Zone1 Is Christianity just an outlier sect of Judaism?

I was raised to never even say the word G_d as it would be taking his name in vain. I recently learned it isn't spelled out in Judaism so I am comfortable in being cautious and not spelling it out either. I've read through many of the 613 mitzvahs, maybe 315 or so are.relevant today according to some of the Rabbis I follow/watch on youtuve, I also follow.Christian preachers of course.
Only saying God’s name in cursing is taking it in vein. Why would God not want you to talk about him? Another ridiculous fake Jew rule, just like the term “BCE” and “CE”.
lol, no it isn't. It was a response to WW II and the expulsions of Jews from Arab countries. Most of the Jews who came after WW II were not religious, but secular, as were a lot of the early Zionist organizations, many of them labor activists.
Jews trickled out of the Arab world in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973.
Here is a major struggle I am having. I have suffered excessively in my life, and I've prayed relentlessly of late, went yewrs being a good person, and the suffering doesn't go away. In fact, it often becomes worse. I've been reading about all Faiths and understanding more of what Jesus himself stuided. So, even as I will watch church today I wonder, "is it possible I am upsetting G_d by focusing more on the man and the Faith Jesus promoted, rather than the source"? . Should I learrn more of Moses and Abraham than only Jesus? I am too curious and analytical a person to not dissect all of this,.it is inevitable.
God loves, and He cares very much about even the smallest things in our lives. Put away the idea that you can upset God--He is with you.

Should you learn more of Moses and Abraham? No...and yes. Yes, because they are part of the story of mankind. No, because the purpose should not be to learn more about people, but more about God and His presence in people's lives. Aren't you in the place you are because you are wondering whether your focus has been too much on the human life of Jesus instead of Jesus' focus on God's role in his life? That won't go away by changing the focus to other men. I believe you will find their focus was also God's role in their lives.

The best thing I ever did was to undertake an in depth study of the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) and Judaism. My motivation was that I was extremely puzzled by the Old Testament view of God, as that was not my view of God at all. In short, I learned that the modern English/Western view of the Old Testament had become skewed between first the translation of Hebrew to English and second because of the shift in the very different perspectives of Biblical culture and modern culture.

So, yes! Study both, don't study "instead of". You will be better because of it. It is a most enriching and enlightening undertaking. Plan on spending decades doing this.
Jesus was sent to save the world. Nobody is saved without faith and belief in Him.

Here's a statement from Him as He spoke with Israelites:

John 3:18, “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
Also, there were actually 12 tribes of Israel. The term “Jew” represents one of the twelve (Judah). So not all the Israelites can be called “Jews,” technically. They actually split apart in the later years (read the books of Kings and Chronicles). The 10 northern tribes of Israel were referred to as “Israel” while the two southern tribes of Judah & Benjamin were referred to as “Judah” and, at times, "Jews.”

Hebrews 8:8, “For finding fault with them, he saith, Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah:”

1) House of Israel
2) House of Judah

Two, different groups.
And, Jesus was "sent only" to the 'house of Israel".
Jews trickled out of the Arab world in 1948, 1953, 1956, 1967 and 1973.

The vast majority 'trickeled out' when the Arab vermin got handed their asses in 1947-1948. Seems the 'Great Desert Warrior Culture' and their 'armies' almost immediately dissolved into mobs of looters and rapists, with the exception of a few Jordanian units.
You go much too far with your arrogant ignorance. It's not only dishonest it's obnoxious.

Projection. Anybody who reads real history can see it all for themselves. Superstitious people will remain superstitious, it's more comfortable than truth.
The vast majority 'trickeled out' when the Arab vermin got handed their asses in 1947-1948. Seems the 'Great Desert Warrior Culture' and their 'armies' almost immediately dissolved into mobs of looters and rapists, with the exception of a few Jordanian units.
Nope. They left in batches after incidents like the Suez crisis and the Lavon Affair. You're weak in history.
And, Jesus was "sent only" to the 'house of Israel".
But his message was for everyone, which was the original intent for chosing Jews in the first palce, nt making them some exclusive 'Master Race'; they were to carry the message to the rest of the world, not sit in their enclaves and admire themselves. they had a job to do, and the Babylonians destroyed that mission. Jews lived in 'Ghettoes' in the West because they demanded to, they didn't want to be 'tainted' by Da Evul Sub-human Goyim'.
But his message was for everyone, which was the original intent for chosing Jews in the first palce, nt making them some exclusive 'Master Race'; they were to carry the message to the rest of the world, not sit in their enclaves and admire themselves. they had a job to do, and the Babylonians destroyed that mission. Jews lived in 'Ghettoes' in the West because they demanded to, they didn't want to be 'tainted' by Da Evul Sub-human Goyim'.
Jesus' task was to lay the foundation of the new covenant church. He witnessed briefly to the Jews knowing that he and his message would be rejected. Of course, there were some Jews that believed on him.

He was received by those to whom he was sent, the so-called lost tribes, although in these latter days he has been embraced by many other peoples.
Of course, there were some Jews that believed on him.

Many in fact; that was the main reason the TEmple scammers wanted him dead. He was turning many away from the Babylonian cult. In fact Christians still did most of their teachings from synagogues for years afterwards. It was the cultists who expelled them and they started founding their own churches. Jews worked with the pagans to murder them and harass them for the next 300+ years, until Constantine came along and offered protections. Of course counterfeit Jews like Lisa need to peddle the myth of endless Xian bigotry against poor helpess Jews for 2,000 years, a load of bullshit. They just hate being on the losing end of their own pogroms.
I was raised to never even say the word G_d as it would be taking his name in vain. I recently learned it isn't spelled out in Judaism so I am comfortable in being cautious and not spelling it out either. I've read through many of the 613 mitzvahs, maybe 315 or so are.relevant today according to some of the Rabbis I follow/watch on youtuve, I also follow.Christian preachers of course.
Not taking the Lord's name in vain pertained to the wedding vows between God and Israel, and lately Christ and the church, not everyday use in conversation. IOW don't take the name Christian and besmirch it with sin or wear it like a badge of righteousness, or use it to curse someone.
Of course counterfeit Jews like Lisa need to peddle the myth of endless Xian bigotry against poor helpess Jews for 2,000 years, ,,, They just hate being on the losing end of their own pogroms.
Israel Became a Jewish nation again AS PROPHECIED.

hereditary idolatry, apartheid heaven ... counterfeit or not, their beliefs unfortunately are nothing new - they simply are not heavenly, as proclaimed by the liar moses.
Of course counterfeit Jews like Lisa need to peddle the myth of endless Xian bigotry against poor helpess Jews for 2,000 years, a load of bullshit. They just hate being on the losing end of their own pogroms.
Seriously. Comments like the above are what make me doubt everything you present. Jews are not on the losing end of anything. It could be that Christianity as a whole is judged by Jews because of what some Christians have done over time. The ones who quietly infuse Christianity in their own lives (as we are taught) are overlooked, but caught in the same label. This can happen/has happened by people of all faiths, people of all nationalities can have the same reaction towards people of other nationalities.

Keep in mind that people on all sides are keen to clean up the messes some have made, some are still making. If Jews cannot tell Christians where the messes are, then how can we help?
I pass on posts from people who cannot bother to speak for themselves. I do not follow links, and I skip past any post containing more than three sentences from any other source. If you wish me to read Post #119, go back and delete all extraneous material. That would truly make it "your" post, instead of the work of a non-member. I cannot have a discussion with a non-member as they are not here to respond.
to each his own.
And, Jesus was "sent only" to the 'house of Israel".
Because He "divorced" the House of Israel as recorded in Jeremiah. He was angry with the House of Judah but never divorced them:

Jeremiah 3:8, “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.”
Because He "divorced" the House of Israel as recorded in Jeremiah. He was angry with the House of Judah but never divorced them:

Jeremiah 3:8, “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; yet her treacherous sister Judah feared not, but went and played the harlot also.”
He sent Jesus Christ to bring the house of Israel back.
He sent Jesus Christ to bring the house of Israel back.
Also known as “redemption” or “buying back.” He will remarry at the “marriage supper of the Lamb.” Of course, we're speaking of biblical Israel, not modern Israel. Two, very different groups (Revelation 2:9 & 3:9)

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