The Real Elitists Are at Fox News

Back Again/Liability's main hobby is making an ass of himself on message boards. What a fucking dumbass.
Syndi has the hobby of pretending it’s smart enough to make comments like the above. He would have to multiply his IQ by orders of magnitude to lift himself up to being a fucking dumbass.


OK, moron. Sit the fuck down and shut your mouth. The adults are now talking. And you're not smart enough to debate me.
I’m sorry. You me mouth is full of dicks — again. You’re completely incoherent. And that’s a good thing. Because when you try to communicate you only make more of a fool of yourself. Granted, that’s not easy. But there you go.

Now, please, just cease all posting. You’re truly too stupid to say anything smart or accurate.

Toddle off now.
Winnie and Syndi have a couple of things in common.

1. Both are terribly impressed with Winnie’s academic degrees.

2. Both erroneously and ignorantly believe that the USA Id a “democracy.”
2. Both erroneously and ignorantly believe that the USA Id a “democracy.”
You mean like this guy.

You mean like this guy.

Yep. He misunderstood what we had created as well as failing to grasp why we sought to avoid a democracy.

Look, if you want to contend that we incorporated some of the elements of a democracy, albeit quite diluted, I’d agree. But if you want to say that we went beyond some of the elements of democracy and that we “are” a democracy, then you’ve missed the point.
Yes, this is an opinion article from ex-Republican Tom Nichols. Read it anyway.

The Real Elitists Are at Fox News
Republicans and their media enablers despise ordinary Americans.

Right-wing political and media figures regularly level the accusation of “elitism” at other Americans. But new revelations from Dominion Voting Systems’ defamation lawsuit against Fox News and the Fox Corporation over claims of election fraud are reminders that the most cynical elites in America are the Republicans and their media valets.

Elected Republicans and their courtiers in the right-wing-media ecosystem deploy the word elite as an accusation, a calumny, almost a crime. To be one of the elite is to be a snooty, educated city dweller, a highbrow pretend-patriot who looks down upon the Real Americans who hunt and fish and drive pickup trucks to church. (It does not mean “rich people”; Donald Trump has gleefully referred to himself and his supporters as the “super-elite.”) The elites also support the production of “fake news” by liars who intend to hoodwink ordinary people into doing the bidding of wealthy globalists. They buy books and listen to National Public Radio and they probably read things like The Atlantic.

This shtick has been a remarkable success. Republicans have used it to convince millions of working people that super-educated gasbags such as Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley, and Ron DeSantis are just ordinary folks who care deeply about kitchen-table issues that matter to their family and a secure future for their children, such as Hunter Biden’s sex life and whether public schools are letting kids pee in litter boxes.

In the entertainment hothouse, Fox News is the most prominent offender. The Fox all-star lineup, especially in prime time with Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, and Laura Ingraham, is a parade of millionaires who work for Rupert Murdoch, one of the richest and most powerful men in this corner of the Milky Way galaxy. Every day they warn their viewers that democracy is in peril because of people who majored in gender studies. All of this nuttery is delivered with a straight face—or in Carlson’s case, the weird mien of a dog watching a magic trick.


Meanwhile, the Fox producer Abby Grossberg was more worried about the torch-and-pitchfork Fox demographic. After the election, she reminded Fox Business anchor Maria Bartiromo that Fox’s faithful should be served the toxic gunk they craved: “To be honest, our audience doesn’t want to hear about a peaceful transition,” Grossberg texted. “Yes, agree,” Bartiromo answered in a heroic display of high-minded journalistic principle.

In other words: Our audience of American citizens wants to be encouraged in its desire to thwart the peaceful transfer of power for the first time in our history as a nation. And Bartiromo answered: Yes, let’s keep doing that.

As Vox’s Sean Illing tweeted today, Bartiromo’s thirsty pursuit of ratings is a reminder that “no one has a lower opinion of conservative voters than conservative media.” More important, Fox’s cynical fleecing of its viewers is an expression of titanic elitism, the sort that destroys reality in the minds of ordinary people for the sake of fame and money.
Not only does such behavior reveal contempt for Fox’s viewers; it encourages the destruction of our system of government purely for ratings and a limo to and from the Fox mothership in Times Square. (New York City might be full of coastal “elitists,” but that’s where the Fox crew lives and works; we’ll know the real populist millennium has arrived when Fox packs off Hannity and Greg Gutfeld and Jeanine Pirro to its new offices in Kansas or Oklahoma.)

More truth at the link.
Must destroy Fox News must destroy Fox News must destroy Fox News must destroy Fox News..........
Fox New's big win is lying on the table waiting for America to pick it up and pull the trigger! But the biggest question is on whether Americans will throw foreign policy on Russia out the window and take Biden down over what he had done to Nordstream.
Americans can justify Nordstream and so there's no need for denial any longer. it's always been obvious but it couldn't be America's reason for starting a major war. It would be much more damaging to America than the 'gulf of Tonkin'.
Oh. 🙄

That’s not the “biggest” question.

What was done to the Nord Stream pipeline (note the correct spelling) is attributed by Hersch (based on one anonymous source) to Brandon. Considering that President Potato actually verbalized as much ahead of time (he being a simpleton with dementia), it is realistic to conclude that he was probably behind the attack on the pipeline. Still and all, why not wait and see what supporting evidence may come to light.

As bad as that was, it’s far from the biggest problem.
It's Hersh.
He has a track record of lying, right?
It's Hersh.
He has a track record of lying, right?
I don’t know about that. But his work has been criticized before.

And he does tend to rely on anonymous sources. Such “sources” are rather difficult to argue with, though, for the obvious reason that they are anonymous.

I mean, lots of folks have wondered how much weight ought to be assigned to the word of a “source” who might not even exist.

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