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Is Donald Trump a Nazi?

Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

A report circulated highlighting his 1990 interview with Playboy in which he praised the brutality of the Tiananmen Square crackdown. This is not the first time I had seen Trump praise dictators.

My previous view of Trump was as a kind of vaccine. The Republican Party relies on the covert mobilization of racial resentment and nationalism. Trump, as I saw it, was bringing into the open that which had been intentionally submerged. It seemed like a containable dose of disease, too small to take over its host, but large enough to set off a counterreaction of healthy blood cells. But the outbreak of violence this weekend suggests the disease may be spreading far wider than I believed, and infecting healthy elements of the body politic.

I remain convinced that Trump cannot win the presidency. But what I failed to account for was the possibility that his authoritarian style could degrade American politics even in defeat. There is a whiff in the air of the notion that the election will be settled in the streets — a poisonous idea that is unsafe in even the smallest doses.

Here is another factor I failed to predict. Trump, as I’ve noted, lies substantively within the modern Republican racial political tradition that seamlessly incorporates such things as the Willie Horton ads and the uncontroversial service of Louisiana representative Steve Scalise, who once called himself “David Duke without the baggage,” as House Majority Whip. But Trump’s amplification of white racial resentment matters. His campaign has dominated the national discourse. Millions of Americans who have never heard of Steve Scalise are seized with mortal terror of Trump, whose ubiquity in campaign coverage makes him seem larger and more unstoppable than he is. And terror is corrosive.

Donald Trump Poses an Unprecedented Threat to American Democracy

Is the GOP now the party of authoritarianism?
There is a DISEASE going around in the US, whereby violent thugs travel to cities where Donald Trump is having a rally, and then cause violence against the law-abiding Trump supporters (ex Chicago, San Jose), only to then PRETEND that Trump and his supporters somehow perpetrated the violence.

Oh Wow. You've got the disease. Well, stop spreading it. That's the least you could do.

It's probably been going on for a while. They just were a little more outward about it in San Jose, Chicago, Baltimore, Ferguson, take your pick.
Donnie is not a Nazi. He has beliefs, or at least promotes some beliefs, that fit into fascist ideas and concepts and have similarities to policies of 1930's Germany that were implemented by Nazi's.
Donnie is not a Nazi. He has beliefs, or at least promotes some beliefs, that fit into fascist ideas and concepts and have similarities to policies of 1930's Germany that were implemented by Nazi's.
Donnie is not Adolf come again.

He does share principles of political and cultural principles that were clearly evident in Mussolini.
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No one is judging Curiel on his name. It's the groups he belongs to that's got him some heat.
Trump has shown love for Putin and Kim Jong-un. He clearly has a wide authoritarian streak.

Must be that German blood. Perhaps he will form a US-Russia-North Korea axis. He's said he is going to round up millions of Mexicans. Make them disappear. He'll probably go after Muslims next. I'm sure Vlad would approve of that.
Doesn't matter if Vlad approves. The American people approve. That's what matters.
Trump has shown love for Putin and Kim Jong-un. He clearly has a wide authoritarian streak.

Must be that German blood. Perhaps he will form a US-Russia-North Korea axis. He's said he is going to round up millions of Mexicans. Make them disappear. He'll probably go after Muslims next. I'm sure Vlad would approve of that.
Doesn't matter if Vlad approves. The American people approve. That's what matters.
A certain ignorant sect of Americans approve.

noun: demagogue; plural noun: demagogues
  1. a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument.
    synonyms: rabble-rouser, agitator, political agitator, soapbox orator, firebrand, fomenter, provocateur


...........donald the demagogue for dummies...........
It's funny, because Hillary and Bernie are closer to a Nazi, and by extension Hitler, than Trump is.
"Is Donald Trump a Nazi?"

Only in the minds of sick, retarded Liberals / Hillary supporters...

:lol: you're obviously unfamiliar with the author of this thread:

Grampa Murked U
I don't care who is the OP, The insinuation is just a demonstration of liberal-esque insane Trump-hatred. Such accusations and statements/questions are the seemingly last resorts of someone 'out of intellectual ammo' in debates / discussions. I mean the OP no personal offense - my comment is more about the tactic / practice of throwing such stuff out there by anyone than it is about any one person specifically.

Is Trump a Nazi? Really?

Is Hillary a secret ISIS operative?
Is Obama a member of the Illuminati?
Is Nancy Pelosi an alien form outer space?
Oboy! Low hangin' fruit time, yum!

Racial superiority of Aryan races
Trump does not believe that

I understand the judge from Indiana is "Mexican"....
"Black guys counting my money. I hate it. The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day".

That democracy was inferior as a political system
Trump disagrees with that and supports the Constitution meanwhile people that attck Trump supporters are in agree ment with the Nazis on this one.

Bull SHIT. Rump is the most blatantly anti-Constitution candidate in our lifetimes. And there's no better example than this, which is still not going away:

There just ain't no way to spin that. That's a direct affront to the First Amendment, the building block of the whole Bill of Rights. Not to mention banning/deporting people on the basis of their religion -- same thing. The Nazis did that too, and there ain't no way to spin out of that either.


That a socialist system of government run command economics is best
Trump does not believe that, but he will endorse Sanders Nordic Socialism model one day as will most Americans

Actually Nazis as we know them didn't believe that either. They were above all Authoritarian, which is exactly what Rump is. "Socialism" was a new and trendy buzzword at the time, and already in the name of the NSDAP. Hitler, when he joined, objected to the name but went along with it for the marketability factor.

Fixated on having a strong totalitarian government
Trump opposes that vehemently

See above -- it cannot be more obvious that he supports that vehemently.

Prove your point. Like I just demonstrated its refutation.

Western civilization
Trump supports that as all rational people should

-- If your idea of "civilization" is kicking people off their land so you can build a fucking golf course. :gay:

Science, Engineering and mathematics
Yeah, Trump supports that as well

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trump's reaction to non-violent protest in the aftermath of his failure to renounce the kkk endorsement ^
"in the good old days law enforcement acted much quicker, much quicker"
“Maybe he should have been roughed up, because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing”
"I love the old days. You know what they used to do to guys like that when they were in a place like this? They’d be carried out on a stretcher, folks.”

Trump calls for violence against protesters

Did somebody say "VIOLENCE" ? >>





whoa :wtf:

According to a 1990 Vanity Fair interview, Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband, real-estate mogul Donald Trump, now a leading Republican presidential candidate, kept a book of Hitler's speeches near his bed.

"Last April, perhaps in a surge of Czech nationalism, Ivana Trump told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that from time to time her husband reads a book of Hitler's collected speeches, My New Order, which he keeps in a cabinet by his bed ... Hitler's speeches, from his earliest days up through the Phony War of 1939, reveal his extraordinary ability as a master propagandist," Marie Brenner wrote.
Trump has shown love for Putin and Kim Jong-un.
When and where did he show love for Putin and Kim Jong-Un?

Trump says America is a total disaster. He hates the US, believe me. He thinks Putin is a tremendous leader. Trump gave Putin an A-plus.
I don't see any love for Putin, he appears to be using Putin as a club to try to make Obama look bad in comparison.

Trump's a dickhead but claiming he has "love" for Putin and Kim Jong-Un or that he's an authoritarian on their level is more than a bit of stretch.

There just ain't no way to spin that. That's a direct affront to the First Amendment, the building block of the whole Bill of Rights. Not to mention banning/deporting people on the basis of their religion -- same thing. The Nazis did that too, and there ain't no way to spin out of that either.

>> During the spring of 1933, Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. Some were works of Jewish writers, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Most of the books were by non-Jewish writers, including such famous Americans as Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis, whose ideas the Nazis viewed as different from their own and therefore not to be read.

The Nazi censors also burned the books of Helen Keller, who had overcome her deafness and blindness to become a respected writer; told of the book burnings, she responded: "Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas." << --- Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

See the difference?

Me neither.
I don't care who is the OP, The insinuation is just a demonstration of liberal-esque insane Trump-hatred. Such accusations and statements/questions are the seemingly last resorts of someone 'out of intellectual ammo' in debates / discussions. I mean the OP no personal offense - my comment is more about the tactic / practice of throwing such stuff out there by anyone than it is about any one person specifically.

Is Trump a Nazi? Really?

Is Hillary a secret ISIS operative?
Is Obama a member of the Illuminati?
Is Nancy Pelosi an alien form outer space?
If Hillary isn't a secret ISIS operative, she sure could be, by inviting them into the US with Syrian refugees, and her 20 year long close aide, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim Brotherhood operative, and there's absolutely no secret about that.
>> During the spring of 1933, Nazi student organizations, professors, and librarians made up long lists of books they thought should not be read by Germans. Then, on the night of May 10, 1933, Nazis raided libraries and bookstores across Germany. They marched by torchlight in nighttime parades, sang chants, and threw books into huge bonfires. On that night more than 25,000 books were burned. Some were works of Jewish writers, including Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud. Most of the books were by non-Jewish writers, including such famous Americans as Jack London, Ernest Hemingway, and Sinclair Lewis, whose ideas the Nazis viewed as different from their own and therefore not to be read.

The Nazi censors also burned the books of Helen Keller, who had overcome her deafness and blindness to become a respected writer; told of the book burnings, she responded: "Tyranny cannot defeat the power of ideas." << --- Nazi Propaganda and Censorship

See the difference?

Me neither.

So you don't see "the difference" between Nazis burning books, and Americans exercising their rights, by filing lawsuits against people who violate our libel laws. HA HA HA.

Your words. Your post. Don't blame me. I'm just reporting your idiocy that's all. Sheeeeeshh!!!!!

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