Is defining what socialism really is all that tough?

Socialism is lazy fat ass moochers who want other people to pay their bills for them.
Like retired veterans or people on Social Security retirement?
Yeah, lazy moochers, roflmao.
No, fat ass lazy mooching Dem welfare losers.
So no one on Social Security retirement or retired veterans are Dimocrats?

Look dummy working people paid for their social security benefits and so did veterans, pull your head out of your ass.
Socialism is lazy fat ass moochers who want other people to pay their bills for them.
Like retired veterans or people on Social Security retirement?
Yeah, lazy moochers, roflmao.
No, fat ass lazy mooching Dem welfare losers.
So no one on Social Security retirement or retired veterans are Dimocrats?

Look dummy working people paid for their social security benefits and so did veterans, pull your head out of your ass.
Lol, you are the one posting ambiguous assertions, not me, doofus.

That you think everyone on welfare is a Dimocrat says alot about your failure to think clearly.
I understand all of those and disagree with your assessment that the Nordic model is workable.

Not workable? When you look at the purchase parity average incomes, it is far more workable than what we have. Look at Iceland how well they handled the banking finance crisis or Finland Far better than the more capitalist countries of Europe like Germany or France. Compared to the Mediteranean sphere of the EU, capitalism there has been an unmitigated disaster.

American conservatives like to promote Venezuela as the epitome of socialism, but never bring up Greece or Argentina.

First of all, the most populace of those countries has the population approximately that of Minnesota...The most "successful" -Norway- has the nationalized North Sea oil patch to support its gigantic welfare state.....Sweden has run out of things to tax and its politicians have run out of free shit to bribe the masses with, in order to get elected.

Top 20 nations ranked by Nominal average incomes.
Iceland 61,787 90,662
Switzerland 62,283 88,159
Luxembourg 63,062 71,710
Norway 51,212 65,786
Denmark 51,466 65,674
Australia 49,126 61,620
United States 60,558 60,558
Ireland 47,653 53,112
Netherlands 52,877 52,705
Canada 47,622 50,033
Belgium 49,675 49,419
Austria 50,349 48,306
Sweden 42,393 47,783
New Zealand 40,043 46,917
Finland 42,964 46,772
United Kingdom 43,732 45,280
Germany 47,585 44,466
France 43,755 42,410
Israel 35,067 42,378
Japan 40,863 38,234

So, yeah, Norway has North Sea oil, but little Denmark has no huge natural resources, and yet performs almost as well as Norway does.

All the Nordic model nations are in the top 20 while many capitalist nations did not make the list at all. The worst, Finland, still did better than the UK, Germany orFrance and Japan.

The evidence suggests that Nordic model socialism works much better than capitalism on the average.

Laissez-faire brough Murica from near bankruptcy to its position as the globe's economic superpower in about a century....It's the ONLY way out now.

Lol, no, I disagree. Androids with Strong AI are coming out soon, and costs are estimated at around $2k per android.

As labor markets collapse slowly over the course of ten to twenty years, Nordic Model Socialism will stand out as the most humane and successful economic system by far as it does already.

Nordic model is based on the foundation of free market capitalism with a strong social state.

While businesses are low taxed, personal income are taxed among highest in the world.

On a $55,000 income in Denmark you would pay 60.2% to the state. In Norway, personal income tax border with 55%. Don't forget VAT of 25% in both countries.

You wan't that in US? No thanks... unlike Nordic countries, we have too many leeches and welfare parasites not willing to work or contribute to the economy in any way. They don't have that mentality there, and you start seeing how they cutting the benefits for immigrants they let in when their funds start drying out.

90% of Denmark are of Danish origin, and only 8% of others are already overwhelming the system.
83% of Norway are of Norwegian origin, 8% from other parts of Europe and 8% from elsewhere, and they too having a problem financing the welfare state. That too is changing, they learned the lesson.
By either nominal wage averages or PPP which looks at take-home purchasing power of income, Nordic Model Socialism beats the heck out of Wild West Capitalism. Period.

We have a similar system some call hybrid capitalism, half capitalist and half regulatory socialism. The only problem is that in the USA we still try to pretend that there is no socialism in our system to attribute our success to.

By saying "period" you're trying the statement what cannot be overturned, but you haven't provided that.

Nordic countries did not become successful as result of welfare state funded by ridiculously high taxes, their economic success has been reached during the period when they combined small public sector and free market policies. Nordic countries became successful due to their culture, social cohesion, hard work and individual responsibility. The welfare state was introduced afterwards, and since then they haven't been doing better, on the contrary, they have been in slow downfall.
Socialism is lazy fat ass moochers who want other people to pay their bills for them.
Like retired veterans or people on Social Security retirement?
Yeah, lazy moochers, roflmao.
No, fat ass lazy mooching Dem welfare losers.
So no one on Social Security retirement or retired veterans are Dimocrats?

Look dummy working people paid for their social security benefits and so did veterans, pull your head out of your ass.
Lol, you are the one posting ambiguous assertions, not me, doofus.

That you think everyone on welfare is a Dimocrat says alot about your failure to think clearly.

Your just mad because I called Dem's moochers. Do you deny that Dem's want to raise taxes on people who earn money and redistribute it to their moochers to purchase their votes?

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