Is Donald R Trump LIABLE for Educational Malpractice?

"Is Donald R Trump LIABLE for Educational Malpractice?"

Educational Malpractice

1. "Educational malpractice is a tort cause of action. Essentially, a claim of educational malpractice asserts that educational institutions and their employees breached their duty to educate plaintiffs adequately. Although educational malpractice has been the subject of much scholarly commentary (see, for example, DeMitchell & DeMitchell, 2003), it has been almost universally rejected by the judiciary."
-- Please define 'adequately'. Try to get a jury to all agree on that term.
-- If such a judicial charge could be levied against an education institution then almost every parent with kids in public schools could file this against the federal govt.

2. "Courts have recognized charges of breach of contract against educational institutions when plaintiffs demonstrate that educational institutions failed to carry out specific promises."
- This may be in play; however, can Trump be personally held responsible? I would imagine proof would be required that he had personal knowledge in advance that those running the institution with his name on it was engaged in some 'nefarious' activity. If it is proven after the fact that those persons running the institution simply failed to do their job you would still have a hard time proving Trump knowingly had a hand in it.

To answer your question, though, from all I have read and researched, NO, there is almost no way, without partisan/political motivation behind the effort, to find Trump guilty of 'Educational Malpractice'.
"Is Donald R Trump LIABLE for Educational Malpractice?"

Educational Malpractice

1. "Educational malpractice is a tort cause of action. Essentially, a claim of educational malpractice asserts that educational institutions and their employees breached their duty to educate plaintiffs adequately. Although educational malpractice has been the subject of much scholarly commentary (see, for example, DeMitchell & DeMitchell, 2003), it has been almost universally rejected by the judiciary."
-- Please define 'adequately'. Try to get a jury to all agree on that term.
-- If such a judicial charge could be levied against an education institution then almost every parent with kids in public schools could file this against the federal govt.

2. "Courts have recognized charges of breach of contract against educational institutions when plaintiffs demonstrate that educational institutions failed to carry out specific promises."
- This may be in play; however, can Trump be personally held responsible? I would imagine proof would be required that he had personal knowledge in advance that those running the institution with his name on it was engaged in some 'nefarious' activity. If it is proven after the fact that those persons running the institution simply failed to do their job you would still have a hard time proving Trump knowingly had a hand in it.

To answer your question, though, from all I have read and researched, NO, there is almost no way, without partisan/political motivation behind the effort, to find Trump guilty of 'Educational Malpractice'.

How California Educators Created an Educational Disaster

It was already known in 1987 that California had a serious reading problem. According to the Quincy (Mass.) Patriot Ledger of November 18, 1987:

Almost one in six adults in California is “functionally illiterate,” and most of those who can’t read are native English-speakers who went to school in the U.S. according to a new study by the State Department of Education.

The report says 3.1 million Californians can’t read well enough to understand advertising in newspapers, simple recipes or job applications. …

The largest group of illiterates is white. More than 43 percent of the group are white, and 56 percent were U.S.-born.

Naturally, the educators saw nothing in the schools to blame for this terrible situation
. To them, the reasons for all of that functional illiteracy were obviously social. So when it came to adopting new reading programs in 1988, the educators of California ignored everything that had been written about the reading problem since 1955, when Rudolf Flesch’s famous Why Johnny Can’t Read was published, and acted as if nobody knew what caused perfectly normal children in school to become reading failures. But 40 years after Flesch, in 1995, the educators began to see the light, albeit somewhat dimly. In an article entitled “Rethinking Reading,” in the August 1995 issue of Teacher magazine, we learn:


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?
That's an interesting though. My state is pushing hard for private, for profit, schools to compete with failing public schools. Personally, I think we should expand letting college kids work off their loans as teachers. But, could private schools be sued for kids failing to learn? Hmmm.

We do have public schools where the mission is more about people having jobs than educating kids, but teachers will consistently tell you that the most important thing is to have parents who demand their kids work.

In the "Age of Envy" anything private, for profit is seeing as evil giving "judges" the license to create a double standard. The public school bureaucrats intentions are pure as the driven snow. Private entrepreneurs are guilty of fraud.


There's no "creating" a double standard. Traditionally, government is immune from most civil suits for money. That really doesn't have much to do with why some public school systems are spectacular failures.
'Reading Problem'?

not one person can name 1 politician who actually read the ACA before the vote was taken that forced the minority-supported piece of Obama-agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority will of the people. Now THAT is what I call a serious 'reading problem'! :p
Traditionally, government is immune from most civil suits for money. That really doesn't have much to do with why some public school systems are spectacular failures.

I seriously would LOVE to see this changed.

Americans sued Iran and won - Iran owes them millions, and a court just upheld that decision. SO, IMO, the American people should be able to sue their own govt for heinous acts, such as abandoning 4 Americans to die needlessly, lying about it, and conducting a massive cover-up (that has been ARGUABLY exposed).

Hillary's own personal e-mails proved she denied needed additional security, stripped an Ambassador of security team members - after all other nations had pulled their people out, after 2 terrorist attacks on the US compound, and when she supposedly KNEW no military assistance could make it in time to help if another attack occurred, as warned by the Ambassador. For that level of incompetence, deceit, and betrayal a government should reimburse the family members for their loss...and the govt's failure to protect their loved ones.

Obama was warned about the terrorist brothers who perpetrated the Boston attacks in advance, enough time to prevent the attacks. Instead the govt failed to do anything and allowed the attacks to happen. Afterwards, in an attempt to deceive the American people, the administration put their pictures out to the public and asked for help identifying them...even though they already knew who they were. In such a case I thing such calculated deceit and ineptness should be allowed to be presented to a jury by the victims / family members for a decision.

We give billions to illegals and nations that hate us every year. I think a little compensation to Americans is deserved.


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?
That's an interesting though. My state is pushing hard for private, for profit, schools to compete with failing public schools. Personally, I think we should expand letting college kids work off their loans as teachers. But, could private schools be sued for kids failing to learn? Hmmm.

We do have public schools where the mission is more about people having jobs than educating kids, but teachers will consistently tell you that the most important thing is to have parents who demand their kids work.

In the "Age of Envy" anything private, for profit is seeing as evil giving "judges" the license to create a double standard. The public school bureaucrats intentions are pure as the driven snow. Private entrepreneurs are guilty of fraud.


There's no "creating" a double standard. Traditionally, government is immune from most civil suits for money. That really doesn't have much to do with why some public school systems are spectacular failures.

If the state government decide to enter the "education" business then courts must conclude that the waived their 11th Amendment immunity defense.

Don't fucking tell me that private enterprises are liable but public entities are not.
'Reading Problem'?

not one person can name 1 politician who actually read the ACA before the vote was taken that forced the minority-supported piece of Obama-agenda-driven legislation into law against the majority will of the people. Now THAT is what I call a serious 'reading problem'! :p

Excellent point.

We the people can NOT sue Harry Reid (D-USSR) for adopting Obama Hellcare , IN SECRET at 2 am , on a snowy xmas eve in 2008 , the Republicans were not allowed to speak, the bill was NEVER considered by the House. And the Congresscritters NEVER read the over 2000 pages bill.

Now that's fraud.



Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?

Trump University was never licensed or accredited. So, why wouldn't Trump be liable?

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Says Trump University Was 'Straight Up Fraud'


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?

For starters, it's not a university.


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?
That's an interesting though. My state is pushing hard for private, for profit, schools to compete with failing public schools. Personally, I think we should expand letting college kids work off their loans as teachers. But, could private schools be sued for kids failing to learn? Hmmm.

We do have public schools where the mission is more about people having jobs than educating kids, but teachers will consistently tell you that the most important thing is to have parents who demand their kids work.

In the "Age of Envy" anything private, for profit is seeing as evil giving "judges" the license to create a double standard. The public school bureaucrats intentions are pure as the driven snow. Private entrepreneurs are guilty of fraud.


There's no "creating" a double standard. Traditionally, government is immune from most civil suits for money. That really doesn't have much to do with why some public school systems are spectacular failures.

If the state government decide to enter the "education" business then courts must conclude that the waived their 11th Amendment immunity defense.

Don't fucking tell me that private enterprises are liable but public entities are not.

State, and local, govts have been in "the education biz" since the founding.
"Trump University was never licensed or accredited."

WHY the hail would you go to an unlicensed / unaccredited university?


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?

Trump University was never licensed or accredited. So, why wouldn't Trump be liable?

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Says Trump University Was 'Straight Up Fraud'

Assuming, that is a valid issue, why are public schools which are licensed and accredited , NOT liable?


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?

Trump University was never licensed or accredited. So, why wouldn't Trump be liable?

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Says Trump University Was 'Straight Up Fraud'

Assuming, that is a valid issue, why are public schools which are licensed and accredited , NOT liable?

Duh, ain't we talking about Trump University...?


Introduction Our public school system often fails miserably in its primary objective - that of educating the students. As a result, a new type of suit has developed, the suit for educational malpractice.' The action is brought by parents of children who were pushed through school and allowed to graduate though deficient in all basic skills.To date, these suits have been unsuccessful in the courts.3 Despite this lack of recognition, proponents of educational malpractice as a new theory of recovery are increasing.' The recent case of Donohue v. Copiague Union Free School District5 is a good example of the educational malpractice suit. In this case school authorities pushed the plaintiff through high school and awarded him a certificate of graduation, despite his numerous failing grades. Although school authorities were cognizant of the plaintiff's learning disabilities, they made no attempt to test or diagnose his problems or to provide remedial help. The plaintiffs suit for educational malpractice was dismissed for failure to state a cause of action."

No parent has successfully sued a public school system because after 12 years Johnny can't read -- why is Trump University different?

Trump University was never licensed or accredited. So, why wouldn't Trump be liable?

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman Says Trump University Was 'Straight Up Fraud'

Assuming, that is a valid issue, why are public schools which are licensed and accredited , NOT liable?

You're making one of the funniest defenses of Trump's con game yet.
"Trump University was never licensed or accredited."

WHY the hail would you go to an unlicensed / unaccredited university?
Why do people consistently fall for these scams where someone will teach you how you can't loose money flipping real estate?

Greed, lack of sophistication, desperation ....

I just don't see how anyone can successfully show Trump committed "education malpractice." But Trump U may very well be fraudulent.

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