CDZ Is empathy the key to this hate and division?

Mexicans are cool. Feliz Navidad, Koreans are 99% patriotic to America, yet Blacks still live here and want US money, geeze. Maybe there's a Seoul renaissance, its when Jazz found its harlem voice in Seoul...?
The divisive elements need to be mocked and ridiculed to within inches of their pathetic lives.... They're not interested in serious conversations and should be treated as such.
They do need to be culturally marginalized, so that those can actually understand and appreciate both ends of an issue can get something done. But I'm not seeing many signs that our culture is strong enough to do that at this point. The voices of reason and moderation are completely drowned out right now.
I don't think Americans need to learn empathy. I think they need to focus on actual problems. Return to local problems. Right now, they talk much and do nothing.
The only talking they're doing is blind, obedient partisan talking points. And no one is listening.

We can't fix problems if we refuse to consider and understand other points of view.

Communication & Innovation solves problems. All we have right now are two tribes trying to "beat" each other. Long-lasting answers don't happen that way.
I've found that a significant number of partipants here don't understand and can't articulate their alleged own point of view let alone that of their opponent. But you can't have a discussion or debate if the other side's response to a statement such of "well that's not actually true" or "that's not factually correct" is to attack and denigrate you as opposed to your comment, I've had several individuals go into a complete meltdown because I disagreed with something they posted.

And as an aside, the use of the terms 'Democrat' and 'Liberal' as slurs only adds to it, in my opinion.
The same slurs happen on both ends, and the problem is that neither end is holding its own accountable.
Yes, in a sense it is. Misguided empathy says we must throw open our gates and take in any and everyone and throw whatever free services they need to be comfortable. That is not sustainable. And that same misguided empathy makes Liberals hate Trump because they assume he is a heartless ogre because he wants to protect our border.
Empathy is merely the capacity to understand and appreciate another point of view. It has nothing directly to do with an action.

Right now, neither end is willing to even admit they even understand and appreciate the other's point of view. And I think it's possible we've lost the ability to do so. Somehow, we're no longer willing to just say "I understand your point, it does make sense to me, but I just disagree".

If that's the case, we're in even more trouble than it seems.
Well, hey! I'll help empathy context instead of sympathy. How is it that we learn French in Highschool from people that vacation in France a few years. Its not possible to learn the Asian languages if you Wanted to in College! You learn Holocaust, you learn World War 1 and World War 2, only from the European Theatre. They won't mention a single Asian country or any history. Then, Asians think we got any context when we don't. Korean War and Vietnam War are individually mentioned. They must all be Politically Ideologically nutjobs! ha!
One definition of "empathy" is: "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

As I think about the deepening divisions in our country, and as I observe our strengthening proclivity for binary thought and a clear unwillingness to give an inch in political conversation, it occurs to me that an increasing lack of empathy may be at its foundation - both as a cause and an effect.

The less we communicate civilly, the more we distance ourselves from contrary thought and opinion, the less understanding we have of those with whom we disagree. It seems like we can in no way even understand the other person's perspective, that we tend to create immediate distortedcaricatures of it, and that gives us license to ignore/dismiss it out of hand.

Do we, or do we not, want to at least have an accurate understanding of, and appreciation for, another person's perspective on an issue before we respond?

Isn't there something potentially constructive or valuable, something we haven't thought about, somewhere within another person's perspective?

What stops us, do you suppose, from maintaining enough empathy for at least understanding and appreciating the view of someone who does not agree with us?

Three questions there. Let's see if we can put down our fists and dig a little.

Another well written, well intended post it seems. I do enjoy reading them even though I most often disagree with your premise(s). The ethos of your idea here is swallowed whole by the elephant lurking not so silently in the "room" of our nation. It's impossible to ignore that just honed to a gleam razor's edge the radical American Left holds to the throat of Western Civilization. I get it, Mac . . . you want to negotiate; walk down the middle of the road, identify on some level with both sides and otherwise come off as a voice of reason, as a grownup in the "room". Problem with trying to fulfill that role in this day and age is attempting to do so completely misses a tragically fundamental mark. See, regardless of what one side, Right or Left might argue or preach, there exists foundational, eternal human Right and human Wrong, human good and human evil. Seems to me you would attempt to redefine them in order to avoid inevitable conflict.

The ideologies of both the Left and Right will argue infinitely over what is moral and just, while radical Leftist philosophers debate whether or not "good" or rather "moral" good even exists. They will sell our youth on the notion that the ancient concept of human "good" is relative to each individual person and/or situation; that anything goes depending on personal desire or goal. Both the American political and ideological Right and Left are equally corrupt, no doubt about it. However, the radical American Left now overtly runs on, pushes and teaches ideological goals which clearly run against the survival of both the human race at large, and modern Western civilization. If "they" fully get their way, civilization as we know it, the culmination of fifty millennia of human social development, will end.

Thus, in the face of such a threat no amount of empathy, negotiation or appeasement of the enemies of civilization will achieve what you speculate. Compromise was never an option. Did Napoleon compromise with the remnants of the French radical Left who drove his nation to ruin during its first revolution? Did the North Vietnamese compromise with Pol Pot's murder regime in Cambodia? What you're missing here (I hope) is the radical American Left's relentless assault on human life and human "good" as we've always known it across the Western World. Is the American Right flawless, devoid of "sin" or institutionalized corruption? Hell no. Human nature tends to thrive on organized greed and oppression, to require it to some degree for civilization to exist. However, the American Left of our day, the core ethos of its ideology now become a full blown cult, is to have that power the Right still holds, plus dictate the beliefs and limitations of freedom for every American. Total domination over our minds and bodies. How can empathy for those who will destroy our freedom and individuality if allowed to do so make a difference on the eve of America's collapse. The time to choose sides is now. I pity those who double line walk down the middle of the road.
The problem isn't that we don't understand the other side. The problem is that we understand the misogynists, the xenophobes, nativists, supremacists, and racists flocking to Trump, and taking over the empty, decaying hull of what was once the GOP, all too well. We understand all too well their shameless apathy in the face of Trump's obsessive-compulsive mendacity, we understand all too well their gloating at his playing wrecking ball amidst the rules and regulations of decent, enlightened self-governance, and we understand all too well their glee at watching Trump sticking it to Them.

The problem, in short, isn't that we don't understand them, the problem is not to confront them with the full measure of the contempt they (and the both-sides propagandists trying to legitimize them) so amply deserve. In that, most of us have to admit failure every so often.
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Interesting viewpoints. You know they actually thought the Muslims were a center of Englightenment in Medieval Times. Good Mathemeticians, we have the Arabic Numeral system right? Anyway, Western Civilization, points to a shared history, and also an outside. Actually, Hitler Probably is what's making a lot of things go sideways. Didn't he and Musolini develop that Roman Salute, and they tried to invade Greece to, and rebuild Rome. It wasn't their top mission at all, in fact, I think that's just how it worked out with Dictators.
One definition of "empathy" is: "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

As I think about the deepening divisions in our country, and as I observe our strengthening proclivity for binary thought and a clear unwillingness to give an inch in political conversation, it occurs to me that an increasing lack of empathy may be at its foundation - both as a cause and an effect.

The less we communicate civilly, the more we distance ourselves from contrary thought and opinion, the less understanding we have of those with whom we disagree. It seems like we can in no way even understand the other person's perspective, that we tend to create immediate distortedcaricatures of it, and that gives us license to ignore/dismiss it out of hand.

Do we, or do we not, want to at least have an accurate understanding of, and appreciation for, another person's perspective on an issue before we respond?

Isn't there something potentially constructive or valuable, something we haven't thought about, somewhere within another person's perspective?

What stops us, do you suppose, from maintaining enough empathy for at least understanding and appreciating the view of someone who does not agree with us?

Three questions there. Let's see if we can put down our fists and dig a little.

Another well written, well intended post it seems. I do enjoy reading them even though I most often disagree with your premise(s). The ethos of your idea here is swallowed whole by the elephant lurking not so silently in the "room" of our nation. It's impossible to ignore that just honed to a gleam razor's edge the radical American Left holds to the throat of Western Civilization. I get it, Mac . . . you want to negotiate; walk down the middle of the road, identify on some level with both sides and otherwise come off as a voice of reason, as a grownup in the "room". Problem with trying to fulfill that role in this day and age is attempting to do so completely misses a tragically fundamental mark. See, regardless of what one side, Right or Left might argue or preach, there exists foundational, eternal human Right and human Wrong, human good and human evil. Seems to me you would attempt to redefine them in order to avoid inevitable conflict.

The ideologies of both the Left and Right will argue infinitely over what is moral and just, while radical Leftist philosophers debate whether or not "good" or rather "moral" good even exists. They will sell our youth on the notion that the ancient concept of human "good" is relative to each individual person and/or situation; that anything goes depending on personal desire or goal. Both the American political and ideological Right and Left are equally corrupt, no doubt about it. However, the radical American Left now overtly runs on, pushes and teaches ideological goals which clearly run against the survival of both the human race at large, and modern Western civilization. If "they" fully get their way, civilization as we know it, the culmination of fifty millennia of human social development, will end.

Thus, in the face of such a threat no amount of empathy, negotiation or appeasement of the enemies of civilization will achieve what you speculate. Compromise was never an option. Did Napoleon compromise with the remnants of the French radical Left who drove his nation to ruin during its first revolution? Did the North Vietnamese compromise with Pol Pot's murder regime in Cambodia? What you're missing here (I hope) is the radical American Left's relentless assault on human life and human "good" as we've always known it across the Western World. Is the American Right flawless, devoid of "sin" or institutionalized corruption? Hell no. Human nature tends to thrive on organized greed and oppression, to require it to some degree for civilization to exist. However, the American Left of our day, the core ethos of its ideology now become a full blown cult, is to have that power the Right still holds, plus dictate the beliefs and limitations of freedom for every American. Total domination over our minds and bodies. How can empathy for those who will destroy our freedom and individuality if allowed to do so make a difference on the eve of America's collapse. The time to choose sides is now. I pity those who double line walk down the middle of the road.
Contrary to popular opinion here, I have zero (0) interest in existing in the "middle of the road". That just isn't the way life works; it never has, it never will.

What happens in real life if and when people bother to drop the ego, communicate and collaborate, is that 70% or 80% of the final input on any given individual issue may come from side A; the next time, that same percentage might favor side B; and the third time, A & B create something all new. Like our Constitution. "Compromise" does not mean "50/50". When my "side" is on the ass end of the 80/20 scenario, I just have to get over it and hope that the plan works.

This is the way business works. Collaboration, and the innovation that comes from it, is what made this country so dynamic. Why can't that same environment apply in other areas? This is one thing I've never understood. Have political partisans never had to work with someone at their job who had different ideas? Have they never collaborated with someone at work to create something new? Yet when it comes to politics, somehow that's no longer allowed.

Right now both ends demonstrate zero curiosity about the other. Each has created their caricatures, their boogeymen, which only makes things worse. Empathy has somehow become a negative, a sign of weakness. I think it's the opposite.
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Always great ideas Mac. My boogeymen are pretty real, though. I bet some black man could come rob my house when the Obama Responsibility plan didn't intimate everything clear enough.

The "W" stickers were pretty annoying. How did a couple people I was working with have Obama bandanas and Obama jogging pants, they need some sticks but to basically this effect.
One definition of "empathy" is: "the psychological identification with or vicarious experiencing of the feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another."

As I think about the deepening divisions in our country, and as I observe our strengthening proclivity for binary thought and a clear unwillingness to give an inch in political conversation, it occurs to me that an increasing lack of empathy may be at its foundation - both as a cause and an effect.

The less we communicate civilly, the more we distance ourselves from contrary thought and opinion, the less understanding we have of those with whom we disagree. It seems like we can in no way even understand the other person's perspective, that we tend to create immediate distortedcaricatures of it, and that gives us license to ignore/dismiss it out of hand.

Do we, or do we not, want to at least have an accurate understanding of, and appreciation for, another person's perspective on an issue before we respond?

Isn't there something potentially constructive or valuable, something we haven't thought about, somewhere within another person's perspective?

What stops us, do you suppose, from maintaining enough empathy for at least understanding and appreciating the view of someone who does not agree with us?

Three questions there. Let's see if we can put down our fists and dig a little.

Another well written, well intended post it seems. I do enjoy reading them even though I most often disagree with your premise(s). The ethos of your idea here is swallowed whole by the elephant lurking not so silently in the "room" of our nation. It's impossible to ignore that just honed to a gleam razor's edge the radical American Left holds to the throat of Western Civilization. I get it, Mac . . . you want to negotiate; walk down the middle of the road, identify on some level with both sides and otherwise come off as a voice of reason, as a grownup in the "room". Problem with trying to fulfill that role in this day and age is attempting to do so completely misses a tragically fundamental mark. See, regardless of what one side, Right or Left might argue or preach, there exists foundational, eternal human Right and human Wrong, human good and human evil. Seems to me you would attempt to redefine them in order to avoid inevitable conflict.

The ideologies of both the Left and Right will argue infinitely over what is moral and just, while radical Leftist philosophers debate whether or not "good" or rather "moral" good even exists. They will sell our youth on the notion that the ancient concept of human "good" is relative to each individual person and/or situation; that anything goes depending on personal desire or goal. Both the American political and ideological Right and Left are equally corrupt, no doubt about it. However, the radical American Left now overtly runs on, pushes and teaches ideological goals which clearly run against the survival of both the human race at large, and modern Western civilization. If "they" fully get their way, civilization as we know it, the culmination of fifty millennia of human social development, will end.

Thus, in the face of such a threat no amount of empathy, negotiation or appeasement of the enemies of civilization will achieve what you speculate. Compromise was never an option. Did Napoleon compromise with the remnants of the French radical Left who drove his nation to ruin during its first revolution? Did the North Vietnamese compromise with Pol Pot's murder regime in Cambodia? What you're missing here (I hope) is the radical American Left's relentless assault on human life and human "good" as we've always known it across the Western World. Is the American Right flawless, devoid of "sin" or institutionalized corruption? Hell no. Human nature tends to thrive on organized greed and oppression, to require it to some degree for civilization to exist. However, the American Left of our day, the core ethos of its ideology now become a full blown cult, is to have that power the Right still holds, plus dictate the beliefs and limitations of freedom for every American. Total domination over our minds and bodies. How can empathy for those who will destroy our freedom and individuality if allowed to do so make a difference on the eve of America's collapse. The time to choose sides is now. I pity those who double line walk down the middle of the road.
Contrary to popular opinion here, I have zero (0) interest in staying in the "middle of the road". That just isn't the way life works; it never has, it never will.

What happens in real life if and when people bother to drop the ego, communicate and collaborate, is that 70% or 80% of the final input on any given individual issue may come from side A; the next time, that same percentage might favor side B; and the third time, A & B create something all new. Like our Constitution. "Compromise" does not mean "50/50". When my "side" is on the ass end of the 80/20 scenario, I just have to get over it and hope that the plan works.

This is the way business works. Collaboration, and the innovation that comes from it, is what made this country so dynamic. Why can't that same environment apply in other areas? This is one thing I've never understood. Have political partisans never had to work with someone at their job who had different ideas? Have they never collaborated with someone at work to create something new? Yet when it comes to politics, somehow that's no longer allowed.

Right now both ends demonstrate zero curiosity about the other. Each has created their caricatures, their boogeymen, which only makes things worse. Empathy has somehow become a negative, a sign of weakness. I think it's the opposite.

Right wing/conservatives, especially genX and younger are more open to new ideas than anyone else. That's why the left hates us so much, because we won't submit to their group-think.
Misguided, irrational empathy has been weaponized by the enemies of western society to rot it from within. That's where the terms "virtue signaling" and "suicidal altruism" comes from. Millions of people in western societies have been brainwashed into the cult of multiculturalism. They're blind to the downsides of unlimited immigration and view white, christian society as the ultimate evil that must be eradicated from this earth. It's pointless to even try to reason with zealots.
As a total WASP, descended from generations of total WASPs, I have no hatred for myself or anyone else for being white. When you make such ridiculous statements, who would listen to anything you say?
Oh CRAP. Impuretrash is here... Did you EVEN READ that BEAUTIFUL OP post at all? It said , empathy and, I'd have to pay a psychologist counselor to hear all that intellectual rolling rain clouds again. That is the dumbest line anyone's heard. right wing / conservatives are open to new ideas. They Choose not to do those ideas, because having two ideas in your head and not doing one of them is a sign of intelligence.
Misguided, irrational empathy has been weaponized by the enemies of western society to rot it from within. That's where the terms "virtue signaling" and "suicidal altruism" comes from. Millions of people in western societies have been brainwashed into the cult of multiculturalism. They're blind to the downsides of unlimited immigration and view white, christian society as the ultimate evil that must be eradicated from this earth. It's pointless to even try to reason with zealots.
As a total WASP, descended from generations of total WASPs, I have no hatred for myself or anyone else for being white. When you make such ridiculous statements, who would listen to anything you say?

most of the anti-white attitude is subconscious. That's why I use words like brainwash, cult and zealot. What else could explain self avowed tolerant and anti-racist people who refuse to see the intolerance and racism in big name media outlets constantly publishing articles and books that explicitly demonize white men?
Oh CRAP. Impuretrash is here... Did you EVEN READ that BEAUTIFUL OP post at all? It said , empathy and, I'd have to pay a psychologist counselor to hear all that intellectual rolling rain clouds again. That is the dumbest line anyone's heard. right wing / conservatives are open to new ideas. They Choose not to do those ideas, because having two ideas in your head and not doing one of them is a sign of intelligence.

haha, thanks for giving my ideas consideration.
I'm going to leave this answer to either Morgan Freeman or neil degrasse Tyson, they come up with the smart stuff, white women.
Have political partisans never had to work with someone at their job who had different ideas? Have they never collaborated with someone at work to create something new? Yet when it comes to politics, somehow that's no longer allowed.

That is perfect, Mac. That's what I was trying to say.

I work anywhere between 60-80 hours a week. I don't know where people find the time to be partisan. I don't encounter a whole lot of people that are at the top of their game ever. They are at their worst and being right or left is not even on the radar. Racism, misogynists, feminism, all of the crap that is beard strokin' nonsense is irrelevant. It is way, way, way down the list of priorities. Being partisan is a luxury. When you zero in on a problem, there isn't time for all the nonsense.
60-80 hours a week, congratulations on that... Doubleshift and 3 meals and sleeping. 40 is actually more Productive, studies show. Well, who puts in energy to ideologues? Where is a mature ideologue, first something happened to being President then you became a Lobbyist, right?
Consider asking your congressman for more Confederate powers. Yes, still a legal position since 1776 and after the war between states, like Woodrow Wilson! States enable the political Democracy power of the people non-racist to fulfill our historic moral, political, and religious obligations. We'll All Take a Ride! tm

The divisive elements need to be mocked and ridiculed to within inches of their pathetic lives.... They're not interested in serious conversations and should be treated as such.
They do need to be culturally marginalized, so that those can actually understand and appreciate both ends of an issue can get something done. But I'm not seeing many signs that our culture is strong enough to do that at this point. The voices of reason and moderation are completely drowned out right now.
The divisive asswipes count on reasoability and exploit it....Being reasonable doesn't work on unreasonable people.... They need to be told to shove their recriminations up their asses and mocked into the ground.

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