Is CA in a Death Spiral or in a Political Shift to the Right?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
The poor moving in, the middle class moving out and the Traditional leftist financial base is gone:

SCOTUS did away with the PSU scam of a fig leaf over patronage jobs.

The end to unlimited SALT deduction and skipping normal preventions of fires and floods by not spending money because of the Trump tax cut bill.

So, will the technical bankruptcy of robbing Peter and Paul cause default and a bail-out with teeth or will CA just collapse?
The poor moving in, the middle class moving out and the Traditional leftist financial base is gone:

SCOTUS did away with the PSU scam of a fig leaf over patronage jobs.

The end to unlimited SALT deduction and skipping normal preventions of fires and floods by not spending money because of the Trump tax cut bill.

So, will the technical bankruptcy of robbing Peter and Paul cause default and a bail-out with teeth or will CA just collapse?

How about BOTH. The State of California has successfully socialized the state so that in the end, there will only be two people: the super rich living behind iron gates and the very poor everywhere else. Then all the California snobs can ride around seeing only palm trees, swimming pools and luxurious homes for themselves and tell themselves what a success California has been as a model for the country.
You know I think the JANUS ruling is going to have an effect. Now that labor unions can no longer blindly support Any given Democrat that purse drying will force them to compete for dollars. And those forced will NOW have to listen. They ARE in a death spiral no doubt, and a party funding shift COULD be a nightmare for democrats.
The poor moving in, the middle class moving out and the Traditional leftist financial base is gone:

SCOTUS did away with the PSU scam of a fig leaf over patronage jobs.

The end to unlimited SALT deduction and skipping normal preventions of fires and floods by not spending money because of the Trump tax cut bill.

So, will the technical bankruptcy of robbing Peter and Paul cause default and a bail-out with teeth or will CA just collapse?

How about BOTH. The State of California has successfully socialized the state so that in the end, there will only be two people: the super rich living behind iron gates and the very poor everywhere else. Then all the California snobs can ride around seeing only palm trees, swimming pools and luxurious homes for themselves and tell themselves what a success California has been as a model for the country.
A modern day India.
Good luck to all the state of CA retirees trying to find their pension teat in the future. Your past and present legislature folks just never seemed to get around to funding all those hundreds of millions yous guys thought you’d be depending on in your golden years. But, hey, the Hollyweirdos might make an interesting movie out of all your retirement sufferings. Hopefully one of those ensemble cast productions so all of your favorite lefty actors can earn another fat paycheck at your expense.
the main reason I put up the thread is that I cannot find a defensible argument for CA surviving as a major state. I hope someone else can.
I know the India model will not work because the sanctuary state bit will put most of the current and former politicians in federal prison as part of the bailout.
Good luck to all the state of CA retirees trying to find their pension teat in the future. Your past and present legislature folks just never seemed to get around to funding all those hundreds of millions yous guys thought you’d be depending on in your golden years. But, hey, the Hollyweirdos might make an interesting movie out of all your retirement sufferings. Hopefully one of those ensemble cast productions so all of your favorite lefty actors can earn another fat paycheck at your expense.
Calpers no doubt is an axe ready to fall, they just got a 67% reducton in their checks. They have shipping so ports are their ONLY strong point. If they get the resession based trade war Bill Mahr is hoping for THAT is gone.
The poor moving in, the middle class moving out and the Traditional leftist financial base is gone:

SCOTUS did away with the PSU scam of a fig leaf over patronage jobs.

The end to unlimited SALT deduction and skipping normal preventions of fires and floods by not spending money because of the Trump tax cut bill.

So, will the technical bankruptcy of robbing Peter and Paul cause default and a bail-out with teeth or will CA just collapse?
The poor moving in, the middle class moving out and the Traditional leftist financial base is gone:

SCOTUS did away with the PSU scam of a fig leaf over patronage jobs.

The end to unlimited SALT deduction and skipping normal preventions of fires and floods by not spending money because of the Trump tax cut bill.

So, will the technical bankruptcy of robbing Peter and Paul cause default and a bail-out with teeth or will CA just collapse?

How about BOTH. The State of California has successfully socialized the state so that in the end, there will only be two people: the super rich living behind iron gates and the very poor everywhere else. Then all the California snobs can ride around seeing only palm trees, swimming pools and luxurious homes for themselves and tell themselves what a success California has been as a model for the country.
that California snob part is absolutely true.......
As I am not envious of California because I live here I can find the fault in all of the posts. One thing is certain, the state is growing. We do supply the rest of the nation a vast amount of the food they consume. We also produce the electronic toys you all so gladly use. We are not a leech state like some many of you live in.
I know the India model will not work because the sanctuary state bit will put most of the current and former politicians in federal prison as part of the bailout.
The India model works because that IS their curret economic landscape.
The current economic fair is we have a rainy day fund of some billions of dollars. The debt is being paired down every day. It is not easy fixing all the years of republican deficits. But Brown is getting it done.
As I am not envious of California because I live here I can find the fault in all of the posts. One thing is certain, the state is growing. We do supply the rest of the nation a vast amount of the food they consume. We also produce the electronic toys you all so gladly use. We are not a leech state like some many of you live in.
Not a leech state but a state with a hell of a lot of leeches, many of them here illegally. But glad to hear you think you’re prospering. Sleep tight.
As I am not envious of California because I live here I can find the fault in all of the posts. One thing is certain, the state is growing. We do supply the rest of the nation a vast amount of the food they consume. We also produce the electronic toys you all so gladly use. We are not a leech state like some many of you live in.

By "we" do you mean Republicans who run California's agriculture industry? :itsok:
The Democratic Party is pretty much anti-middle class and a healthy middle class is the essential to a successful economy. In Left Wing economics the middle class are tax slaves and it destroys the middle class.
the main reason I put up the thread is that I cannot find a defensible argument for CA surviving as a major state. I hope someone else can.

Mark my words - California will eventually have to be repatriated, likely by force. It will never be permitted to secede, nor given more representation in Congress by the contrivance of splitting the state.
Good luck to all the state of CA retirees trying to find their pension teat in the future. Your past and present legislature folks just never seemed to get around to funding all those hundreds of millions yous guys thought you’d be depending on in your golden years. But, hey, the Hollyweirdos might make an interesting movie out of all your retirement sufferings. Hopefully one of those ensemble cast productions so all of your favorite lefty actors can earn another fat paycheck at your expense.
Calpers no doubt is an axe ready to fall, they just got a 67% reducton in their checks. They have shipping so ports are their ONLY strong point. If they get the resession based trade war Bill Mahr is hoping for THAT is gone.

They did have a strong point. For everything east of the mountains savings on fuel and delivery time make east coast harbors from Boston to Galvaston cheaper. mostly due to the topology
I'd like to believe they're coming around, but the Communists have such a stranglehold on the State. They're killing the California Golden Goose. I just don't have much hope that Californians will opt for sanity and dump the Communists/Democrats. It is what it is.
Good luck to all the state of CA retirees trying to find their pension teat in the future. Your past and present legislature folks just never seemed to get around to funding all those hundreds of millions yous guys thought you’d be depending on in your golden years. But, hey, the Hollyweirdos might make an interesting movie out of all your retirement sufferings. Hopefully one of those ensemble cast productions so all of your favorite lefty actors can earn another fat paycheck at your expense.
Calpers no doubt is an axe ready to fall, they just got a 67% reducton in their checks. They have shipping so ports are their ONLY strong point. If they get the resession based trade war Bill Mahr is hoping for THAT is gone.

They did have a strong point. For everything east of the mountains savings on fuel and delivery time make east coast harbors from Boston to Galvaston cheaper. mostly due to the topology
This will be the first year SALT takes full effect. As you may recall they were allowed to file early last year to avoid it. And all hell is going to break loose!

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