Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?

xÞx;1638638 said:
Part of capitalism, which relies on profit, is to improve a business's margin by any legal means.

Not free-market capitalism. Those laws you allude to are legislation which limit capitalism in the interest of protecting the good of the masses. A truly free market has no laws, only whatever ethos emerges from personal dealings.

A truly free market does have laws, however. Laws against fraud and breaking contracts, for example.
xÞx;1638643 said:
xÞx;1638604 said:
You'd work for whatever you got payed whenever you got payed for it. Or you'd starve. That is, unless, you wish to form a representative body (government) and take action to remove or force the hand of your oppressor.

Yes, I would certainly work to be payed an agreed upon amount between my employer and I, or I'd find somewhere else to work of course.
Clearly, you fail to grasp the concept of a monopoly. Ask a librarian for a history book and a dictionary.

I'm asking you for an example of what you asserted would happen on a truly free market. Your failure to provide any such example shows me that you simply made up the claim or are parroting the lines of somebody else.
xÞx;1638646 said:
xÞx;1638606 said:
Double-edged word. What good do those industries do you when you have no job or money?

So then getting rid of all machines in all businesses would enrich us, correct? Maybe we should mandate that people work with one arm tied behind their back? That would make work even harder thus enriching us further!

Nice evasion. Your concession and admission of your inability to rebut is noted.


The old "Your concession is noted, and I win" game, huh? Yeah we don't have enough of that around here.
xÞx;1638638 said:
Part of capitalism, which relies on profit, is to improve a business's margin by any legal means.

Not free-market capitalism. Those laws you allude to are legislation which limit capitalism in the interest of protecting the good of the masses. A truly free market has no laws, only whatever ethos emerges from personal dealings.

A truly free market does have laws, however. Laws against fraud and breaking contracts, for example.


Laws = restrictions upon freedom.

Such laws limit the freedom of the businesses to act. Neither they or the market is truly free, as the laws artificially inhibit their ability to compete in order to protect the interests of smaller businesses. That is government interference (which you profess to hate) ensuring competition, safety, and workers' rights (which you seem to love)
Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?

BOTH! It's whose in charge that matters; read The Gilded Age for background.
xÞx;1638656 said:
xÞx;1638638 said:
Not free-market capitalism. Those laws you allude to are legislation which limit capitalism in the interest of protecting the good of the masses. A truly free market has no laws, only whatever ethos emerges from personal dealings.

A truly free market does have laws, however. Laws against fraud and breaking contracts, for example.


Laws = restrictions upon freedom.

Such laws limit the freedom of the businesses to act. Neither they or the market is truly free, as the laws artificially inhibit their ability to compete in order to protect the interests of smaller businesses. That is government interference (which you profess to hate) ensuring competition, safety, and workers' rights (which you seem to love)

No, they're not. You can't allow fraud on a free market as that would give leverage to those who would commit fraud, and undermine the entire point of the free market.
xÞx;1638638 said:
Part of capitalism, which relies on profit, is to improve a business's margin by any legal means.

Not free-market capitalism. Those laws you allude to are legislation which limit capitalism in the interest of protecting the good of the masses. A truly free market has no laws, only whatever ethos emerges from personal dealings.

The constitution allows for regulation of interstate commerce. I have no problem with laws that fall within that section of the constitution.
Liberalism and socialism were both born as solutions to the gross failure of capitalism.

The only reasons why capitalism at all exists today is that liberalism (a tempered form of capitalism) rose after WWII and saved capitalism from extinction. The capitalists then brainwashed the American people into believing that socialism was all evil and that capitalism was what saved us all from the great communist monster. In fact it was liberalism that saved us from communism, not capitalism.

They continue to promote the notion that socialism equals communism, despite the fact that every major western nation, including the U.S.A., has been some form of socialist/capitalist hybrid since WWII. In fact, the only places that even approach what could be called true capitalism are all what could truly be called 'third world'.

Hey, but if you're the dictator of a third world country, third world isn't too bad. Of course for everyone else life sucks...but who cares?

That's really the essence of the capitalist philosophy - to achieve a world wide capitalist dictatorship and to reduce the vast majority of the people to abject poverty.
Liberalism and socialism were both born as solutions to the gross failure of capitalism.

The only reasons why capitalism at all exists today is that liberalism (a tempered form of capitalism) rose after WWII and saved capitalism from extinction. The capitalists then brainwashed the American people into believing that socialism was all evil and that capitalism was what saved us all from the great communist monster. In fact it was liberalism that saved us from communism, not capitalism.

They continue to promote the notion that socialism equals communism, despite the fact that every major western nation, including the U.S.A., has been some form of socialist/capitalist hybrid since WWII. In fact, the only places that even approach what could be called true capitalism are all what could truly be called 'third world'.

Hey, but if you're the dictator of a third world country, third world isn't too bad. Of course for everyone else life sucks...but who cares?

That's really the essence of the capitalist philosophy - to achieve a world wide capitalist dictatorship and to reduce the vast majority of the people to abject poverty.

Other than that you are 100% wrong and every statement you've made is the opposite of the truth I agree with you!

Capitalism is a self regulating system. I heard George Soros complaining that capitalism didnt regulate itself. I wanted to ask what universe he lives in. In a capitalist system the penalty for failure is bankruptcy and dissolution. In America today the penalty is government handouts and control.
The economic mess came about exactly through government, specifically a Fed that kept rates too low too long, encouraging wild lending.
Over 100 years ago about 90% of the US population was involved in agriculture. Where are all those jobs today? Yet we produce more agricultural products than ever. Same today with manufacturing.
Obviously the term "creative destruction" is unknown to some posters here.
Liberalism and socialism were both born as solutions to the gross failure of capitalism.

The only reasons why capitalism at all exists today is that liberalism (a tempered form of capitalism) rose after WWII and saved capitalism from extinction. The capitalists then brainwashed the American people into believing that socialism was all evil and that capitalism was what saved us all from the great communist monster. In fact it was liberalism that saved us from communism, not capitalism.

They continue to promote the notion that socialism equals communism, despite the fact that every major western nation, including the U.S.A., has been some form of socialist/capitalist hybrid since WWII. In fact, the only places that even approach what could be called true capitalism are all what could truly be called 'third world'.

Hey, but if you're the dictator of a third world country, third world isn't too bad. Of course for everyone else life sucks...but who cares?

That's really the essence of the capitalist philosophy - to achieve a world wide capitalist dictatorship and to reduce the vast majority of the people to abject poverty.

You're confusing liberalism for progressivism. And please name one true capitalist third world country.
xÞx;1638463 said:
Unbridled capitalism is the problem

capitalism must be restrained if the masses aren't to be bent over by the big corporations

capitalism cannot sustain itself without borrowing from socialistic thought and idealism

Regulation of capitalism that eliminates corruption and greed while enhancing and improving competion is essential to restoring American prosperity.
xÞx;1638463 said:
Unbridled capitalism is the problem

capitalism must be restrained if the masses aren't to be bent over by the big corporations

capitalism cannot sustain itself without borrowing from socialistic thought and idealism

Regulation of capitalism that eliminates corruption and greed while enhancing and improving competion is essential to restoring American prosperity.

How do we regulate corruption and greed in government?
xÞx;1638463 said:
Unbridled capitalism is the problem

capitalism must be restrained if the masses aren't to be bent over by the big corporations

capitalism cannot sustain itself without borrowing from socialistic thought and idealism

Regulation of capitalism that eliminates corruption and greed while enhancing and improving competion is essential to restoring American prosperity.

How do we regulate corruption and greed in government?

Like we always have. Give regulators the power to enforce regulations. Simple concept.
How do we regulate corruption and greed in government?

Like we always have. Give regulators the power to enforce regulations. Simple concept.

What regulators? The government does whatever it wants.

Our government works within the parameters of the laws and regulations that govern our system. Any flaws or corruption by individuals can be highlighted, but they do not make a rational or realistic case for what you believe.
Like we always have. Give regulators the power to enforce regulations. Simple concept.

What regulators? The government does whatever it wants.

Our government works within the parameters of the laws and regulations that govern our system. Any flaws or corruption by individuals can be highlighted, but they do not make a rational or realistic case for what you believe.

Yeah, sure it does.
In an economy where the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, then markets fail. Prices get skewed to pay the rich, and the poor can no longer afford them. It doesn't happen in the instant moment. It takes time.

Anyone notices that no one discusses that!

So heeeeere's No One!

A statistical adjustment is required at the payroll source: To compensate for the inflation. There was a time when COLA's were actually $0.01 per hour for every 0.3 rise of the Consumer Price Indes. That was before even Reagan even became SAG President--and bought a gun, (concepts which go together)! More and More after Reagan, the basis of Pay Raises is to use the fixed percentage. After all, Nixon did this to Social Security--and they are of the same. . . .Probably Minister Farrakhan understands most clearly About where they. . .wound up! Others apparently do basketball, with the money, in the pricey schools! Some even send little kids to these places, likely to learn the more "professional" things.

Actually, the amount of the increase should be indexed itself, to account for the relative loss of value of the currency. Transfer Payment Economies--Welfare and Social Security types of income--could be adjusted using the average hourly work week.

Importantly: This is all an unnatural act. There is nothing natural about it. It is called, "arithmetic." It is beyond the comprehension of the Ivy League, and even of the lesser known, Schvartze Ivy League, where physics is done.

Instead of failed markets, there is actually a tax base created. Even banks can discover loans being repaid. Soviet-style, planned lending is even unnecessary. Options actually happen in the market. That cannot now happen. Instead, the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. No options happen. The thing fails.

So if all kinds of options happen, then even logically--"Regulation" is a difficult concept to even imagine.

In fact, Widespread Wealth Worldwide is a precursor for an anarchy. In the alternative, only the more fear-crazed, messianic fanatics, create systems wherein the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer: And fail all the time. It takes a government to regulate that.

Just look at government: Even Now! Ask Millions!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(And so the Holy Father has decided to expand into Her Majesty's Anglican Church--apparently unable to create other options--clearly keeping the faith as it is, and not liberal(?)! This is a very old, Holy Father: With origins of religion in his own early, Christian Hitler Youth!)
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