vacations and other needs, Obama extended his wife and daughters’ vacation in Spain.

But luxe vacations are just the beginning. Obama has golfed more than any other president. On days when America has been under attack, on days when military heroes have died, on days when the nation is mourning – still Obama finds time for a game of hoops with a hip-hop star or a round of golf with a key contributor. His advisers had to pull him off the golf course to talk him into taking out Osama bin Laden.

After the second round of murders of government-guaranteed defenseless Fort Hood soldiers last week, Obama mustered a tear or two for cameras before slipping out the back door to head to a $32,000-per-plate party for himself.

This pattern of inauthenticity would be very difficult, even debilitating for someone with an intact conscience, in my opinion.

But audacity is a manifestation of psychopathy, and Obama is a master of audacity. He has exacted more items into law by the capricious act of executive order than any other president in such a short period of time. Traditionally, this is only done in very rare instances, because presidents know that the American people will not stand for that sort of tyranny. In Obama’s case, it is explained away, if mentioned by media at all, with whinings of “the other party’s obstructionist acts” or “someone else forced the president to act so cavalierly.”

That brings us to another habit of the psychopath – blaming others. First, Obama and his cronies blamed President Bush for just about everything. They blame the tea party for any bad press, the Koch brothers for any mishaps and Congress for Obama’s tyrannical executive orders and the removal of the filibuster as a means of defense against Obama’s imperial appointments.

The truly skilled psychopath can make his own biases look like they are the shortcoming of his opponent. When the New Black Panther thugs with clubs were intimidating voters during the 2008 election, those who voiced concern were called racist and alarmist for even bringing up the issue. Once elected, Obama had his attorney general, Eric Holder not only drop all charges but actually drop convictions! President Obama accuses others of racial bias, when it is he who is one of the worst.

Another common trait of the psychopath is a mysterious and shady past. We know very little about President Obama’s formative years and little about his college years. Records are sealed or withheld, and requests for them are dismissed as ridiculous requests from paranoid detractors.

The psychopath is great at connecting personally with people and convinces everyone that he is just like them. President Obama is just a normal guy who likes movies, basketball, golf and likes to play video games. Experts call it mirroring.

Perhaps the most frightening symptom of the psychopath is to kill while keeping their own hands clean. Obama takes full credit for killing Osama bin Laden to the point of both stealing the glory from our Navy SEALs and at the same time betraying the existence of SEAL Team Six and exposing them to unwarranted assassination risk – risk that resulted in the worst catastrophic loss of life in the history of the SEALs. Did Obama take responsibility for that? He certainly spent far less time mourning their loss or taking responsibility for their deaths than he did taking credit for being tough dealing with terror.

Is Barack Obama a psychopath?

You should consider citing factual sources:

Executive Orders

Gas Price History Graph (historic prices)
Remember when Obama "promised" to have "the most transparent administration" in modern history? And all of the little liberal lap-dogs on USMB believed it? :lol:

Another trait of the psychopath - "a shady and mysterious past". Oops....

Abramson: Obama Administration 'Most Secretive White House'

Obama is the guy that was going to "end the black and white world"
Obama was the guy that was going to "still the rising of the oceans"
Obama was the guy who was going to bring "Hope and Change"

Sort of sounds like a Roman Emperor, doesn't it? Or a Madman.

"Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our Emporer weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It's no "ordinary" weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the Sons and Daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-United States into a herd of competing minorities, who, like suckling pigs, are afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice in protest the ruin of our country.

So don't denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetency to do what no other King or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history: He has destroyed America"

-Reis R Kash

No, Barry is no nut job. He's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do. Bring the US down.

That is some ignorant shit. "Barry" didn't bring the stock market down. He also didn't bring the US automobile industry down. The day he took over, the country was at a low point. Our economy was in bad shape and our government was officially endorsing torture as a practice to be used to preserve liberty. His predecessor had told Americans to "be afraid". Thankfully the downward spiral came to a halt and things have stabilized.
I think you have to have lived in Illinois to truly understand and appreciate what has befallen our nation over the past 5-1/2 years.

A broken record is playing out on a national scale, and very few are the wiser for it.

To paraphrase the Bhagavad Gita:

"Now I am become President, the destroyer of worlds."
Remember when Obama "promised" to have "the most transparent administration" in modern history? And all of the little liberal lap-dogs on USMB believed it? :lol:

Another trait of the psychopath - "a shady and mysterious past". Oops....

Abramson: Obama Administration 'Most Secretive White House'

Obama is the guy that was going to "end the black and white world"
Obama was the guy that was going to "still the rising of the oceans"
Obama was the guy who was going to bring "Hope and Change"

Sort of sounds like a Roman Emperor, doesn't it? Or a Madman.

"Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our Emporer weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It's no "ordinary" weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the Sons and Daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-United States into a herd of competing minorities, who, like suckling pigs, are afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice in protest the ruin of our country.

So don't denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetency to do what no other King or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history: He has destroyed America"

-Reis R Kash

No, Barry is no nut job. He's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do. Bring the US down.

That is some ignorant shit. "Barry" didn't bring the stock market down. He also didn't bring the US automobile industry down. The day he took over, the country was at a low point. Our economy was in bad shape and our government was officially endorsing torture as a practice to be used to preserve liberty. His predecessor had told Americans to "be afraid". Thankfully the downward spiral came to a halt and things have stabilized.

Wassamatta?? Don't like your boy being called "Barry"? tough shit. Barry hasn't done a damned thing in this country but divide it. Wake up Sonny - Oh, and I find your avatar very offensive. I'm a black man. Take it down. Now, let's see how "inclusive" you are.
I think you have to have lived in Illinois to truly understand and appreciate what has befallen our nation over the past 5-1/2 years.

A broken record is playing out on a national scale, and very few are the wiser for it.

To paraphrase the Bhagavad Gita:

"Now I am become President, the destroyer of worlds."

I think you have to have lived in Illinois to truly understand and appreciate what has befallen our nation over the past 5-1/2 years.

A broken record is playing out on a national scale, and very few are the wiser for it.

To paraphrase the Bhagavad Gita:

"Now I am become President, the destroyer of worlds."

That is some incoherent bullshit. Can you please provide some charts that show what has happened in the economy during Obama's tenure? Would you prefer to go back to the way things were the day before Obama took over?
Obama is the guy that was going to "end the black and white world"
Obama was the guy that was going to "still the rising of the oceans"
Obama was the guy who was going to bring "Hope and Change"

Sort of sounds like a Roman Emperor, doesn't it? Or a Madman.

"Those who compare the bare-chested conqueror of the Crimea with the metro-sexual ruler of the United States and find our Emporer weak to the point of deserving ridicule miss the essential strength of President Obama.

It's no "ordinary" weakling who can turn a once-respected country into an international joke; reduce Congress to a gaggle of sniveling sycophants; turn the world's finest medical system into failed third-rate socialist nightmare with a stroke of his pen; shatter our Constitution without attempted recourse by the Sons and Daughters of frontiersmen and pioneers whose blood was used to write that inspired document; and turn the people of our once-United States into a herd of competing minorities, who, like suckling pigs, are afraid to lose his place on the government teat should he raise his voice in protest the ruin of our country.

So don't denigrate the nonentity ruler who has overcome his uncertain ancestry and ludicrous incompetency to do what no other King or dictator has been able to do in our 237 year history: He has destroyed America"

-Reis R Kash

No, Barry is no nut job. He's accomplishing exactly what he set out to do. Bring the US down.

That is some ignorant shit. "Barry" didn't bring the stock market down. He also didn't bring the US automobile industry down. The day he took over, the country was at a low point. Our economy was in bad shape and our government was officially endorsing torture as a practice to be used to preserve liberty. His predecessor had told Americans to "be afraid". Thankfully the downward spiral came to a halt and things have stabilized.

Wassamatta?? Don't like your boy being called "Barry"? tough shit. Barry hasn't done a damned thing in this country but divide it. Wake up Sonny - Oh, and I find your avatar very offensive. I'm a black man. Take it down. Now, let's see how "inclusive" you are.

That is a stupid post. If that is the best you can do, then maybe you should let someone else give it a try instead.
We know very little about your past. I guess that makes you a psychopath.

Well that would be because you don't know me genius. However, if I ran for president, there would be nothing you didn't know about me. Where I grew up, where I went to school, where I worked, my taxes, all of if would be on the table for the American people to inspect and decide.

Obama meanwhile has all of his records sealed and what people have been able to uncover all indicates he was born in Kenya and is a radical marxist-socialist.

From his own bio:

And let us not forget his penchant for attending meetings of hard core socialists:

If you did or had gone to college, would you release some of your studies and experiences there? Why are Obama's college days a total and complete mystery?
But they aren't a complete mystery. His years in college and where he went to college are found in his biography. As to his grades and such they are private and basically none of your business. Name one other president who has released the information you are demanding. The bottom line is this, if you could not find anything in his college records your would immediately demand his dental records. If they turned up empty you would demand his vaccination records. The truth is you are looking for mud and President Obama has provided all the information he is required to provide. Grow up and give it a rest. Whining does not suit you.
And "left wingers" would be doing what "right wingers" are now.

The nation is divided with neither side willing to accept the authority of the other.

And therein lies the problem. There is no authority (outside of the 18 enumerated powers of course). But sadly the Dumbocrats think that winning any election entitles them to unlimited powers.

yep, remember how they said, HE WON get over it..... and that's why they have loved Obama walking all over Republicans... and the people who are Republicans now have no real Representation in our own government...Obama acts just like a dictator and his followers cheer and throw flowers at him...
Ur absolutely right ron...Obamahaters just make shit up...or spin positives (like Barrack's affability and charm) into a negative (sociopathy)...Then they repeat all that crap over and over again...until they believe it themselves.
Now THATS pathological.

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steph...Obamahaters like U just make shit up like that dictator nonsense..or spin positives (like Barrack's affability and charm) into a negative (sociopathy)...Then U repeat all that crap over and over again...until U and ur ilk sincerely believe it.
Sad really. Why do u need to hate so much? Have u seen anyone for ur problem?

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The nation is divided with neither side willing to accept the authority of the other.

And therein lies the problem. There is no authority (outside of the 18 enumerated powers of course). But sadly the Dumbocrats think that winning any election entitles them to unlimited powers.

yep, remember how they said, HE WON get over it..... and that's why they have loved Obama walking all over Republicans... and the people who are Republicans now have no real Representation in our own government...Obama acts just like a dictator and his followers cheer and throw flowers at him...

get over it.
And therein lies the problem. There is no authority (outside of the 18 enumerated powers of course). But sadly the Dumbocrats think that winning any election entitles them to unlimited powers.

yep, remember how they said, HE WON get over it..... and that's why they have loved Obama walking all over Republicans... and the people who are Republicans now have no real Representation in our own government...Obama acts just like a dictator and his followers cheer and throw flowers at him...

get over it.

So you like the fact Obama's a dictator? Quite an admission. Go ahead, neg me, tell me to get a job, call me a fat loser if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that YOU put a dictator in the White House.
yep, remember how they said, HE WON get over it..... and that's why they have loved Obama walking all over Republicans... and the people who are Republicans now have no real Representation in our own government...Obama acts just like a dictator and his followers cheer and throw flowers at him...

get over it.

So you like the fact Obama's a dictator? Quite an admission. Go ahead, neg me, tell me to get a job, call me a fat loser if you want. But it still doesn't change the fact that YOU put a dictator in the White House.

my work here is done. hahaha

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