Is Comey Walking Into An Ambush?

Trump has a reputation of being a liar.
(Reputation? Obama is a proven liar. :p )

Comey has already proven he is deceitful, 'un-true', politically motivated / biased....

'He said / he said'...political theater.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
When you have a president incapable of telling the truth. Trump has a reputation of being a liar.
You don't know this? Lol
You have already tried and convicted Trump so you win.
But what crime was committed when and if Trump asked if he could intervene? Or should we make up something?
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
Exactly. So there's an equal chance you will believe Comey?
I'm sure the former G-man thinks tomorrow will be his chance at saving-face and redemption. I'm also sure he's practiced some new catch-phrases like "mildly nauseous" for the event. But what I think he's missing is that he will have no friends on that panel. Everybody hates him. He's not scary to anybody anymore because Trump nut-cut him. So if his plan is to parse words implying the President messed with his "investigation", he's going to have to either provide specifics or get laughed out of the room. And he has no specifics, of that we can be sure. Trying to say: "that's classified" will go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter. So my advice to Comey is not to show up or if he does to keep his eye on the tree-line....there will be snipers aplenty looking for some pay-back on this primadonna. :eusa_think:

The only thing he can do of worth is hand over hard evidence in a Manila folder to the Senate. Everything else is personal opinion from a disgruntled employee who got fired for incompetence.
^^ idiot bought Trump's lies on why Comey was fired.
President can fire the FBI director because he wore a tie on Tuesday, shitforbrains.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
Exactly. So there's an equal chance you will believe Comey?
The way the last 10 months of investigations have come out - NO evidence, I will not believe anything unless evidence is finally presented.
I'm sure the former G-man thinks tomorrow will be his chance at saving-face and redemption. I'm also sure he's practiced some new catch-phrases like "mildly nauseous" for the event. But what I think he's missing is that he will have no friends on that panel. Everybody hates him. He's not scary to anybody anymore because Trump nut-cut him. So if his plan is to parse words implying the President messed with his "investigation", he's going to have to either provide specifics or get laughed out of the room. And he has no specifics, of that we can be sure. Trying to say: "that's classified" will go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter. So my advice to Comey is not to show up or if he does to keep his eye on the tree-line....there will be snipers aplenty looking for some pay-back on this primadonna. :eusa_think:

The only thing he can do of worth is hand over hard evidence in a Manila folder to the Senate. Everything else is personal opinion from a disgruntled employee who got fired for incompetence.
^^ idiot bought Trump's lies on why Comey was fired.
President can fire the FBI director because he wore a tie on Tuesday, shitforbrains.
True. It didn't stop the investigation either. There will be no obstruction of justice charges. Just evidence your President is an unethical dink. I don't know you can get into trouble for that, but the MSM will LOVE it.
Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

Unfortunately, it’s no contest. Here’s what psychology tells us about life under a leader totally indifferent to the truth.

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

Hilarious Trumpies think the country will believe the liar in Chief over Comey.
Your but is going to be really sore the next 8 years.
Keep ignoring the evidence I've presented. That's all u got.
What hard evidence have you presented and have you read Post #11 above?
SUPPOSEDLY, Comey only offers what was said, when it was said, and who said it. His job isnt to judge one way or the other.
Comey and Trump supposedlyy met 1-on-1...If Comey brings no audio / video evidence with him to support anything he says then it all collapses into a 'He said / He said', a complete waste of time. More political theater.
You Do know that if it comes down to a "he said he said " situation, Trump loses big time.
Anyone who has had even a passing interest in politics knows Trump's a pathological liar. AND that Comey has respect and credibility in the FBI and outward.
Are you DEPLORABLES that dense that you think anyone will believe the same guy that lied about the size of his inauguration crowd and hundreds more lies since then?
When did "he said, he said" become the gospel truth for one side and blatant lies for the other side, Confusedius?
Exactly. So there's an equal chance you will believe Comey?
The way the last 10 months of investigations have come out - NO evidence, I will not believe anything unless evidence is finally presented.
you won't believe it even if a mountain of evidence comes out. You and I both know it.

Much much more evidence will surface as the investigations dig in on the documents Flynn just released and further subpoenas.
That's BS.

Fired FBI Director James Comey plans to testify that President Trump personally sought his 'loyalty' while also pressing to 'lift the cloud' of the Russia investigation, according to written testimony released Wednesday ahead of his Senate committee hearing. The same testimony also says Comey assured Trump back in January that he was not personally being investigated.
Days before the election Democrats piled onto Comey when he said he was re-opening Hillary's investigation. Democrats even suggested Comey should be charged with breaking the law - violating the Hatch Act.

"Making matters slightly worse, some have even raised questions about Comey misusing his office in ways that ran afoul of the law. The Hatch Act prohibits government officials from using their offices to influence elections"...

Some Democrats didn't just want Comey fired, they pondered the idea of indicting him / charging him with breaking the law....of course now they all think he is 'swell' again, their moods changing like the arm of a pendulum...

Comey's FBI did break the law under his leadership, illegally sharing information with a 3rd party. Now all the snowflakes' hopes and dreams are on Comey, hoping he will be the one to finally produce any evidence againstTrump. :p

FBI's James Comey under fire after jolting presidential race
That's BS.

Fired FBI Director James Comey plans to testify that President Trump personally sought his 'loyalty' while also pressing to 'lift the cloud' of the Russia investigation, according to written testimony released Wednesday ahead of his Senate committee hearing. The same testimony also says Comey assured Trump back in January that he was not personally being investigated.
Fake News...what else did you expect. :p
That's BS.

Fired FBI Director James Comey plans to testify that President Trump personally sought his 'loyalty' while also pressing to 'lift the cloud' of the Russia investigation, according to written testimony released Wednesday ahead of his Senate committee hearing. The same testimony also says Comey assured Trump back in January that he was not personally being investigated.
Your own link is extremely damaging to Trump. You must not have read it. Lmao

(CNN)Former FBI Director James Comey will say Thursday that President Donald Trump asked him about the former national security adviser Michael Flynn and to "see your way clear to letting this go," according to a copy of his opening remarks posted online.

"He then said, 'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go,'" Comey said in remarks posted on the website of the Senate intelligence committee. "I replied only that 'he is a good guy.' (In fact, I had a positive experience dealing with Mike Flynn when he was a colleague as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at the beginning of my term at FBI.) I did not say I would 'let this go.'"
Hilarious you play the bogus fake news game with CNN while you support a pathological liar.
You mean you are pissed at me because I won't support YOUR choice of liars? :p

Barry is, so far, unequaled, though Trump might be giving him a run for his money. He has yet to lie to the loved ones of deceased Americans whose deaths he has caused, like Barry did. He has yet to win 'Lie of the Year'.

'Fake News Game'? Take a look at the video again, how CNN doesn't just 'out' themselves - they brag about it. :p

Hilarious you play the bogus fake news game with CNN while you support a pathological liar.

Here's A Running List Of President Trump's Lies And Other Bullshit

And this was back in January. So many lies since that time..

when you have a fake POTUS every media story about him is fake ...
when you have a fake POTUS every media story about him is fake ...

If you have a fake President, it seems like all the media would have to do is tell the truth. If you have to lie about a false president you suck as a news agency.

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