Is Fake News Becoming Old News?

Tom Horn

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2015
Poor upChuck and Weasel Wallace....their guests this morning blew both losers' doors off. Both tried their best to summon up some outrage over the phony Kushner baloney but struck out looking. Incidentally, it was revealed this morning that it was the Russians' idea to open a back-channel and it never happened. So much for turning the President against his daughter's husband....which was the goal in this hoax. UpChuck had Clapper on again and again, couldn't get anywhere with the old goat. Wallace, who's still mental about the Kushners moving in down the block from him and taking up parking spaces he used to have, was actually more hostile to Trump than the attempted-goatee at NBC. But upChuck will rebound...surely his writers can invent a new drama by tomorrow morning and attribute it to "a source close to the White House" ie the pool man. :hmpf:

No. It is becoming the norm. If the libs take down Fox News, there will be no opposition to liberal propaganda being pushed as news.

CNN openly, on live tv, declared they had done everything they could - to include ignore her scandals - to get her elected.

It doesn't get much more blatant, biased , 'fake news', all-in than that.
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Chris Wallace is one of the few journalists left at Fox News. Wallace asked tough questions to find out the truth. He hardly looked foolish. Only in your Trump Deranged mind did that happen. McMaster and Kelly are losing their credibility defending Trump over this.
Chris Wallace is one of the few journalists left at Fox News. Wallace asked tough questions to find out the truth. He hardly looked foolish. Only in your Trump Deranged mind did that happen. McMaster and Kelly are losing their credibility defending Trump over this.

Wallace is a leftist shill....nowhere near a journalist
Chris Wallace is one of the few journalists left at Fox News. Wallace asked tough questions to find out the truth. He hardly looked foolish. Only in your Trump Deranged mind did that happen. McMaster and Kelly are losing their credibility defending Trump over this
Chris Wallace has proven to me over and over again that he is a hater of Trump. He throws out questions to Trump's team as is he is speaking from a fact. He too easily excepts the lefts false narratives in conducting his interviews and it's obvious to Trump supporters.
RW snowflakes constantly bitch about fake news.

If President Snowflake had never said fake news they wouldn't have been able to add two new words to their vocabulary.

pathetic little drones ....
There is no truth in news today....just left wing craziness...
and then he goes on to quote several "fake news" media sources ...tupical RW hypocrisy BS

Fuck Trump

Republicans are very flexible in their messages and positions. Before Michael Flynn Trump said that anybody who wanted immunity to testify was guilty of something.

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