Is Comey Walking Into An Ambush?

Democrats build these elaborate traps. They tell some democrat true believer that he's the bait. When the democrats spring that trap, there's not a republican to be found. Just the lone democrat crying "Guys. Hey guys. This isn't funny any more."

But it is funny to democrats. They are all lined up saying "look at what the republicans did".
I'll be watching (sort of, from work) along with everyone else I know. Must see tv tomorrow a.m. Kick off is at 10:45 (or is it 10?)
All I want to here is about:
the loyalty oath
did he tell Trump thrice before the cock crowed that he was not involved in the Russia probe?
what conversations with Trump concerned Comey and what did he say/why was he uncomfortable. And I hope he hands over the memos, but maybe he has been told by the special counsel not to.
I'll be watching (sort of, from work) along with everyone else I know. Must see tv tomorrow a.m. Kick off is at 10:45 (or is it 10?)
All I want to here is about:
the loyalty oath
did he tell Trump thrice before the cock crowed that he was not involved in the Russia probe?
what conversations with Trump concerned Comey and what did he say/why was he uncomfortable. And I hope he hands over the memos, but maybe he has been told by the special counsel not to.
The problems with the "memos" are they are Comey's recollections of what was said between him and Trump.
A) How many times have you sat in a meeting heard someone say something then leave the meeting and copy down "EXACTLY" word for word what was said.
So unless he had a recorder (which would then be illegal...) we are to believe his ability to 100% remember exactly what Trump said.
B) The other problem... unless Trump has a recorder...(Remember Nixon's famous taping system?) it will be Comey's word that Trump pressured him. And that is not
good enough...except for the Democrats!
I'll be watching (sort of, from work) along with everyone else I know. Must see tv tomorrow a.m. Kick off is at 10:45 (or is it 10?)
All I want to here is about:
the loyalty oath
did he tell Trump thrice before the cock crowed that he was not involved in the Russia probe?
what conversations with Trump concerned Comey and what did he say/why was he uncomfortable. And I hope he hands over the memos, but maybe he has been told by the special counsel not to.
The problems with the "memos" are they are Comey's recollections of what was said between him and Trump.
A) How many times have you sat in a meeting heard someone say something then leave the meeting and copy down "EXACTLY" word for word what was said.
So unless he had a recorder (which would then be illegal...) we are to believe his ability to 100% remember exactly what Trump said.
B) The other problem... unless Trump has a recorder...(Remember Nixon's famous taping system?) it will be Comey's word that Trump pressured him. And that is not
good enough...except for the Democrats!
why does it have to be "exactly" what Trump said? I heard someone say that, too, and I thought the same thing you did--our memories aren't like that, unless as an FBI man for decades, he has some tricks you and I don't know for remembering discussions verbatim.
The point is, it doesn't matter. You can recall the gist of a conversation without remembering every exact word. I don't know why you seem to think Trump's recollection of the matter is any better than Comey's.
The long and short of it, sans your supposed justification, is that you have already decided that you aren't going to believe a word Comey says. I'm SHOCKED I tell you. SHOCKED!
Does anyone here know anything about Comey's ties to the Clinton Crime Cartel and for how many decades? I don't just mean years but decades of years. And in what capacities? This guy was in the Clinton's employ before some of you were born. I am hoping all this dirt will be uncovered during the Senate hearings.

And I am not going to provide any links or proof. I made accusations and if you want to disprove them, well, your googler ain't broken. Lay on, MacDuff.

Another thing that will be interesting to hear is just exactly why the "discussion" during the infamous "Tarmac Meeting" between Bubba and Lynch would be a matter of National Security. What would reminiscing about "grandchildren" have to do with affairs of State? Very fishy IMO. I have a slight suspicion that Hillary was the subject of the "chance" meeting that both Bubba and Lynch arranged. Any ideas, boys and girls.
You mean once he is under oath is Comey going to have to explain why his FBI department broke the law?

- Declassified memos show FBI illegally shared spy data on Americans with private parties

Or do you mean is he going to be asked how he could honestly declare he did not recommend indictment for Hillary Clinton based on the idea she was too stupid to know she was breaking the law when 1) She is a lawyer, and 2) Ignorance of the law is not a legally acceptable defense?
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
Does anyone here know anything about Comey's ties to the Clinton Crime Cartel and for how many decades? I don't just mean years but decades of years. And in what capacities? This guy was in the Clinton's employ before some of you were born. I am hoping all this dirt will be uncovered during the Senate hearings.

And I am not going to provide any links or proof. I made accusations and if you want to disprove them, well, your googler ain't broken. Lay on, MacDuff.
Like clockwork.. Comey to testify against Trump so he HAS to be slandered by the DEPLORABLES. It's standard practice by this bunch.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
Does anyone here know anything about Comey's ties to the Clinton Crime Cartel and for how many decades? I don't just mean years but decades of years. And in what capacities? This guy was in the Clinton's employ before some of you were born. I am hoping all this dirt will be uncovered during the Senate hearings.

And I am not going to provide any links or proof. I made accusations and if you want to disprove them, well, your googler ain't broken. Lay on, MacDuff.
Like clockwork.. Comey to testify against Trump so he HAS to be slandered by the DEPLORABLES. It's standard practice by this bunch.

No slander and who said Comey is going to testify against the Donald? Has Trump been charged? Be reasonable.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
Does anyone here know anything about Comey's ties to the Clinton Crime Cartel and for how many decades? I don't just mean years but decades of years. And in what capacities? This guy was in the Clinton's employ before some of you were born. I am hoping all this dirt will be uncovered during the Senate hearings.

And I am not going to provide any links or proof. I made accusations and if you want to disprove them, well, your googler ain't broken. Lay on, MacDuff.
Like clockwork.. Comey to testify against Trump so he HAS to be slandered by the DEPLORABLES. It's standard practice by this bunch.

No slander and who said Comey is going to testify against the Donald? Has Trump been charged? Be reasonable.
He's going to testify on the claims/ lies Trump made. No REASONABLE person believes Comey told Trump "3 times he's not under investigation."
Also that he asked the FBI to back off Flynn."
And then there's yesterday's bombshell:

Top intelligence official told associates Trump asked him if he could intervene with Comey on FBI Russia probe
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
When you have a president incapable of telling the truth. Trump has a reputation of being a liar.
You don't know this? Lol
I'm sure the former G-man thinks tomorrow will be his chance at saving-face and redemption. I'm also sure he's practiced some new catch-phrases like "mildly nauseous" for the event. But what I think he's missing is that he will have no friends on that panel. Everybody hates him. He's not scary to anybody anymore because Trump nut-cut him. So if his plan is to parse words implying the President messed with his "investigation", he's going to have to either provide specifics or get laughed out of the room. And he has no specifics, of that we can be sure. Trying to say: "that's classified" will go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter. So my advice to Comey is not to show up or if he does to keep his eye on the tree-line....there will be snipers aplenty looking for some pay-back on this primadonna. :eusa_think:

The only thing he can do of worth is hand over hard evidence in a Manila folder to the Senate. Everything else is personal opinion from a disgruntled employee who got fired for incompetence.
Comey's FBI already broke the law by illegally sharing classified information with a 3rd party.

Comey has already, publicly, exposed himself as politically biased by claiming ignorance of the law is the reason he refused to recommend indictment for Hillary when legal precedence has already been set that ignorance of the law is not a legally acceptable defense for breaking the law.

Comey has been 'compromised, proven to be politically motivated / biased.

He can step up before Congress and tell them what he THINKS, what he FEELS, how he FELT during their meeting, but if he has no evidence to support what he says, his lack of true credibility will kill anything he says.
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

Unfortunately, it’s no contest. Here’s what psychology tells us about life under a leader totally indifferent to the truth.

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

Hilarious Trumpies think the country will believe the liar in Chief over Comey.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
When you have a president incapable of telling the truth. Trump has a reputation of being a liar.
You don't know this? Lol
Did you suddenly crawl out of being lost in the woods for the last 8 years?
I'm sure the former G-man thinks tomorrow will be his chance at saving-face and redemption. I'm also sure he's practiced some new catch-phrases like "mildly nauseous" for the event. But what I think he's missing is that he will have no friends on that panel. Everybody hates him. He's not scary to anybody anymore because Trump nut-cut him. So if his plan is to parse words implying the President messed with his "investigation", he's going to have to either provide specifics or get laughed out of the room. And he has no specifics, of that we can be sure. Trying to say: "that's classified" will go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter. So my advice to Comey is not to show up or if he does to keep his eye on the tree-line....there will be snipers aplenty looking for some pay-back on this primadonna. :eusa_think:

The only thing he can do of worth is hand over hard evidence in a Manila folder to the Senate. Everything else is personal opinion from a disgruntled employee who got fired for incompetence.
^^ idiot bought Trump's lies on why Comey was fired.

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