Is Drinking Alcohol Ever Any Good For Your Health?

james bond

Gold Member
Oct 17, 2015

Most drinking songs are to forget your troubles. Alcohol is a depressant which probably makes you even more depressed. In my softball league, one could get suspended for showing up to practice drunk or with smelling of alcohol, but our league could not afford testing for performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), so there were a few who "juiced" in order to hit a softball 300' over the fence. The gals in the stands dug it. Anyway, alcohol was forbidden. It included marijuana and cocaine in which one can tell if one is under the influence. My rules for drinking were to not get a hangover first. That meant eating something before drinking and not mixing too many drinks. Second was having a designated driver. That probably should have been first. Finally, there were a couple of times I pulled over to sleep it off by the side of the road. I'll have one bourbon, one scotch, one beer. Just kidding. What are your stories? Do you drink red wine? Is it a disease?
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Most drinking songs are to forget your troubles. Alcohol is a depressant which probably makes you even more depressed. In my softball league, one could get suspended for showing up to practice drunk or with smelling of alcohol, but our league could not afford testing for performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), so there were a few who "juiced" in order to hit a softball 300' over the fence. The gals in the stands dug it. Anyway, alcohol was forbidden. It included marijuana and cocaine in which one can tell if one is under the influence. My rules for drinking were to not get a hangover first. That meant eating something before drinking and not mixing too many drinks. Second was having a designated driver. That probably should have been first. Finally, there were a couple of times I pulled over to sleep it off by the side of the road. I'll have one bourbon, one scotch, one beer. Just kidding. What are your stories? Do you drink red wine? Is it a disease?

"They" scare us about all this stuff, don't "they"? Don't do this, don't do that. This is bad, that is bad. Remember the total fat scare in the 80s with cholesterol? So what did everyone do: load up on the carbs. It was terrible and people packed on the pounds and gave themselves all kinds of diseases from it.

I think same goes with alcohol. Red wine has proven benefits for example, in moderation. Key word of course is moderation. I drink red wine in moderation and just had my physical and got an excellent report.
In years past, it was widely accepted that 1 in 10 people were alcoholics (10% of the population). Apparently today the incidence of alcoholism in America is somewhat lower as 7% are considered chronic alcohol abusers, according to ProjectKnow. Like other mind-altering substances, alcoholic is the most abused drug in America, if not the world. And it has a lot of social problems associated with its use and abuse. It causes irrational behaviors and causes divorces, suicides, fist fights, shootings, date rapes, parental abuse, automobile injuries and even deaths.

7% of us are alcoholics likely by birth if the stats are true. My computer reorganized today, and I'm having problems transferring any kind of links or mexxages. I'll try again tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
Alcoholism leads to disease, its not a disease itself, you can't quit cancer or diabetes, one can quit drinking.
I do not drink.
Over the course of a year I usually make it through a fifth of Irish, sometimes it takes me longer.
Life slowly kills you.

I am gonna enjoy what I want in moderation.
In the 90s, experts were saying that men should drink 3-5 glasses and women 2-3 glasses of red wine a day for maximum health benefits. Now they're saying 0.

These people don't have a lot of credibility.
I make and drink craft beer.
I usually drink one beer a day, two to three on weekends.
Small-batch beer contains selenium, B vitamins, phosphorus, folate and niacin, as well as protein and fiber. It's also one of the few dietary sources of silicon, which can help prevent osteoporosis, according to NPR.
I make and drink craft beer.
I usually drink one beer a day, two to three on weekends.
Small-batch beer contains selenium, B vitamins, phosphorus, folate and niacin, as well as protein and fiber. It's also one of the few dietary sources of silicon, which can help prevent osteoporosis, according to NPR.
They say a couple drinks a day has some benefits.

I usually save them up for Friday or Saturday night
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Most drinking songs are to forget your troubles. Alcohol is a depressant which probably makes you even more depressed. In my softball league, one could get suspended for showing up to practice drunk or with smelling of alcohol, but our league could not afford testing for performance enhancing drugs (PEDs), so there were a few who "juiced" in order to hit a softball 300' over the fence. The gals in the stands dug it. Anyway, alcohol was forbidden. It included marijuana and cocaine in which one can tell if one is under the influence. My rules for drinking were to not get a hangover first. That meant eating something before drinking and not mixing too many drinks. Second was having a designated driver. That probably should have been first. Finally, there were a couple of times I pulled over to sleep it off by the side of the road. I'll have one bourbon, one scotch, one beer. Just kidding. What are your stories? Do you drink red wine? Is it a disease?

My drinking is good for your health.


My drinking is a 2-3 month process. First I have to buy it. Then it has to chill for 6 weeks. Then I have to want to drink it. All I need to know is that I own it and I could if I wanted to. Then I want to. It can't be too early and it can't be too late when I start. I have to eat something before hand but it has to be at the right time because I can't be full or hungry. I can't be too involved in anything because if I drink too slowly then I won't finish my first beer.

Yep. Drinking is exhausting.
In years past, it was widely accepted that 1 in 10 people were alcoholics (10% of the population). Apparently today the incidence of alcoholism in America is somewhat lower as 7% are considered chronic alcohol abusers, according to ProjectKnow. Like other mind-altering substances, alcoholic is the most abused drug in America, if not the world. And it has a lot of social problems associated with its use and abuse. It causes irrational behaviors and causes divorces, suicides, fist fights, shootings, date rapes, parental abuse, automobile injuries and even deaths.

7% of us are alcoholics likely by birth if the stats are true. My computer reorganized today, and I'm having problems transferring any kind of links or mexxages. I'll try again tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
I grew up with some foster kids whose mother was an alcoholic and they were placed in care. As soon as they were old enough to drink, they were raging alcoholics
In years past, it was widely accepted that 1 in 10 people were alcoholics (10% of the population). Apparently today the incidence of alcoholism in America is somewhat lower as 7% are considered chronic alcohol abusers, according to ProjectKnow. Like other mind-altering substances, alcoholic is the most abused drug in America, if not the world. And it has a lot of social problems associated with its use and abuse. It causes irrational behaviors and causes divorces, suicides, fist fights, shootings, date rapes, parental abuse, automobile injuries and even deaths.

7% of us are alcoholics likely by birth if the stats are true. My computer reorganized today, and I'm having problems transferring any kind of links or mexxages. I'll try again tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
I grew up with some foster kids whose mother was an alcoholic and they were placed in care. As soon as they were old enough to drink, they were raging alcoholics

They likely drank to cope with living with you. Cannot blame them.
In the 90s, experts were saying that men should drink 3-5 glasses and women 2-3 glasses of red wine a day for maximum health benefits. Now they're saying 0.

These people don't have a lot of credibility.
If you are not one of the 7% who are alcoholics instantly, a 4-oz. glass of wine is supposed to be good for you. I'm allergic to alcohol, so I drink red grape juice which has equivalent antioxidants that are good for the heart. I also have grape-seed supplements for times red grape juice is not available or I run out. Centrum for seniors says it protects the heart on some bottles developed especially for people over the age of 50 or whose families have a strong genetic tendency to die of strokes, heart attacks, etc. Diet and supplements only do half the job. The other half is you staying away from burning vegetable matter. We just buried a family friend who died at the age of 81 of lung cancer and thought a pack a day, beers and chewing tobacco "wouldn't hurt anything," unquote. His pallbearers were young firemen. He served the local volunteer firefighters for 46 years and never missed a call.
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In years past, it was widely accepted that 1 in 10 people were alcoholics (10% of the population). Apparently today the incidence of alcoholism in America is somewhat lower as 7% are considered chronic alcohol abusers, according to ProjectKnow. Like other mind-altering substances, alcoholic is the most abused drug in America, if not the world. And it has a lot of social problems associated with its use and abuse. It causes irrational behaviors and causes divorces, suicides, fist fights, shootings, date rapes, parental abuse, automobile injuries and even deaths.

7% of us are alcoholics likely by birth if the stats are true. My computer reorganized today, and I'm having problems transferring any kind of links or mexxages. I'll try again tomorrow. Good night, everyone.
I grew up with some foster kids whose mother was an alcoholic and they were placed in care. As soon as they were old enough to drink, they were raging alcoholics

They likely drank to cope with living with you. Cannot blame them.
They? I was told by my first husband that the priests did not lock the wine up, so he became an alcoholic at the age of 11, and that it was all the priests' fault that he had open access to alcohol due to THEIR negligence and NOT HIS THIEVING of church supplies. I heard this one minute before the church wedding ceremony with a promise that behavior was well into his past, except drinking through the party afterward and every day for the next 5 years at which time he threatened my life and make orphans of our two children, whom he despised since my son looked like his father and my daughter was the spitting image of his aunt Mary when she was young. I called a lawyer for advice on how to protect my 2 children from the out-of-his-mind drunk father who hated them and now, me, because he misses alcohol 24-7-365 due to his day job. My lawyer and I agreed that threatening the family and his history of promising to quit drinking half an hour before he was putting away a 6-pack and entering jerk mode with 2 hours, required a temporary separation, to get him away from the children and me, with visitation rights. Unfotunately, the first time he took the son (not the daughter), he brought him back with 7 stitches over his right eye from his drinking-and-driving collision less than 3 hours after his drunk driving collision on his way over to his drinking buddies' quarters with my 3-year-old son in his car. He never got another chance to maim either of my children by court order after that little episode, and the divorce was finalized as a consequence of his own refusal to stop the bullshit and drinking on top of that. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, O righteous judge.

Hey, barkeep. Lay off the stuff you're givin' Defiled Azog who excuses the wrongdoing of others without knowing the facts.

My second marriage lasted 44 years. I'm widowed now. If I had to do it again, I'd save the kids once more from an alcoholic monster.
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