The Real Elitists Are at Fox News

I do not care if you think you have found a smoking gun, but what I do know is the majority of their Americans get their news from TV news channels, abc cbs nbc cnn msnbc pbs and fox. And the ONLY ONE of those stations that reports the facts on disturbing crises and scandals that the others AVOID, is Fox. They all gloss over the Southern Border insanity, the Afghan withdrawal, what Hunter's laptop is telling us, what the Biden admin has done to the domestic fossil fuel industries, the heartache that climate change demands are causing American people, and of course the fake Russian collusion spygate joke. Just because worthless judges and prosecutors charged no one hardly erase the anti-American malicious acts of the DNC.
I can only guess that you don't understand what I write Winston? Or I don't understand you?

Anyway, I would suggest again that Biden did indeed give his stamp of approval for it. He's on record saying so, for dog's sake!
Why would you think that blowing up Nordstream would be bad optics for President Biden, if he was indeed the person who ordered it?
Many times they are and that is clearly understood as the best way to fight against the Nordstream facts if Rupert allows his media outlet to go for the big hit on Biden.

However, Seymour Hersh has MyLai, Abu Ghraib, and other big slamdunks to his credit.

This is Gulf of Tonkin stuff written in spades!
I can't fucking believe I have to post this a third time in this website.

Address what he is saying, please.


I trust Republican Intelligence analyst John Schindler on this.

False. One can disagree with democracy and not be an elitist. You jellyfish brained libtards falsely assume that we are or should be a democracy. We aren’t. We are a Constitutional republic. Thankfully. And by design.
Once more for the uneducated:

Once more for the uneducated:

View attachment 758272
Kruse, like you are, is merely wrong.

And I don’t care if the John Birch Sociery said it before. Even they can be correct.

We are a Constitutional republic precisely because we made a determined and successful effort to avoid being a “democracy.” Your ignorance of history doesn’t impress me even if you find some other folks who share your ignorance.

Again, Dr. Frankln was actually there at the time of the creation of our Constitution. He was a big part of the Dounding and of the Framing. Unlike you, ol’ Benjamin KNEW what HE was talking about.

We are a republic. If we can keep it.
Well, now that the foumouthed pigs have rung in, we can at least say that Americans don't give a lick for the lives of the Ukrainians that are being snuffed out by Russia.

Even less than they cared for the lives of Afghanis, Iraqis, Vietnamese, Guatamalans, etc., etc.
Your own daffynition doesn’t control. But I never said or suggested that only a person of wealth could be an elitist.

False. Your lies also don’t control. You’re not an elitist. You’re just an asshole gasbag.

Another combination ^ of things divorced from the concept of “elitism.” And, of course, as always, you’re wrong anyway. “Elitism” isn’t defined by your idiotic, random and childish political preferences. Plus, President Trump did not try to “overthrow the election.”

Lol. Actually, EVERY one of your alleged brain cells are retarded.

False. One can disagree with democracy and not be an elitist. You jellyfish brained libtards falsely assume that we are or should be a democracy. We aren’t. We are a Constitutional republic. Thankfully. And by design.

Nope. I believe we lead ourselves. We tolerate political leadership for the government. And our governmental leadership doesn’t have to be superior to us. All we seek (and should insist upon) is that they limit their official behaviors to those authorized by our Constitution.

It hasn’t happened. So, it isn’t an example at all.

Both of our main political Parties engage in that behavior. But it’s not an example of elitism. It’s an example of political opportunism.

Nonsense. Your thesis requires your erroneous and simplistic belief in your idiotic premises.

I haven’t addressed Dominion. And the fact that Fox News feels apparently compelled to back-peddle a bit is of no informational value admit pertains to
“Elitism.” You are far too simple
Minded to discuss anyone else’s allegedly simple mind, Winnie.

I realize you provided a verbose amount of additional silliness. But, yiur thesis is so lame and your arguments are so inadequately supported that wasting further time on you is obviously pointless.

Winnie, you are too stupid and ignorant to bother with.
A constitutional republic is a type of democracy. While a constitutional republic might not be a disect democracy, it is still a form of democratic government. The only real differentiation lies in the power of the Constitution, which you and Republicans seem to have a complete willingness to circumvent when it suits your needs. Like when Trump attempted to overthrow the government, rather it be through asking Pence to refuse to certify the results or asking states to come up with alternative electors. Here, take it from the horse's mouth,

Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution

And rather you have addressed the Dominion lawsuit is irrelevant. That fact remains that the information released with Dominion's court filings should be eye-opening. FOX knew that Trump lost the election, yet they fanned the flames of fraud. While some might claim it was in pursuit of profits, the reality is it was a form of elitism as FOX sought to help fuel an overthrow of the government in order to keep the "elitist" of their choice in power, damn the will of the common "people".

And, as the thread I linked clearly indicates, they are still conducting business in that fashion. New rules proposed by the SEC to stop internal trading among trading houses and forcing trades to be executed in a market environment would greatly benefit the small individual investor. I mean you can bet Rubert Murdoch's trades are never executed "in house". Murdoch knows the truth, I venture to say Hannity, Carlson, and Ingram know it too. But yet FOX news posts some clearly ghost written by a lobbyist op-ed for an uneducated "rock dealer" Congressman attempting to distort that proposed rule. The manipulation in defense of the elite continues.
Kruse, like you are, is merely wrong.

And I don’t care if the John Birch Sociery said it before. Even they can be correct.

We are a Constitutional republic precisely because we made a determined and successful effort to avoid being a “democracy.” Your ignorance of history doesn’t impress me even if you find some other folks who share your ignorance.

Again, Dr. Frankln was actually there at the time of the creation of our Constitution. He was a big part of the Dounding and of the Framing. Unlike you, ol’ Benjamin KNEW what HE was talking about.

We are a republic. If we can keep it.
Look, just to let you know, I have completed graduate level course work in early American History, worn the white gloves to research historical documents in college libraries throughout the east coast. I recently completed the Kirkpatrick series, dealing with the American political system, as the highest performing student in the history of the program while completing my third undergraduate degree, this one in leadership.

Your Franklin quote was in response to a question, "Are we a republic or a monarchy". Democracy was not even in the discussion. But let me give you another Franklin quote, and I know I can be long-winded, but hell, I have been able to type at over a 100 words a minute since Carter was president.

I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.

I am a life long student of American History focusing on the history prior to the 19th century. The founder's intelligence can never be underestimated. Franklin predicted your ignorance more than 200 years ago, and Hamilton, he predicted Trump

When a man unprincipled in private life desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper, possessed of considerable talents, having the advantage of military habits—despotic in his ordinary demeanour—known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty—when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity—to join in the cry of danger to liberty—to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion—to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day—It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may “ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.
A constitutional republic is a type of democracy.
No. It’s not. That’s a common lib myth and misconception.
While a constitutional republic might not be a disect democracy,

It certainly isn’t that.
it is still a form of democratic government.
The only real differentiation lies in the power of the Constitution, which you and Republicans seem to have a complete willingness to circumvent when it suits your needs.

That’s not the sole difference and of course it is you libtards who detest the Constitution.
Like when Trump ….
The rest of that ^sentence was a lie and the rest of your post therefore goes unread. 👍
No. It’s not. That’s a common lib myth and misconception.

It certainly isn’t that.


That’s not the sole difference and of course it is you libtards who detest the Constitution.

The rest of that ^sentence was a lie and the rest of your post therefore goes unread. 👍
Piss off you stupid shit. I suppose you missed this post

I doubt you have a damn high school education. And I am quite sure I have forgot more about American History than you will ever know. Why the hell I bother with stupid shits like you is beyond me. Get a damn hobby, and for the love of God, get the hell out of politics.
Look, just to let you know, I have completed graduate level course work in early American History, worn the white gloves to research historical documents in college libraries throughout the east coast. I recently completed the Kirkpatrick series, dealing with the American political system, as the highest performing student in the history of the program while completing my third undergraduate degree, this one in leadership.
I’m proud of you. Citing academic achievements is a very thinly veiled appeal to authority. I hope you grasp why that’s a fallacy.
Your Franklin quote was in response to a question, "Are we a republic or a monarchy".
So? His answer is the thing that’s instructive.


But let me give you another Franklin quote, and I know I can be long-winded, but hell, I have been able to type at over a 100 words a minute since Carter was president.

Long winded and dull. Not a great combination.
I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no form of government, but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered; and believe further, that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic government, being incapable of any other.

The choice was also not one of despotism.
I am a life long student of American History
So what? Just to give you a clue. This doesn’t confirm you as being correct or insightful.
focusing on the history prior to the 19th century. The founder's intelligence can never be underestimated. Franklin predicted your ignorance more than 200 years ago, and Hamilton, he predicted Trump
I see little reason to be concerned about your abundant ignorance, Winnie.

Fuck off now, kid.
Piss off you stupid shit. I suppose you missed this pogo fuck yourself, Winnie.

I doubt you have a damn high school education. And I am quite sure I have forgot more about American History than you will ever know.
You pussies always seem to imagine that bragging about your academic status somehow validates you. It doesn’t. You’re still a stupid little cock bite. 👍
Why the hell I bother with stupid shits like you is beyond me.
Why I bother with self-important and ignorant cock-gobblers, like you, Winnie, is also a mystery.
Get a damn hobby, and for the love of God, get the hell out of politics.
Continue your miserable life dabbing in academics absent understanding. But you’d be best advised to forget the silly notion that you understand politics or anything much beyond historical trivia.

Also, I don’t take directions from pissants like you. 😂

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