Is Every Tea Party Member Nuts???

more stupid and anti-American than nuts. The republicans/libertarians/teabaggers hate America, hate the Constitution and want to destroy the rights that good Americans have fought for over the last 100 years.
The tea party specifically is a fake group thought up and financed by a very few very rich extremist right wingers with the sole purpose of ending representative government in the USA.

Nuts, maybe, and just stupid angry haters mostly, though.


Either that, or your premise is totally fucked. Let's distinguish between Rights, Privilege, and the stuff you think is free, that other people have to pay for....... Oh, right, you can't. ;)
more stupid and anti-American than nuts. The republicans/libertarians/teabaggers hate America, hate the Constitution and want to destroy the rights that good Americans have fought for over the last 100 years.
The tea party specifically is a fake group thought up and financed by a very few very rich extremist right wingers with the sole purpose of ending representative government in the USA.

Nuts, maybe, and just stupid angry haters mostly, though.


Either that, or your premise is totally fucked. Let's distinguish between Rights, Privilege, and the stuff you think is free, that other people have to pay for....... Oh, right, you can't. ;)

Think pro union supporter.:badgrin:
"Bagger Nation??"

You know, I belong to the Tea Party here in Tulsa. I have yet to see a comprehensive, national strategy for the Tea Party making us a unified movement. I mean, I have read the posts here and see where the Tea Party does this and the Tea Party does that nationally and I have to wonder if you are talking about something other than what I am associated with?

You post these comments from individuals in the Des Moines or where ever Tea Party and then attribute it to a national movement and this is supposed to be something horrible? Really? I guess the fact that the Tea Party organizations are INDEPENDENT of each other hasn't quite sunk in yet or facts are NOT one of the strong points of the left. Course, after reading Ravi's thread about how Hitler was a good Christian, I am not shocked anymore about the conclusions drawn from the left. Comprehension really isn't a strong point.

In 2010 the Tea Party had a significant impact on national elections even though they are NOT a unified national movement. We'll see in 2012 what happens. Course, if we were so impotent I imagine Claire McCaskell (Democratic Senator from Missouri) wouldn't be trying to court every tea party group in 250 miles. You see she's way behind even the lowest polling Republican. Her support for Obamacare and other Barry policies hasn't played well in the midwest. We get propaganda from a number of midwestern Democrats (a dying breed to be sure).

I just love the ignorance you show...

At least you don't hide it and have it shown clearly in your signature that you're a "tea party terrorist"
squeeze, you are new here. bigreb the pretend extremist is a regular volleyball here, back and forth, back and forth. He is batty. Hang with him, you, too.

You made it personal, you got kicked in the teeth, and you are whinging.

Grow up.

jake you fucking clown you have never kicked anyone in the teeth. You however have had your ass handed to you.

Jerky is a legend in his own mind
squeeze, you are new here. bigreb the pretend extremist is a regular volleyball here, back and forth, back and forth. He is batty. Hang with him, you, too.

jake you fucking clown you have never kicked anyone in the teeth. You however have had your ass handed to you.

Jerky is a legend in his own mind

Nov 2010 is not someone new here he knows of you and how you are. You attack republicans never disagree with liberals, and liberals thank you
Wiki? You're holding up an editable, source as the standard for a source? I'm sorry... that just not factually accurate. You know how I know that? Because my parents have been attending TEA Parties since 2007. And they aren't the only ones.... they went with their hispanic friends... and took their black friends, and my black Muslim family attend TEA Parties.... Your view of the TEA parties comes from an agenda driven media. Mine comes from personal experience. Your an ass for accepting what the media tell you - and you're a hack for accepting photoshopped pictures and bullshit as 'evidence'. Continue to accept the lies you're told. Fool.
Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttal's.

There's a video history of the current Tea Party that's funded by Dick Armey and Freedom Works.

This was Rick's rant..

[ame=]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]

And this is the Tea Party inception..

[ame=]Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube[/ame]

It was all about anger about a black president and a perceived "theft" of taxes by minorities who were able to pay down mortgages.
more stupid and anti-American than nuts. The republicans/libertarians/teabaggers hate America, hate the Constitution and want to destroy the rights that good Americans have fought for over the last 100 years.
The tea party specifically is a fake group thought up and financed by a very few very rich extremist right wingers with the sole purpose of ending representative government in the USA.

Nuts, maybe, and just stupid angry haters mostly, though.


Either that, or your premise is totally fucked. Let's distinguish between Rights, Privilege, and the stuff you think is free, that other people have to pay for....... Oh, right, you can't. ;)


Lets start with the vote you folks are so eager to suppress.

It's a right..not a priviledge..

Amendment 15 - Race No Bar to Vote. Ratified 2/3/1870. History

1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation

Amendment 24 - Poll Tax Barred. Ratified 1/23/1964.History

1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax.

2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Wiki? You're holding up an editable, source as the standard for a source? I'm sorry... that just not factually accurate. You know how I know that? Because my parents have been attending TEA Parties since 2007. And they aren't the only ones.... they went with their hispanic friends... and took their black friends, and my black Muslim family attend TEA Parties.... Your view of the TEA parties comes from an agenda driven media. Mine comes from personal experience. Your an ass for accepting what the media tell you - and you're a hack for accepting photoshopped pictures and bullshit as 'evidence'. Continue to accept the lies you're told. Fool.
Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttal's.

There's a video history of the current Tea Party that's funded by Dick Armey and Freedom Works.

This was Rick's rant..

[ame=]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]

And this is the Tea Party inception..

[ame=]Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube[/ame]

It was all about anger about a black president and a perceived "theft" of taxes by minorities who were able to pay down mortgages.

The Boston Tea Party was founded by Tom Knapp in 2006 following a Libertarian National Convention that disappointed Knapp and many other libertarians. The platform of the party is as follows:

The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.

About | Boston Tea Party of Indiana
Wiki? You're holding up an editable, source as the standard for a source? I'm sorry... that just not factually accurate. You know how I know that? Because my parents have been attending TEA Parties since 2007. And they aren't the only ones.... they went with their hispanic friends... and took their black friends, and my black Muslim family attend TEA Parties.... Your view of the TEA parties comes from an agenda driven media. Mine comes from personal experience. Your an ass for accepting what the media tell you - and you're a hack for accepting photoshopped pictures and bullshit as 'evidence'. Continue to accept the lies you're told. Fool.
Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttal's.

There's a video history of the current Tea Party that's funded by Dick Armey and Freedom Works.

This was Rick's rant..

[ame=]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]

And this is the Tea Party inception..

[ame=]Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube[/ame]

It was all about anger about a black president and a perceived "theft" of taxes by minorities who were able to pay down mortgages.

spare us your all's warped analysis..we are ALL sick of hearing about how it was against a black man...I'll be glad when he's gone, just so we don't hear this shit anymore
Ad hominem's are not valid rebuttal's.

There's a video history of the current Tea Party that's funded by Dick Armey and Freedom Works.

This was Rick's rant..

[ame=]Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube[/ame]

And this is the Tea Party inception..

[ame=]Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube[/ame]

It was all about anger about a black president and a perceived "theft" of taxes by minorities who were able to pay down mortgages.

The Boston Tea Party was founded by Tom Knapp in 2006 following a Libertarian National Convention that disappointed Knapp and many other libertarians. The platform of the party is as follows:

The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.

About | Boston Tea Party of Indiana

The iteration of the Tea Party that current holds a block in congress aren't libertarian. They want to increase military spending, are hostile to other nations, aren't talking about closing down foreign bases, want to continue war with Iraq and Afghanistan, want to get rid of abortion rights, want to continue the drug war, and wants to cut taxes for the rich while raising them for everyone else. Nothing about them are concerned with the size, scope and power of the government. They are about shifting power to corporate interests, religious interests and the Military.
There's a video history of the current Tea Party that's funded by Dick Armey and Freedom Works.

This was Rick's rant..

Rick Santelli and the "Rant of the Year" - YouTube

And this is the Tea Party inception..

Biased FOX News promotes Tea Parties - YouTube

It was all about anger about a black president and a perceived "theft" of taxes by minorities who were able to pay down mortgages.

The Boston Tea Party was founded by Tom Knapp in 2006 following a Libertarian National Convention that disappointed Knapp and many other libertarians. The platform of the party is as follows:

The Boston Tea Party supports reducing the size, scope and power of government at all levels and on all issues, and opposes increasing the size, scope and power of government at any level, for any purpose.

About | Boston Tea Party of Indiana

The iteration of the Tea Party that current holds a block in congress aren't libertarian. They want to increase military spending, are hostile to other nations, aren't talking about closing down foreign bases, want to continue war with Iraq and Afghanistan, want to get rid of abortion rights, want to continue the drug war, and wants to cut taxes for the rich while raising them for everyone else. Nothing about them are concerned with the size, scope and power of the government. They are about shifting power to corporate interests, religious interests and the Military.
The tea party started in 2006 have a great day.
Tea party terrorists.

Interesting phrase but I'm sure it's not true.

I consulted the Oxford dictionary

Definition of terrorist
a person who uses terrorism in the pursuit of political aims:
[as modifier]:
a terrorist organization

Definition of terrorism
[mass noun]
the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims:

I posted the video of tea party members protesting a mosque a little earlier in the thread. It looks a lot like intimidation to me.
Come to think of it, pissing on the constitutional right of freedom of religion as well.

Now to violence

[ame=]Tea Party Violence: Teabagger Tries To Kill Man With Obama Bumper Sticker - YouTube[/ame]

and violence to restrict freedom of speech

[ame=]Teabagger Violence Mars Tax Day Rally With Sen. Marco Rubio - YouTube[/ame]

Maybe they are terrorists.
Tea Party politics boils down to one thing and one thing only, in fact, it could be considered their "Tea Party Doctrine" and is really the only thing they do well (or at all) and that is...

"Get Angry in Public!"
The Boston Tea party is an interesting name in itself.

An act of insurrection against the rulers of the day that ended in revolution and overthrow of that government.

Does the Tea party want armed struggle to remove the government?
The Boston Tea party is an interesting name in itself.

An act of insurrection against the rulers of the day that ended in revolution and overthrow of that government.

Does the Tea party want armed struggle to remove the government?
The Tea Party today, has nothing to do with the Boston Tea Party in the late 1700's. Back then, they were protesting against company's being in bed with the monarchy that was creating a monopoly and driving up costs for goods and services.

The "Bagger Nation" of today, is nothing but corporate bitches doing what they're told like good little whore's.
You continue to lie, nothing new.

I attack dems, when it makes sense, but getting rid of your extremist creeps out of the GOP so that we have the right party for governing America is far more important.

Your extremism is a far righty form of RiNOism that America can't afford.

squeeze, you are new here. bigreb the pretend extremist is a regular volleyball here, back and forth, back and forth. He is batty. Hang with him, you, too.

Jerky is a legend in his own mind

Nov 2010 is not someone new here he knows of you and how you are. You attack republicans never disagree with liberals, and liberals thank you

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