Is Barr a public servant........or Trump's personal attorney???

They were protecting Opie.

From WHAT.........

Asking for help from Russia to win an election?

Appointing his daughters as advisers without clearance?

Building a hotel close to the WH?

Pissing off the test of the planet ?

Borrowing laundered money?

They were protecting Opie.

From WHAT.........

Asking for help from Russia to win an election?

Appointing his daughters as advisers without clearance?

Building a hotel close to the WH?

Pissing off the test of the planet ?

Borrowing laundered money?

Not sure how you connect all of that, but you do have an opinion, nat.

Most certainly, Holder and Lynch ran cover for the Opie and the drunk.
Unlike Mueller, Barr went through the nominations process.

Mueller was Director of the FBI for 12 years, requiring an extraordinary act of Congress to permit him to remain in the post longer than otherwise legal. He's received Congressional endorsement far above and beyond Barr.

So why are liberals whining about Mueller finding no collusion or obstruction?
In Trump's short tenure, we are now at the THIRD appointment of an attorney general.

Sessions and Whitaker were basically "fired" because they could not do Trump's bidding to cover his ft behind and "protect" him........So, the opportunistic Barr, wrote an unsolicited memo (19 or 20 pages) professing his LOYALTY to Trump and that under his jurisdiction, Trump's interests would be fully protected.

Barr should be reminded of the oath he took and that his reputation is winding up in the gutter.

Bottom line as we have seen: Barr is NOT the AG for the U.S.A......Barr is turning out to be the personal attorney for the Trump regime.

In business, Trump surrounded himself with people that would do his bidding (and "fix" his indiscretions)......So, take a look at the people he has hired in both the WH and cabinet........STOOGES.
Barr is nothing more than Trumps personal ass kisser
Kinda like what Holder and Lynch were, huh?
But it took 8 years for the 2 you mention Scump is already on #3 in less than 3 years
For all of you who have enjoyed nat4900 post over time, it is with a sad and heavy heart that I tell you he has been diagnosed with a raging and incurable case of TCDS (Trump Collusion Derangement Sydrome).

TCDS causes the afflicted to become monomaniacal about Russian collusion and their balls shrivel up and fall off, so if any of you find a shriveled up ball sack, please return it nate4900.

You may be an idiot.....BUT, you're a funny idiot.....

Just for novelty sake......try addressing a thread's topic instead of the same trite crap.......Give it a shot.....LOL

Every single day you post the same trite crap about collusion. There is nothing to talk about on the subject until something else occurs. The First week you started this you beat the horse to death, now you are just mutilating the corps.

They are mutilating the Marines?

You conservatives all got butt hurt when Obama mispronounced "corpsman" as "corpse man".

Now? You have decided to replace "corpse" with "corps". You did the same thing you bitched about Obama doing, only you did it in reverse.
For all of you who have enjoyed nat4900 post over time, it is with a sad and heavy heart that I tell you he has been diagnosed with a raging and incurable case of TCDS (Trump Collusion Derangement Sydrome).

TCDS causes the afflicted to become monomaniacal about Russian collusion and their balls shrivel up and fall off, so if any of you find a shriveled up ball sack, please return it nate4900.

You may be an idiot.....BUT, you're a funny idiot.....

Just for novelty sake......try addressing a thread's topic instead of the same trite crap.......Give it a shot.....LOL

Every single day you post the same trite crap about collusion. There is nothing to talk about on the subject until something else occurs. The First week you started this you beat the horse to death, now you are just mutilating the corps.

They are mutilating the Marines?

You conservatives all got butt hurt when Obama mispronounced "corpsman" as "corpse man".

Now? You have decided to replace "corpse" with "corps". You did the same thing you bitched about Obama doing, only you did it in reverse.

Actually i didn’t. I rarely if ever comment on typos or grammar errors here. It’s the cheap shot people (like you) use when they have nothing relevant to post.
For all of you who have enjoyed nat4900 post over time, it is with a sad and heavy heart that I tell you he has been diagnosed with a raging and incurable case of TCDS (Trump Collusion Derangement Sydrome).

TCDS causes the afflicted to become monomaniacal about Russian collusion and their balls shrivel up and fall off, so if any of you find a shriveled up ball sack, please return it nate4900.

You may be an idiot.....BUT, you're a funny idiot.....

Just for novelty sake......try addressing a thread's topic instead of the same trite crap.......Give it a shot.....LOL

Every single day you post the same trite crap about collusion. There is nothing to talk about on the subject until something else occurs. The First week you started this you beat the horse to death, now you are just mutilating the corps.

They are mutilating the Marines?

You conservatives all got butt hurt when Obama mispronounced "corpsman" as "corpse man".

Now? You have decided to replace "corpse" with "corps". You did the same thing you bitched about Obama doing, only you did it in reverse.

Actually i didn’t. I rarely if ever comment on typos or grammar errors here. It’s the cheap shot people (like you) use when they have nothing relevant to post.

When Obama mistakenly said "corpse men" rather than "corpsman", you conservatives were all over him about it. Matter of fact, sometimes when Trump says something stupid, there are a lot of conservatives on here who counter with Obama mispronouncing corpsman STILL.
Any bets that Barr summarized the Mueller report's conclusion incorrectly that there was no collusion?
Didn't think so, thanks for playing.
Let's see that report and we'll know.

Oh wait...Barr is hiding it...
They have fallen on hard times.


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