Zone1 Is Black Fatherlessness caused by Racism? By the Welfare System? By Something Else?

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?

That they are perpetuating a lot of racist myths.

The first one is that unmarried means fatherless.

The second is that this state of affairs has increased poverty, when quite the opposite has happened.

Now, yes, the black out of wedlock birth rate HAS increased since the 1950's. (But so has the white OOW birth rate.)


But the black poverty rate has declined since then.


In short, no correlation between poverty and OOW birth rates, in fact,t he correlation seems to be inverse.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
There is a lot of truth to what they are saying but let's be honest. Right now in America there is a young black girl who doesn't have any money who's going to let a young black man with no money put his dick inside her without a rubber. Who's fault is it? Yes I admit that these people are in the situation they are in because of generational racism dating all the way back to the civil war but ultimately, who's fault is it she let him fuck her without a rubber?

She WANTED to have a baby because she has nothing else. Not all but there are a lot of black women like this. I worked with a black women who had 5 kids from 4 different guys. All accidents? Republicans think it's wonderful she didn't abort any of these 5 babies? And this woman worked. But clearly she was also on welfare and the fathers were not in these kids lives. The last baby daddy was a white cop. His didn't want anything to do with her or the kid. Probably embarrassed by her.

Do black people go to public school? Don't the teachers teach them about fatherlessness? Or do the kids grow up and just not listen?

Lastly. There is a shortage of black men. So black women are willing to sleep with a black man who has babies with other women. She's willing to share. This is because black women in ghettos aren't allowed to date white men. It's taboo. They get shunned. So the next time someone says you are racist because you wouldn't want your daughter to date a black guy, know this about the black community. They DO NOT like their black women sleeping with white men.

I've had black women tell me it's refreshing how affectionate and considerate us white guys are. We have to be. We don't have big black cocks that can go all night. We have to compensate.
You know it all stems back to slavery. First the white slave owners stole black people and that made the black kids in Africa automatically fatherless.

Then it continued with the white slave owners making black kids fatherless. The white slave owner sold his own black kids keeping them fatherless. To add to that, the white slave owner would take his black slave's children and sell them off, or sell their mother and father, again... keeping the black kids always fatherless.

Today that same spirit of slavery and fatherless black kids exists. Other things have attached itself to that spirit from slavery such as ratchet and ungodly rap music which promotes degenerating women in an all out misogynistic manner, and the hatred of caring and providing for their bloodline/offspring. As rap music teaches hatred of mostly black woman thereby abandoning her with no choice but to carry childrearing load all by herself. Within the black race the perpetual and generational deserting of black kids by black men will always exist and increase. The black women will always be left to pick up the pieces and be both the mother and the father to little black kids.
You know it all stems back to slavery. First the white slave owners stole black people and that made the black kids in Africa automatically fatherless.

Then it continued with the white slave owners making black kids fatherless. The white slave owner sold his own black kids keeping them fatherless. To add to that, the white slave owner would take his black slave's children and sell them off, or sell their mother and father, again... keeping the black kids always fatherless.

Today that same spirit of slavery and fatherless black kids exists. Other things have attached itself to that spirit from slavery such as ratchet and ungodly rap music which promotes degenerating women in an all out misogynistic manner, and the hatred of caring and providing for their bloodline/offspring. As rap music teaches hatred of mostly black woman thereby abandoning her to carry the load all by herself. Within the black race the perpetual and generational deserting of black kids by black men will always exist and increase. The black women will always be left to pick up the pieces and be both the mother and the father to little black kids.
During an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the TV host said that having a large family with multiple women wasn't always a part of his plan. However, when several of his romantic partners raised the topic of having children during the COVID-19 pandemic, he "wanted to give them what they desired."

Nick Cannon has 12 kids. I remember hearing him say his job or mission is to spread his seed as much as possible before he goes. At least he can afford the child support. But he can't possibly be THERE for all 12.
During an interview with the Los Angeles Times, the TV host said that having a large family with multiple women wasn't always a part of his plan. However, when several of his romantic partners raised the topic of having children during the COVID-19 pandemic, he "wanted to give them what they desired."

Nick Cannon has 12 kids. I remember hearing him say his job or mission is to spread his seed as much as possible before he goes. At least he can afford the child support. But he can't possibly be THERE for all 12.
All that is demonic. Just like anyone who uses lots of profanity has a demonic demon in them controlling them. To come up with an ungodly and completely unbiblical reason to fornicate is apart of Satan the devil. We will be led in this world by God or by Satan. Which ever one we follow that one will also promote us. If one is a fornicator and they just love it, Satan will promote them to do with Nick Cannon and other men have done, promote them to porn, etc..

Which ever sin they like Satan is going to promote them in it; even drugs. If one is led by God they get promoted to where they want to do more things that are righteous, spread more of the gospel, etc... There is no in between. Meaning we will all be led by God or Satan which ever one we believe in.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
Yes, at one time Fatherless blacks were the whole intent of the KKK/Democrat party like Lyndon Johnson and his "I'll get those n gg rs voting Democrat for the next 100 years", by sticking 10s of thousands of blacks into a 1 square mile project and giving them just enough free stuff to own their votes. But many of the blacks of today, not all, have moved off the plantation, left the Democrat shithole cities and moved into the suburbs where they also are living the American dream but much harder every time a Marxists/Demofascists gets into power. This year you will see lots of blacks voting for President Trump, only because he did better for them than Mr. Potato Head Joe.

You know it all stems back to slavery. First the white slave owners stole black people and that made the black kids in Africa automatically fatherless.

Then it continued with the white slave owners making black kids fatherless. The white slave owner sold his own black kids keeping them fatherless. To add to that, the white slave owner would take his black slave's children and sell them off, or sell their mother and father, again... keeping the black kids always fatherless.

Today that same spirit of slavery and fatherless black kids exists. Other things have attached itself to that spirit from slavery such as ratchet and ungodly rap music which promotes degenerating women in an all out misogynistic manner, and the hatred of caring and providing for their bloodline/offspring. As rap music teaches hatred of mostly black woman thereby abandoning her with no choice but to carry childrearing load all by herself. Within the black race the perpetual and generational deserting of black kids by black men will always exist and increase. The black women will always be left to pick up the pieces and be both the mother and the father to little black kids.
Did you know that only black plantation owners bred more black slaves?

I am old enough to remember that when The Pill became generally available, the promise to The World was, "No more unwanted babies."

And it's true. Women have A CHOICE. They can CHOOSE to engage in reproductive behavior with no protection, or they can CHOOSE not to do that, and probably have a child or children. The Black culture has removed the stigma of bastardy. For a lesson is what Black culture USED TO think about bastardy, check this link:

You can push the silly myth that an unmarried father - probably living elsewhere - is as good as a married father, but nobody's buying it. Marriage and fatherhood are about COMMITMENT, and commitment is lacking in such arrangements.

This ain't racism, it's hundreds of thousands of Black men and women making a horrible choice, and expecting someone else to pay for their mistake.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
Blacks had a low illegitimacy rate prior to the government instituting welfare programs, though it was higher than whites and was rising.

After welfare, rates rose rapidly. So, correlation would seem to apply.
Blacks had a low illegitimacy rate prior to the government instituting welfare programs, though it was higher than whites and was rising.

After welfare, rates rose rapidly. So, correlation would seem to apply.
I think you are mixing cause and effect and correlation does not mean cause.

In the 40s, 50s and 60s, Blacks built strong families
At the time, our cities were manufacturing centers where low skilled workers would flock and earn enough to support a family.
When those manufacturing jobs went away, low skilled blacks were left behind. Welfare filled that void but welfare was denied from families with an able bodied man even though there were no jobs in the area.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?

When you subsidize bad behavior you get more of it. Nothing wrong with trying to support women who have children, but when you remove any shame from having multiple children with multiple fathers, and continue to support them, you subsidize the bad behavior.

There isn't really a good way to both provide help AND not encourage said bad behavior, but it's still a problem.
What is the reason for this seeming epidemic of black or mixed children growing up without a father?

This article from UCLA Law argues that requiring fathers to pay child support is the cause:

This one argues that it is the welfare system:

Historically, federal and state laws and welfare regulations have created barriers and disincentives for the involvement of fathers in the lives of their children. Federal assistance for the poor often focused on children and custodial parents, elderly persons, and disabled persons. Able-bodied men, including noncustodial fathers, were not eligible for benefits such as public or subsidized housing, Medicare, or food stamps. These policies lead to situations in which fathers were too poor to support their children financially and subsequently too ashamed to maintain contact or involvement with them.

Rather than a linear process that ascribes the blame for Black plight to Black fathers, this Comment posits that socially constructed notions of race and stringent welfare-child support laws perpetuate the absent Black father stereotype. This cycle begins with a Black father being absent from the home; he then has child support enforced against him, irrespective of his ability to pay; consequently, the child takes on the identity of being fatherless and the father who cannot pay child support is rendered deadbeat.
This interview argues that it is the child welfare system, i.e. CPS and other family investigation agencies:

quickly discovered that Black children were grossly over-represented in the system. There was this huge racial disparity, which I then came to see as Black communities being targeted by what I’m now calling “family policing.”

In other words, it’s not just that there are statistical disparities. There are Black communities—especially segregated, impoverished Black neighborhoods—where there is intense concentration of child-welfare-agency involvement, and children are at high risk of being subjected to investigation, to being removed from their homes, to spending a long time in foster care, and for their parents rights to be terminated.

Honestly, I found a hard time reading anything from a reputable source that blamed racism. Yet that seems to be the go-to when the issue is discussed.

What say you?
You are weak on yer assessment, we will need a study to find out why.
I think you are mixing cause and effect and correlation does not mean cause.

In the 40s, 50s and 60s, Blacks built strong families
At the time, our cities were manufacturing centers where low skilled workers would flock and earn enough to support a family.
When those manufacturing jobs went away, low skilled blacks were left behind. Welfare filled that void but welfare was denied from families with an able bodied man even though there were no jobs in the area.
Not accurate. In the 60s and 70s manufacturing was still going strong in the US. Plenty of low skilled manufacturing jobs existed.

Black illegitimatcy was rising prior to welfare, but took off after.

The out of wedlock birth rates by race in the United States from 1940-2014. The rate for African Americans is the purple line. Data is from the National Vital Statistics System Reports published by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics. Note: Prior to 1969, African American illegitimacy was included along with other minority groups as "Non-White."[1]
All that is demonic. Just like anyone who uses lots of profanity has a demonic demon in them controlling them. To come up with an ungodly and completely unbiblical reason to fornicate is apart of Satan the devil. We will be led in this world by God or by Satan. Which ever one we follow that one will also promote us. If one is a fornicator and they just love it, Satan will promote them to do with Nick Cannon and other men have done, promote them to porn, etc..

Which ever sin they like Satan is going to promote them in it; even drugs. If one is led by God they get promoted to where they want to do more things that are righteous, spread more of the gospel, etc... There is no in between. Meaning we will all be led by God or Satan which ever one we believe in.
But God told Nick Cannon to do what he's doing.

Throughout the Bible, the Lord gives commands to humanity. One of the first commands, He gave twice. In the Book of Genesis, God tells Adam and Eve:

“And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (Genesis 1:28).
Not accurate. In the 60s and 70s manufacturing was still going strong in the US. Plenty of low skilled manufacturing jobs existed.

Black illegitimatcy was rising prior to welfare, but took off after.

The out of wedlock birth rates by race in the United States from 1940-2014. The rate for African Americans is the purple line. Data is from the National Vital Statistics System Reports published by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics. Note: Prior to 1969, African American illegitimacy was included along with other minority groups as "Non-White."[1]
Then why did white illegitimacy also rise?
More things happened in the 1960s than welfare.

More women filed for divorce as women no longer “needed a man” to support them.
A pregnancy used to force a Shotgun Wedding to save the woman from the embarrassment of an illegitimate child
Not accurate. In the 60s and 70s manufacturing was still going strong in the US. Plenty of low skilled manufacturing jobs existed.

Black illegitimatcy was rising prior to welfare, but took off after.

The out of wedlock birth rates by race in the United States from 1940-2014. The rate for African Americans is the purple line. Data is from the National Vital Statistics System Reports published by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics. Note: Prior to 1969, African American illegitimacy was included along with other minority groups as "Non-White."[1]

Blacks did well whenever there was a major manufacturing boom. For sure in Detroit, Saginaw, Flint and Pontiac. No shit when the economic opportunity left things went to shit.

We are seeing now in America that uneducated whites are suffering because of the lack of economic opportunities. So from the end of the Civil War till around Reagan/Bush era, uneducated whites were doing really good in America. Then all those good UNION jobs went away. And today we see uneducated whites who lack good economic opportunities are starting to suffer all the same problems blacks who lack economic opportunity suffer.

Go figure. We're all human
Then why did white illegitimacy also rise?
More things happened in the 1960s than welfare.

More women filed for divorce as women no longer “needed a man” to support them.
A pregnancy used to force a Shotgun Wedding to save the woman from the embarrassment of an illegitimate child

Let me add to my previous post. Blacks who lacked economic opportunity were stuck in ghettos. Kind of hard to get out of a ghetto. But uneducated whites today who lack economic opportunity aren't stuck in ghettos. They are living in white America just like their fathers did only their fathers were in unions and made good money. Today whites with no education can only hope to land a job at Publix or Target.
Let me add to my previous post. Blacks who lacked economic opportunity were stuck in ghettos. Kind of hard to get out of a ghetto. But uneducated whites today who lack economic opportunity aren't stuck in ghettos. They are living in white America just like their fathers did only their fathers were in unions and made good money. Today whites with no education can only hope to land a job at Publix or Target.
It is what I have been saying.

Blacks formed strong families when there were good paying, low skilled jobs in our cities. Same applied to rural areas where there were jobs mining, farming and in menial labor.

When those jobs went away, the families disintegrated as there was no longer a male breadwinner.

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