Is Galaxy Quest one of the best movies ever?

There is a very good, and fun documentary about the movie available on Prime:


Is Galaxy Quest one of the best movies ever?​

No. Well, maybe yes of its kind. I have it on DVD and it was a great comedy sci-fi spoof (maybe the best) with a great cast, great story, and special effects done up to the standards of any good sci-fi movie. Plus, I loved the aliens, not only the bag guys, but the goofy, silly, "prey" aliens with the bad haircuts and the brains of a twit.

And you just can't beast Tim Allen and Sigorney Weaver.
Never saw it. What is great about it? Tim Allen is usually good, at least in shows he writes himself. Did he write and direct Galaxy Quest?
I consider myself to be a big enough Tim Allen fan, but I will admit that I have never seen this film of his. I hope that it was successful enough for him. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. Other than Home Improvement, Last Man Standing, Toy Story 1-3, and The Santa Clause 1-3, I have also seen these films of his: Jungle To Jungle, For Richer Or Poorer, Joe Somebody, Wild Hogs, and Christmas With the Kranks.
I watch it online for free. Like I do all my tv and movies.
There is no such thing as free online.

Dumped cable in 1997, and been watching free tv and movies online since.
I think what you mean is OTA (over the air). I dumped satellite in 2015 I think. Pretty sure someone had Quest on just a few months ago. I get about 70 channels where I live and frankly, most of it is better than when I used to pay DISH $150/month for some package.

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