Is Cruz Cheating? He is Under Fire for Sending Iowans Controversial Letter

My husband ran for office , way back when. The only print out I ever saw about the voters were their address and their party..
None of this physiological scam like it seems to be ok today.

As a counselor I had to sign a law and ethics form every 2 years plus take classes to keep up to date.
The main statement in every form was to protect the client's confidentiality unless if they were to hurt themselves or others..

This physiological crap should not ever be aloud, as we see there will be those who will take advantage of it with their Big Money Super Pac's

Here is a good read about Cruz spending big bucks to get this information.

Ted Cruz erased Trump's Iowa lead by spending millions on voter targeting


Do you mean "psychological", by the way?

"Physiological" refers to the biological functions of human beings.

Thank you, migraine all day..

Sorry to hear that, migraines suck.

And they are physiological.

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.
These voters could probably sue Cruz.

For what, releasing public records?

I do not think that these are accurate, he lied about their grade , and may have caused distress to others seeing this. Who goes down to see public record on how your neighbor is voting...geeezzzz.

Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Good point and the only defense the Rethuglicans have is to attack Hillary but when you compare who lies the most Hillary of Ted born in Canada Cruz, Cruz is a much much bigger liar

Cruz's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Cruz lies a whopping 67% of the time.

Clinton's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Clinton's statements for that ruling.

Are there no rules about spamming threads on this forum?
Stop lying. You lost and now you are claiming you asked me questions that I have failed to answer.

Bottom line is this: Cruz sent out a deceptive mailing in order to confuse, shame and intimidate voters. That is sleazy and most likely unlawful.


What is it that you think I've "lost", clown?

You didn't answer the questions that I asked in the post you responded to. I'll make it bigger for you.

How do fictitious "scores" turn neighbors against each other? What is there to be paranoid about?

And again - it's still not unlawful.

FRAUD IS UNLAWFUL! What about that don't you understand? Fraud and using the mail to defraud people is a CRIME! Cruz broke the law. Your word for it was fictitious when in fact that fiction was allowed to deceive Iowa voters. That is a federal and state crime.

18 U.S.C. § 1341 provides:

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a Presidential declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.[1]


Yes, "FRAUD" is unlawful. But the crime of "FRAUD" requires financial damages.

While the exact wording of fraud charges varies among state and federal laws. the essential elements needed to prove a fraud claim in general include: (1) a misrepresentation of a material fact; (2) by a person or entity who knows or believes it to be false; (3) to a person or entity who justifiably relies on the misrepresentation; and (4) actual injury or loss resulting from his or her reliance.

Fraud - FindLaw

Fraud does not require financial damages in common law. In come cases of civil law it does. The is a criminal matter not a civil matter. Cruz's attempt to deceive voters is unlawful and constitutes fraud. Deceiving the electorate is also a crime.

Cruz deception goes beyond mail fraud. The former presidential candidate says Cruz’s eligibility for the office is a “legitimate question.”

So you're saying your dear leader should have been criminally prosecuted for his liar of the year status? Come on, let's see exactly how intellectually honest your are.


If he had broken the law. He said that if you like your health care insurance you can keep it and for the most part that was true. What he left out was if it complied with the ACA. He lied but he did not break the law. Cruz used the U.S, mail to commit deceptive criminal fraud and that is a crime.

Obama did not tell the complete truth but now because of the ACA people with pre existing conditions can get medical care and kids can stay on their parents policies until age 26.

I was not in favor of the ACA. I want what Trump and Sanders want and that is single payer.
From your link:
My bold.

Cruz spokeswoman Catherine Frazier said the notice is “a standard mailer that folks at the Iowa Republican Party and other get-out-the-vote groups have used to help motivate low-propensity voters,” according to Politico.

So according to your link this is not the first time this form has been used, but suddenly everyone is all pissed off about it, well not everyone. Also according you your link, the guy raising a stink is a Rubio supporter.

It is akin to people being concerned that Ted was born in Canada. No one ever was concerned that McCain was born in Panama.

McCain was born on a US Naval base to two American parents and unlike Cruz, McCain did not have dual citizenship. McCain never had a Panamanian passport because Panama never considered him a citizen.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a sovereign U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth. Either of them would suffice to make him a natural born citizen

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.
For what, releasing public records?

I do not think that these are accurate, he lied about their grade , and may have caused distress to others seeing this. Who goes down to see public record on how your neighbor is voting...geeezzzz.

Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Good point and the only defense the Rethuglicans have is to attack Hillary but when you compare who lies the most Hillary of Ted born in Canada Cruz, Cruz is a much much bigger liar

Cruz's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Cruz lies a whopping 67% of the time.

Clinton's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Clinton's statements for that ruling.

Are there no rules about spamming threads on this forum?

Not spamming actually...
I do not think that these are accurate, he lied about their grade , and may have caused distress to others seeing this. Who goes down to see public record on how your neighbor is voting...geeezzzz.

Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Good point and the only defense the Rethuglicans have is to attack Hillary but when you compare who lies the most Hillary of Ted born in Canada Cruz, Cruz is a much much bigger liar

Cruz's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Cruz lies a whopping 67% of the time.

Clinton's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Clinton's statements for that ruling.

Are there no rules about spamming threads on this forum?

Not spamming actually...

Repeating the same worthless tripe is spamming!
It is akin to people being concerned that Ted was born in Canada. No one ever was concerned that McCain was born in Panama.

McCain was born on a US Naval base to two American parents and unlike Cruz, McCain did not have dual citizenship. McCain never had a Panamanian passport because Panama never considered him a citizen.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a sovereign U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth. Either of them would suffice to make him a natural born citizen

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I hope he bankrupts that Canadian Cruz.
My husband ran for office , way back when. The only print out I ever saw about the voters were their address and their party..
None of this physiological scam like it seems to be ok today.

As a counselor I had to sign a law and ethics form every 2 years plus take classes to keep up to date.
The main statement in every form was to protect the client's confidentiality unless if they were to hurt themselves or others..

This physiological crap should not ever be aloud, as we see there will be those who will take advantage of it with their Big Money Super Pac's

Here is a good read about Cruz spending big bucks to get this information.

Ted Cruz erased Trump's Iowa lead by spending millions on voter targeting


Do you mean "psychological", by the way?

"Physiological" refers to the biological functions of human beings.

Thank you, migraine all day..

Sorry to hear that, migraines suck.

And they are physiological.

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.

My husband stepped down as Mayor when we had our baby. He was on the town council for 10 years or so. Planning commission before that.
He also ran for state assembly but lost to a rich man, who was caught with fraud in 1988 in that office.
I never paid attention to the timeline.
He just had his handouts , door to door.
It was already getting to be a mudslinging ordeal , even for local stuff.

It is a reality tv. bull ring now...but I am really enjoying it ..

Is your job a politician analyst?


What is it that you think I've "lost", clown?

You didn't answer the questions that I asked in the post you responded to. I'll make it bigger for you.

How do fictitious "scores" turn neighbors against each other? What is there to be paranoid about?

And again - it's still not unlawful.

FRAUD IS UNLAWFUL! What about that don't you understand? Fraud and using the mail to defraud people is a CRIME! Cruz broke the law. Your word for it was fictitious when in fact that fiction was allowed to deceive Iowa voters. That is a federal and state crime.

18 U.S.C. § 1341 provides:

Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, or to sell, dispose of, loan, exchange, alter, give away, distribute, supply, or furnish or procure for unlawful use any counterfeit or spurious coin, obligation, security, or other article, or anything represented to be or intimated or held out to be such counterfeit or spurious article, for the purpose of executing such scheme or artifice or attempting so to do, places in any post office or authorized depository for mail matter, any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by the Postal Service, or deposits or causes to be deposited any matter or thing whatever to be sent or delivered by any private or commercial interstate carrier, or takes or receives therefrom, any such matter or thing, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail or such carrier according to the direction thereon, or at the place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, any such matter or thing, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the violation occurs in relation to, or involving any benefit authorized, transported, transmitted, transferred, disbursed, or paid in connection with, a Presidential declared major disaster or emergency (as those terms are defined in section 102 of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5122)), or affects a financial institution, such person shall be fined not more than $1,000,000 or imprisoned not more than 30 years, or both.[1]


Yes, "FRAUD" is unlawful. But the crime of "FRAUD" requires financial damages.

While the exact wording of fraud charges varies among state and federal laws. the essential elements needed to prove a fraud claim in general include: (1) a misrepresentation of a material fact; (2) by a person or entity who knows or believes it to be false; (3) to a person or entity who justifiably relies on the misrepresentation; and (4) actual injury or loss resulting from his or her reliance.

Fraud - FindLaw

Fraud does not require financial damages in common law. In come cases of civil law it does. The is a criminal matter not a civil matter. Cruz's attempt to deceive voters is unlawful and constitutes fraud. Deceiving the electorate is also a crime.

Cruz deception goes beyond mail fraud. The former presidential candidate says Cruz’s eligibility for the office is a “legitimate question.”

So you're saying your dear leader should have been criminally prosecuted for his liar of the year status? Come on, let's see exactly how intellectually honest your are.


If he had broken the law. He said that if you like your health care insurance you can keep it and for the most part that was true. What he left out was if it complied with the ACA. He lied but he did not break the law. Cruz used the U.S, mail to commit deceptive criminal fraud and that is a crime.

Obama did not tell the complete truth but now because of the ACA people with pre existing conditions can get medical care and kids can stay on their parents policies until age 26.

I was not in favor of the ACA. I want what Trump and Sanders want and that is single payer.

Still didn't prove he ever had a Canadian passport, and those suits will be dismissed just like they were against your dear leader. Also you have yet to prove his mailing caused any harm under the law, without that there is no fraud. When are you going to figure out that just saying it doesn't make it so. Also millions of Americans can demonstrate harm due to your dear leaders lies, but since you're a maobamabot, that's ok by you, right?
Do you mean "psychological", by the way?

"Physiological" refers to the biological functions of human beings.

Thank you, migraine all day..

Sorry to hear that, migraines suck.

And they are physiological.

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.

My husband stepped down as Mayor when we had our baby. He was on the town council for 10 years or so. Planning commission before that.
He also ran for state assembly but lost to a rich man, who was caught with fraud in 1988 in that office.
I never paid attention to the timeline.
He just had his handouts , door to door.
It was already getting to be a mudslinging ordeal , even for local stuff.

It is a reality tv. bull ring now...but I am really enjoying it now..

Is your job a politician analyst?


I'm an election consultant, with a specialty in GOTV (Getting Out The Vote) field operations.

In other words, I'm the guy in charge of those people who call you up, or knock on your door.

I'm also in graduate school working towards a Masters in Political Science, focusing on public opinion, political psychology and statistical analysis.
It is akin to people being concerned that Ted was born in Canada. No one ever was concerned that McCain was born in Panama.

McCain was born on a US Naval base to two American parents and unlike Cruz, McCain did not have dual citizenship. McCain never had a Panamanian passport because Panama never considered him a citizen.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a sovereign U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth. Either of them would suffice to make him a natural born citizen

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I'm not watching any news, has any results been reported?
I do not think that these are accurate, he lied about their grade , and may have caused distress to others seeing this. Who goes down to see public record on how your neighbor is voting...geeezzzz.

Great, I'll just file your post under personal opinion and unsubstantiated claims.

If this was Hillary it would be all over the place right now...

He is a snake and one of his fangs fell out with this one.

If you look under what cheating means, Teds name is on it.....again I will post it..

gerund or present participle: cheating
  1. 1.
    act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage, especially in a game or examination.
    "she always cheats at cards"

I would say this is showing a slimy character really.


Good point and the only defense the Rethuglicans have is to attack Hillary but when you compare who lies the most Hillary of Ted born in Canada Cruz, Cruz is a much much bigger liar

Cruz's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Cruz's statements for that ruling.

Cruz lies a whopping 67% of the time.

Clinton's statements by ruling
Click on the ruling to see all of Clinton's statements for that ruling.

Are there no rules about spamming threads on this forum?

Not spamming actually...

Nope, just a posting violation because he didn't provide any links. Just say'n.
Thank you, migraine all day..

Sorry to hear that, migraines suck.

And they are physiological.

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.

My husband stepped down as Mayor when we had our baby. He was on the town council for 10 years or so. Planning commission before that.
He also ran for state assembly but lost to a rich man, who was caught with fraud in 1988 in that office.
I never paid attention to the timeline.
He just had his handouts , door to door.
It was already getting to be a mudslinging ordeal , even for local stuff.

It is a reality tv. bull ring now...but I am really enjoying it now..

Is your job a politician analyst?


I'm an election consultant, with a specialty in GOTV (Getting Out The Vote) field operations.

In other words, I'm the guy in charge of those people who call you up, or knock on your door.

I'm also in graduate school working towards a Masters in Political Science, focusing on public opinion, political psychology and statistical analysis.

Speaking of picking
May I pick yours?
Who do you think will win for the Democrat/ Republican big debate?

McCain was born on a US Naval base to two American parents and unlike Cruz, McCain did not have dual citizenship. McCain never had a Panamanian passport because Panama never considered him a citizen.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a sovereign U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth. Either of them would suffice to make him a natural born citizen

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I'm not watching any news, has any results been reported?

Yep. Cruz won, then Trump, then Rubio - everyone else below 10%.

Cruz 27.7, Trump 24.4, Rubio 23
Sorry to hear that, migraines suck.

And they are physiological.

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.

My husband stepped down as Mayor when we had our baby. He was on the town council for 10 years or so. Planning commission before that.
He also ran for state assembly but lost to a rich man, who was caught with fraud in 1988 in that office.
I never paid attention to the timeline.
He just had his handouts , door to door.
It was already getting to be a mudslinging ordeal , even for local stuff.

It is a reality tv. bull ring now...but I am really enjoying it now..

Is your job a politician analyst?


I'm an election consultant, with a specialty in GOTV (Getting Out The Vote) field operations.

In other words, I'm the guy in charge of those people who call you up, or knock on your door.

I'm also in graduate school working towards a Masters in Political Science, focusing on public opinion, political psychology and statistical analysis.

Speaking of picking
May I pick yours?
Who do you think will win for the Democrat/ Republican big debate?


No one "wins" debates anymore.
McCain was born on a US Naval base to two American parents and unlike Cruz, McCain did not have dual citizenship. McCain never had a Panamanian passport because Panama never considered him a citizen.

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone, a sovereign U.S. territory at the time of McCain's birth. Either of them would suffice to make him a natural born citizen

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I'm not watching any news, has any results been reported?

Cruz 31,036
Trump 27,434
Rubio 23,997

Sanders 49%
Clinton 50%

Oh no I will never hear the end of it...:shock::alcoholic:

Just poking fun, everyone makes mistakes.

To bring it back to what we were talking about - you're right that elections have become "psychological" games, but you're wrong about the time frame in which it happened.

Electoral politics has been a psychological game ever since people started to understand how to play the game.

My husband stepped down as Mayor when we had our baby. He was on the town council for 10 years or so. Planning commission before that.
He also ran for state assembly but lost to a rich man, who was caught with fraud in 1988 in that office.
I never paid attention to the timeline.
He just had his handouts , door to door.
It was already getting to be a mudslinging ordeal , even for local stuff.

It is a reality tv. bull ring now...but I am really enjoying it now..

Is your job a politician analyst?


I'm an election consultant, with a specialty in GOTV (Getting Out The Vote) field operations.

In other words, I'm the guy in charge of those people who call you up, or knock on your door.

I'm also in graduate school working towards a Masters in Political Science, focusing on public opinion, political psychology and statistical analysis.

Speaking of picking
May I pick yours?
Who do you think will win for the Democrat/ Republican big debate?


No one "wins" debates anymore.

I mean ,in your opinion... who will be the 2 running for office Clinton/ Cruz ?

How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I'm not watching any news, has any results been reported?

Yep. Cruz won, then Trump, then Rubio - everyone else below 10%.

Cruz 27.7, Trump 24.4, Rubio 23

I figured Cruz and Trump would be close, Rubio did better than what I thought.
How about you prove Cruz ever had a Canadian passport.

Trump already did that and so will I. Cruz, who gave up his Canadian passport when the question first arose years ago. Cruz for a long time had dual citizenship.

Ted Cruz Renounces Canadian Citizenship - Time
Ted Cruz officially gives up his Canadian citizenship - The ...
No, Canada: Sen. Ted Cruz has formally shed his dual ...
Josh Earnest: Ted Cruz renounced his Canadian citizenship ...
Ted Cruz renounces Canadian citizenship | Fox News

Ted Cruz was for most of his life a Canadian citizen.

Note to the feeble minded, when Cruz moved to the US passports weren't needed, surrendering citizenship doesn't mean he actually had a Canadian passport. Hell I've never had a personal US passport, although I did have a government passport for official business for a few years.

I think after today Trump is going to be full force on Cruz with every Attorney in America..This is where Trumps $$$ goes.

I'm not watching any news, has any results been reported?

Cruz 31,036
Trump 27,434
Rubio 23,997

Sanders 49%
Clinton 50%


Looks like O'Malley is going to be gone.

Carson might hang in for a while, but the rest should also be gone. I just heard Huckabee has suspended his campaign.
Trump is going to get serious now...He does have a attitude. This might kick him into gear.

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