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Is Donald Trump a Nazi?

Oboy! Low hangin' fruit time, yum!

Racial superiority of Aryan races
Trump does not believe that

I understand the judge from Indiana is "Mexican"....
"Black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

That democracy was inferior as a political system
Trump disagrees with that and supports the Constitution meanwhile people that attck Trump supporters are in agree ment with the Nazis on this one.

Bull SHIT. Rump is the most blatantly anti-Constitution candidate in our lifetimes. And there's no better example than this, which is still not going away:

There just ain't no way to spin that. That's a direct affront to the First Amendment, the building block of the whole Bill of Rights. Not to mention banning/deporting people on the basis of their religion -- same thing. The Nazis did that too, and there ain't no way to spin out of that either.


That a socialist system of government run command economics is best
Trump does not believe that, but he will endorse Sanders Nordic Socialism model one day as will most Americans

Actually Nazis as we know them didn't believe that either. They were above all Authoritarian, which is exactly what Rump is. "Socialism" was a new and trendy buzzword at the time, and already in the name of the NSDAP. Hitler, when he joined, objected to the name but went along with it for the marketability factor.

Fixated on having a strong totalitarian government
Trump opposes that vehemently

See above -- it cannot be more obvious that he supports that vehemently.

Prove your point. Like I just demonstrated its refutation.

Western civilization
Trump supports that as all rational people should

-- If your idea of "civilization" is kicking people off their land so you can build a fucking golf course. :gay:

Science, Engineering and mathematics
Yeah, Trump supports that as well


--- and by the way Fruity, you left out a few comparisons.

Nazi Germany: appeal to nationalism, past glories, the Fatherland...
Rump: "Make America great again"

Nazi Germany: appeal to national shame of status following Great War (now called WWI)...
Rump: "We've never beaten Japan at anything"... "they're laughing at us"....

Nazi Germany: promise to alleviate economic hard times...
Rump: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"

Nazi Germany: Blame Jews, Gypsies, communists, intellectuals for country's problems
Rump: Blames Mexicans, Muslims, "PC", calls Sanders "communist"

Nazi Germany: Appeal to religion, traditionalism, "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche"
Rump: Says the Bible is his favorite book, yet can't quote it and when he does it's bogus​
>> During the spring of 1933, Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. Some were works of Jewish writers, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Most of the books were by non-Jewish writers, including such famous Americans as Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis, whose ideas the Nazis viewed as different from their own and therefore not to be read.

The Nazi censors also burned the books of Helen Keller, who had overcome her deafness and blindness to become a respected writer; told of the book burnings, she responded: "Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas." << --- Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

See the difference?

Me neither.

So you don't see "the difference" between Nazis burning books, and Americans exercising their rights, by filing lawsuits against people who violate our libel laws. HA HA HA.

Your words. Your post. Don't blame me. I'm just reporting your idiocy that's all. Sheeeeeshh!!!!!

No they're NOT my words -- they're Rump's words and he didn't say "violate libel laws" --- he said "OPEN UP" libel laws so that when "they" (always "they") write stuff that is "unfair" or "a disgrace" ---- you know, legally technical, quantifiable terms --- they can be shut down via his favorite device.

He said "OPEN UP". There's no way around that. That ain't exercising existing law structure --- it's CREATING ENTIRELY NEW ONES. All for the same reason that Rump can't handle a pointed question from Megyn Fucking Kelly. Or a sharp criticism from Rosie Fucking O'Donnell. Or a jab from Bill Fucking Maher. Or a donation to oppose him from the Chicago Fucking Cubs. Or anybody who dares ask him about his bankruptcies... his many failed businesses... various contrived fake personas like "John Miller" and "John Barron"... his vitamin scam... his "university" scam.... his appeal to David Duke.... his mocking of a congenital disorder.... etc etc etc.

When hiring a President, who's got a finger on a button, what you DON'T want is Meltdown Man. And here's one who not only melts into a puddle at the slightest offense but wants to make sure we don't know about it -- by "OPENING UP" laws about free speech.

How fucking blind do you have to be to avoid seeing that?

Libel laws already exist. You have to be specific to commit libel or slander. You can't just use the court system to whine your diaper rash away because you don't like what somebody revealed about you. That's not how adults operate.

There just ain't no way around that. He said it and it cannot be unsaid. It exists. You can run away from it, you can try to spin it, you can deny it's sitting there going "la la la" but it exists, it's there and there ain't a god damn thing you can do about that except address it head on.

Here, maybe this will get you started:

>> 23. We demand that there be a legal campaign against those who propagate deliberate political lies and disseminate them through the press. In order to make possible the creation of a German press, we demand:

(a) All editors and their assistants on newspapers published in the German language shall be German citizens.

(b) Non-German newspapers shall only be published with the express permission of the State. They must not be published in the German language.

(c) All financial interests in or in any way affecting German newspapers shall be forbidden to non-Germans by law, and we demand that the punishment for transgressing this law be the immediate suppression of the newspaper and the expulsion of the non-Germans from the Reich.

Newspapers transgressing against the common welfare shall be suppressed. We demand legal action against those tendencies in art and literature that have a disruptive influence upon the life of our folk, and that any organizations that offend against the foregoing demands shall be dissolved. << --- NSDAP point 23
Go get a clue what the figure in your own avatar was fighting against.
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A certain ignorant sect of Americans approve.
Problem with that notion is, every time I question those people who think they are the informed ones, they show up to be IGNORANT. But of course. They're liberals, watch liberal OMISSION media, and therefore are information-deprived, and unaware of how much they don't know.
No they're NOT my words -- they're Rump's words and he didn't say "violate libel laws" --- he said "OPEN UP" libel laws so that when "they" (always "they") write stuff that is "unfair" or "a disgrace" ---- you know, legally technical, quantifiable terms --- they can be shut down via his favorite device.

He said "OPEN UP". There's no way around that.

Libel laws already exist. You have to be specific to commit libel or slander. You can't just use the court system to whine your diaper rash away because you don't like what somebody revealed about you. That's not how adults operate.

There just ain't no way around that. He said it and it cannot be unsaid. It exists. You can run away from it, you can try to spin it, you can deny it's sitting there going "la la la" but it exists, it's there and there ain't a god damn thing you can do about that except address it head on.
You are distorting his meaning of the words "open up". He's talking about cases being dismissed entirely, in which there were valid complaints. That is, too many cases being closed down improperly. Leave it to liberals to STRETTTCH the truth to what they want us to believe, Ho hum.
A certain ignorant sect of Americans approve.
Problem with that notion is, every time I question those people who think they are the informed ones, they show up to be IGNORANT. But of course. They're liberals, watch liberal OMISSION media, and therefore are information-deprived, and unaware of how much they don't know.
Bullshit you are in the top 10 most ignorant asshats on this site.
No they're NOT my words -- they're Rump's words and he didn't say "violate libel laws" --- he said "OPEN UP" libel laws so that when "they" (always "they") write stuff that is "unfair" or "a disgrace" ---- you know, legally technical, quantifiable terms --- they can be shut down via his favorite device.

He said "OPEN UP". There's no way around that.

Libel laws already exist. You have to be specific to commit libel or slander. You can't just use the court system to whine your diaper rash away because you don't like what somebody revealed about you. That's not how adults operate.

There just ain't no way around that. He said it and it cannot be unsaid. It exists. You can run away from it, you can try to spin it, you can deny it's sitting there going "la la la" but it exists, it's there and there ain't a god damn thing you can do about that except address it head on.
You are distorting his meaning of the words "open up". He's talking about cases being dismissed entirely, in which there were valid complaints. That is, too many cases being closed down improperly. Leave it to liberals to STRETTTCH the truth to what they want us to believe, Ho hum.
The above is a perfect example of streeettttching the truth .
--- and by the way Fruity, you left out a few comparisons.

Nazi Germany: appeal to nationalism, past glories, the Fatherland...
Rump: "Make America great again"

Nazi Germany: appeal to national shame of status following Great War (now called WWI)...
Rump: "We've never beaten Japan at anything"... "they're laughing at us"....

Nazi Germany: promise to alleviate economic hard times...
Rump: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"

Nazi Germany: Blame Jews, Gypsies, communists, intellectuals for country's problems
Rump: Blames Mexicans, Muslims, "PC", calls Sanders "communist"

Nazi Germany: Appeal to religion, traditionalism, "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche"
Rump: Says the Bible is his favorite book, yet can't quote it and when he does it's bogus​
This is incredible. So you openly admit that you think nationalism is a bad thing ? HA HA!

You think talking about creating jobs (and opening up ones to Americans, now stolen by foreign invaders) is a bad thing ?

You don't blame Mexico and their cheap labor "troops" for the imperialism they are engaging in ? Are you even cognizant of what is occuring ?

Are you really THIS deranged (or ignorant) ?
Oboy! Low hangin' fruit time, yum!

Racial superiority of Aryan races
Trump does not believe that

I understand the judge from Indiana is "Mexican"....
"Black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

That democracy was inferior as a political system
Trump disagrees with that and supports the Constitution meanwhile people that attck Trump supporters are in agree ment with the Nazis on this one.

Bull SHIT. Rump is the most blatantly anti-Constitution candidate in our lifetimes. And there's no better example than this, which is still not going away:

There just ain't no way to spin that. That's a direct affront to the First Amendment, the building block of the whole Bill of Rights. Not to mention banning/deporting people on the basis of their religion -- same thing. The Nazis did that too, and there ain't no way to spin out of that either.


That a socialist system of government run command economics is best
Trump does not believe that, but he will endorse Sanders Nordic Socialism model one day as will most Americans

Actually Nazis as we know them didn't believe that either. They were above all Authoritarian, which is exactly what Rump is. "Socialism" was a new and trendy buzzword at the time, and already in the name of the NSDAP. Hitler, when he joined, objected to the name but went along with it for the marketability factor.

Fixated on having a strong totalitarian government
Trump opposes that vehemently

See above -- it cannot be more obvious that he supports that vehemently.

Prove your point. Like I just demonstrated its refutation.

Western civilization
Trump supports that as all rational people should

-- If your idea of "civilization" is kicking people off their land so you can build a fucking golf course. :gay:

Science, Engineering and mathematics
Yeah, Trump supports that as well


--- and by the way Fruity, you left out a few comparisons.

Nazi Germany: appeal to nationalism, past glories, the Fatherland...
Rump: "Make America great again"

Nazi Germany: appeal to national shame of status following Great War (now called WWI)...
Rump: "We've never beaten Japan at anything"... "they're laughing at us"....

Nazi Germany: promise to alleviate economic hard times...
Rump: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"

Nazi Germany: Blame Jews, Gypsies, communists, intellectuals for country's problems
Rump: Blames Mexicans, Muslims, "PC", calls Sanders "communist"

Nazi Germany: Appeal to religion, traditionalism, "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche"
Rump: Says the Bible is his favorite book, yet can't quote it and when he does it's bogus​

This is incredible. So you openly admit that you think nationalism is a bad thing ? HA HA!

You think talking about creating jobs (and opening up ones to Americans, now stolen by foreign invaders) is a bad thing ?

You don't blame Mexico and their cheap labor "troops" fort he imperialism they are engaging in ? Are you even cognizant of what is occuring ?

Are you really THIS deranged ?

Nationalism is an ideal who's time has passed.
Every nation on the planet is interconnected and interdependent.
Your nationalism is just isolationism's new dress.
Bullshit you are in the top 10 most ignorant asshats on this site.
I challenge you right now, to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how ignorant you are.

Hell, I'll give you a quiz on the Mexican imperialism of the US, and you'll find out how much you don't know there, too.

You game ? Which is it, big mouth ? Fight or Flight ?
Bullshit you are in the top 10 most ignorant asshats on this site.
I challenge you right now, to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how ignorant you are.

Hell, I'll give you a quiz on the Mexican imperialism of the US, and you'll find out how much you don't know there, too.

You game ? Which is it, big mouth ? Fight or Flight ?
Are either one of your tests objective?
Or are they ,as I suspect steaming piles of racism and paranoia?
The childish giant font is another example of of your ignorance.
I challenge you right now, to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how ignorant you are.

Hell, I'll give you a quiz on the Mexican imperialism of the US, and you'll find out how much you don't know there, too.

You game ? Which is it, big mouth ? Fight or Flight ?

That isn't fair.

Duhs had his brain surgically removed and put into a locker at a bus station for the duration of the election cycle. He want's to be a perfect democrat so that he can better serve the party.

Once the brain was removed and replaced with a stalk of broccoli, duhs became a perfect democrat.

A look into the mind of duhs;

Nationalism is an ideal who's time has passed.
Every nation on the planet is interconnected and interdependent.
Your nationalism is just isolationism's new dress.
That is absolute NONSENSE. There never has been a need for American nationalism more than there is right now. Calling nationalism "an ideal who's time has passed" is a the typical MISeducation going on in universities today.

1. The US is threatened with nuclear annihilation by ISIS. No greater threat has ever existed.

2. The US is the # 1 victim of imperialism in the world today, with $123 Billion/year being ripped out of the US economy by the imperialists (Mexico, China, India, Phillipines, etc) They steal more $$ via welfare drain through the anchor baby racket.

3. American culture has never been more under attack by foreign immigration, multiculturalism, and Democrats supporting it.

PS - would you say you're an "Isolationist", if you isolate your money (in a bank), by keeping it away from people who would steal it from you ?
I challenge you right now, to take my Islamization Quiz, and find out how ignorant you are.

Hell, I'll give you a quiz on the Mexican imperialism of the US, and you'll find out how much you don't know there, too.

You game ? Which is it, big mouth ? Fight or Flight ?

That isn't fair.

Duhs had his brain surgically removed and put into a locker at a bus station for the duration of the election cycle. He want's to be a perfect democrat so that he can better serve the party.

Once the brain was removed and replaced with a stalk of broccoli, duhs became a perfect democrat.

A look into the mind of duhs;

The relaunch of this failed attempt at whatever you're attempting to say is as non effective as it was the first time it failed.
Starting early on full tantrum today aren't we?
Oboy! Low hangin' fruit time, yum!

Racial superiority of Aryan races
Trump does not believe that

I understand the judge from Indiana is "Mexican"....
"Black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

That democracy was inferior as a political system
Trump disagrees with that and supports the Constitution meanwhile people that attck Trump supporters are in agree ment with the Nazis on this one.

Bull SHIT. Rump is the most blatantly anti-Constitution candidate in our lifetimes. And there's no better example than this, which is still not going away:

There just ain't no way to spin that. That's a direct affront to the First Amendment, the building block of the whole Bill of Rights. Not to mention banning/deporting people on the basis of their religion -- same thing. The Nazis did that too, and there ain't no way to spin out of that either.


That a socialist system of government run command economics is best
Trump does not believe that, but he will endorse Sanders Nordic Socialism model one day as will most Americans

Actually Nazis as we know them didn't believe that either. They were above all Authoritarian, which is exactly what Rump is. "Socialism" was a new and trendy buzzword at the time, and already in the name of the NSDAP. Hitler, when he joined, objected to the name but went along with it for the marketability factor.

Fixated on having a strong totalitarian government
Trump opposes that vehemently

See above -- it cannot be more obvious that he supports that vehemently.

Prove your point. Like I just demonstrated its refutation.

Western civilization
Trump supports that as all rational people should

-- If your idea of "civilization" is kicking people off their land so you can build a fucking golf course. :gay:

Science, Engineering and mathematics
Yeah, Trump supports that as well


--- and by the way Fruity, you left out a few comparisons.

Nazi Germany: appeal to nationalism, past glories, the Fatherland...
Rump: "Make America great again"

Nazi Germany: appeal to national shame of status following Great War (now called WWI)...
Rump: "We've never beaten Japan at anything"... "they're laughing at us"....

Nazi Germany: promise to alleviate economic hard times...
Rump: "I will be the greatest jobs president that God ever created"

Nazi Germany: Blame Jews, Gypsies, communists, intellectuals for country's problems
Rump: Blames Mexicans, Muslims, "PC", calls Sanders "communist"

Nazi Germany: Appeal to religion, traditionalism, "Kinder, Kirche, Kuche"
Rump: Says the Bible is his favorite book, yet can't quote it and when he does it's bogus​

Yep, the things that Trump is saying now, and the things that Hitler was saying when he came to power in 1939 Germany are remarkably similar.

Hitler stirred up the Germans by using the Jews as scapegoats, saying they were ruining the economy and taking all the jobs. That stirred up a bunch of anti Jewish sentiment and using that is how Hitler came into power.

Substitute Trump for Hitler, Mexicans for Jews, and 2016 America for 1939 Germany and you have the same thing happening now.

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