Is Fox News backed into a corner with their unreasoning support for Donald Trump?

Yes. But we all knew this when they began their love affair w/their Trumpenführer.
It's clear you don't watch Faux News.
They have Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Juan Williams, and several other avid Trump critics.
Yes. But we all knew this when they began their love affair w/their Trumpenführer.
It's clear you don't watch Faux News.
They have Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace, Juan Williams, and several other avid Trump critics. If you think Faux News is a Trump supporter you're a bigger fool than I thought. Fox News is just out there to give everyone the impression that this is still a free country. They are owned by the same globalist conglomerates as CNN and MSNBC. Many of the journalists that used to work at Fox now work at CNN and NBC. Those that don't go along with the script already got their pink slips last year.
Just think of all the morons in the Libtard media that supported that piece of worthless shit Obama, the worst President this country ever had. Talk about being backed in a corner.
What was it that made Former President Obama the "worst President"?

"We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America" sums up his presidency. He succeeded only in reviving 1950s style race relations, advancing Communism, and supporting radical Islamism.

Thank Gawd he was stopped at the Hot Gates. His presidency is now in ashes, or smouldering.
Nope. Obama's legacy is racism, a fear of MAGA hats, FBI SWAT teams invading political opposition leaders homes, and a non-functioning Congress that screams about racism in all things like Al Fucking Sharpton.
BK I have no time or inclination to show you how this pos you support has harmed so many You always were a smart guy A little messed up imo politically so read up on how his prior life was filled with ripping people off and he never changed

He is doing what I want. If he follows through on the 15th, I may in 2020 actually have a reason to vote FOR something for a change.
BK unless I'm wrong I think you're pretty well off and like Trump don't give a damn for those in lesser circumstances

By report I do more by percentage for them than does Jeff Bezos. What a cheap motherfucker.
All I have left to say to you ,,you're known by your enemies as well as by your friends Trump and company are your friends

I have a thousand times more respect for Trump than I could EVER have for the commie leftists in D.C.
Well then clearly you are a Nazi.
Is Fox News backed into a corner?

Sean Hannity

Laura Ingraham

Tucker Carlson

Scoreboard: Thursday, Jan. 24

Overall, Fox gets the most viewers.

But it's odd that Rachael Maddow consistently leads in her time slot.

But one has to wonder what is going on?

Trump's approval rating is in the mid 30's and yet, he has an entire network at his disposal broadcasting how brilliant he is. Why such a low approval rating?

And will Fox viewers continue to trust the network if they begin to perceive they are being lied too? Based on viewership, Trump should be the most popular man in America.

What's going on?

Gee, Trump has one network that doesn't continually bombard him with negative coverage and you liberals have all the rest...most of the major newspapers...most of Hollywood...and most of the colleges pumping out a constant anti Trump message! Half the country has no clue about the good things that Trump has accomplished. They're being told about Roger Stone! (eye roll)
Just think of all the morons in the Libtard media that supported that piece of worthless shit Obama, the worst President this country ever had. Talk about being backed in a corner.
What was it that made Former President Obama the "worst President"?

His failures, hate, lies, incompetency and stupidity.
He is doing what I want. If he follows through on the 15th, I may in 2020 actually have a reason to vote FOR something for a change.
BK unless I'm wrong I think you're pretty well off and like Trump don't give a damn for those in lesser circumstances

By report I do more by percentage for them than does Jeff Bezos. What a cheap motherfucker.
All I have left to say to you ,,you're known by your enemies as well as by your friends Trump and company are your friends

I have a thousand times more respect for Trump than I could EVER have for the commie leftists in D.C.
Well then clearly you are a Nazi.
He does have those tendencies...I'v known him for many years on another board and he's never spoken about bund meetings
BK unless I'm wrong I think you're pretty well off and like Trump don't give a damn for those in lesser circumstances

By report I do more by percentage for them than does Jeff Bezos. What a cheap motherfucker.
All I have left to say to you ,,you're known by your enemies as well as by your friends Trump and company are your friends

I have a thousand times more respect for Trump than I could EVER have for the commie leftists in D.C.
Well then clearly you are a Nazi.
He does have those tendencies...I'v known him for many years on another board and he's never spoken about bund meetings
I was being facetious.
Highest ratings in cable one watches about being backed into a corner....just wait till we see that Trump is not guilty of anything and this witch hunt is just that a witch hunt....what will CNN do then?.....I bet it is at the vortex of their thoughts right now.....CNN gone forever????? very well could happen....
Highest ratings in cable one watches about being backed into a corner....just wait till we see that Trump is not guilty of anything and this witch hunt is just that a witch hunt....what will CNN do then?.....I bet it is at the vortex of their thoughts right now.....CNN gone forever????? very well could happen....
Rambo and this is just coincidence?
Trump and His Associates
Had More Than 100
Contacts With Russians
Before the Inauguration


During the 2016 presidential campaign and transition, Donald J. Trump and at least 17 campaign officials and advisers had contacts with Russian nationals and WikiLeaks, or their intermediaries, a New York Times analysis has found. At least 10 other associates were told about interactions but did not have any themselves.

Knowledge of these interactions is based on New York Times reporting, documents submitted to Congress, and court records and accusations related to the special counsel investigating foreign interference in the election.

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