Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Mildred Loving is an authority on discriminatory marriage laws.

Of course you reject what Mildred Loving says- while you self rightiously tell everyone
]Race does not come close to LGBT

Of course you refuse what an actual expert on discriminatory marriage laws says.

Mildred Loving cannot substitute some deviant sexual behaviors for race. She does not enjoy the privilege of reinventing the english language or the foundation of the American penal code system whereby the majority gets to regulate behaviors.

Mildred Loving is a far better source on the matter than you are, citing yourself.

And you citing you is all you have.

But the fact remains that Mildred Loving can't change the english language or the American penal code system where the majority regulates behaviors.
Mildred Loving is an authority on discriminatory marriage laws.

Of course you reject what Mildred Loving says- while you self rightiously tell everyone
]Race does not come close to LGBT

Of course you refuse what an actual expert on discriminatory marriage laws says.

Mildred Loving cannot substitute some deviant sexual behaviors for race. She does not enjoy the privilege of reinventing the english language or the foundation of the American penal code system whereby the majority gets to regulate behaviors.

Mildred Loving is a far better source on the matter than you are, citing yourself.

And you citing you is all you have.

But the fact remains that Mildred Loving can't change the english language or the American penal code system where the majority regulates behaviors.

The fact remains that she doesn't need to change the English language to recognize unconstitutional and illegal discrimination in marriage.

She's a far better source on the matter than you are, citing yourself.
Mildred Loving is an authority on discriminatory marriage laws.

Of course you reject what Mildred Loving says- while you self rightiously tell everyone
]Race does not come close to LGBT

Of course you refuse what an actual expert on discriminatory marriage laws says.

Mildred Loving cannot substitute some deviant sexual behaviors for race. She does not enjoy the privilege of reinventing the english language or the foundation of the American penal code system whereby the majority gets to regulate behaviors.

Mildred Loving knows about racism- and discrimination- so of course you reject her. Of course you are pissed off that the majority of Americans can no longer criminalize gay sex or mixed race marriages.

Mildred Loving believed in marriage and love- Silhouette believes in nothing but hatred- once again Mildred Loving's words:

Mildred Loving said that most of her generation accepted the idea that God wanted the races kept apart, and government should act as the moat. She’s pleased, now that she’s a grandmother, to see younger people believe differently. Each day she thinks about what it meant to her to be free “to marry the person precious to me,” even when plenty of people reacted as though she had married a garter snake.

“I believe all Americans, no matter their race, no matter their sex, no matter their sexual orientation, should have that same freedom to marry. Government has no business imposing some people’s religious beliefs over others. Especially if it denies people’s civil rights.”

She finished her statement by saying, “I am still not a political person, but I am proud that Richard’s and my name is on a court case that can help reinforce the love, the commitment, the fairness and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight, seek in life. I support the freedom to marry for all. That’s what Loving, and loving, are all about.”
You guys are far to wrapped up in homosexual sex

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That's what the kids of gay marriage are saying too... Ironic you should post that...

What are the kids of 'gay marriage' saying?

At age 19, Zach Wahls famously spoke before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee on behalf of his lesbian moms when the state was considering a constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples. He also addressed a national audience at the Democratic Convention in 2011. His statement, “The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character,” captured on film, became YouTube’s No. 1 political video of 2011.


“Growing up with lesbian moms has been the most normal thing to ever happen to me, honestly,” said Katie Hershey van Horn, 19, now a freshman at University of Hawaii. “It’s so brutally normal! I have to do chores around the house, walk our dog, feed our cats and do my own laundry. I was raised like any other kid: always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ don’t put your elbows on the table, and don’t litter!”
Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.
“When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents.”
Rachele Yaseen-Polanski, 44, of Claremont, California grew up in Colorado. When she was two years old her parents divorced and Rachele spent part of her time with her father and his new wife and part with her mother and her mother’s girlfriend.
“It was just normal,” said Rachelle. “I never knew any different. But my mother and her girlfriend both could have gotten fired in Colorado if their employers found out they were gay so they weren’t out -- except to friends and family.”
Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports that missing a dad was great for him. A rare case as it turns out. You see Syriusly, the reason the people who did the Prince's Trust SURVEY did a SURVEY was to show a propensity for a given situation and how it affects kids. As much as your buddies at the American Psychological Association like to no longer use the scientific method to come to conclusions they hold out to the public "as fact" Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. ...the scientific method is still the gold standard.

We aren't discussing the law here with regards to isolated individuals or small groups of them. We are discussing the law and how it affects THE PROPENSITY of the target population affected: ALL children, not just your pet favorites. So, with that in mind, read the ACTUAL SCIENCE on boys without fathers and girls without mothers...and as much as this bums you out...the Prince's Trust Survey is THE LARGEST SURVEY OF ITS KIND. So, therefore, it is the gold standard and the most accurate one we can point to for "how gay marriage will be affecting the demographic "children" over time"...since the effects of laws last longer than just one generation in the isolated cases in your narrow examples..

Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports that missing a dad was great for him. Y

No- I posted a child who was happy to have loving parents- something you don't want the children of gay parents to have.


What are the kids of 'gay marriage' saying?

At age 19, Zach Wahls famously spoke before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee on behalf of his lesbian moms when the state was considering a constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples. He also addressed a national audience at the Democratic Convention in 2011. His statement, “The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character,” captured on film, became YouTube’s No. 1 political video of 2011.

“Growing up with lesbian moms has been the most normal thing to ever happen to me, honestly,” said Katie Hershey van Horn, 19, now a freshman at University of Hawaii. “It’s so brutally normal! I have to do chores around the house, walk our dog, feed our cats and do my own laundry. I was raised like any other kid: always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ don’t put your elbows on the table, and don’t litter!”
Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.
“When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents.”
Rachele Yaseen-Polanski, 44, of Claremont, California grew up in Colorado. When she was two years old her parents divorced and Rachele spent part of her time with her father and his new wife and part with her mother and her mother’s girlfriend.
“It was just normal,” said Rachelle. “I never knew any different. But my mother and her girlfriend both could have gotten fired in Colorado if their employers found out they were gay so they weren’t out -- except to friends and family.”
Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports that missing a dad was great for him. A rare case as it turns out. You see Syriusly, the reason the people who did the Prince's Trust SURVEY did a SURVEY was to show a propensity for a given situation and how it affects kids. As much as your buddies at the American Psychological Association like to no longer use the scientific method to come to conclusions they hold out to the public "as fact" Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. ...the scientific method is still the gold standard.

We aren't discussing the law here with regards to isolated individuals or small groups of them. We are discussing the law and how it affects THE PROPENSITY of the target population affected: ALL children, not just your pet favorites. So, with that in mind, read the ACTUAL SCIENCE on boys without fathers and girls without mothers...and as much as this bums you out...the Prince's Trust Survey is THE LARGEST SURVEY OF ITS KIND. So, therefore, it is the gold standard and the most accurate one we can point to for "how gay marriage will be affecting the demographic "children" over time"...since the effects of laws last longer than just one generation in the isolated cases in your narrow examples..


What are the kids of 'gay marriage' saying?

This: ‘Quartet of Truth’: Adult children of gay parents testify against same-sex ‘marriage’ at 5th Circuit
(Ignore the line-through...apparently when you copy and paste, someone has inserted the command to line through the text into this article. Not shocking to me at all. Especially after I started posting about the Prince's Trust 2010 Survey only to find not long after that the link had been dismantled at the Prince's Trust Website. I obtained a copy of the 2010 Survey and had to host it myself so that people could read it... )
Katy Faust, Dawn Stefanowicz, B.N. Klein, and Robert Oscar Lopez, who were all raised by homosexual parents, each submitted briefs to the 5th Circuit opposing the legalization of same-sex “marriage.” Recounting childhood memories of households made deeply dysfunctional by their parents’ sexual appetites and the radical subculture that went along with their “gay” identities, all four argued that redefining marriage to include homosexual couples will likely lead to the exploitation and abuse of countless children for political and personal gain.

“I grew up with a parent and her partner in an atmosphere in which gay ideology was used as a tool of repression, retribution and abuse,” wrote B.N. Klein of her lesbian mother and her series of live-in lovers. “I have seen that children in gay households often become props to be publically [sic] displayed to prove that gay families are just like heterosexual ones.”

“While I do not believe all gays would be de facto bad parents, I know that the gay community has never in my lifetime put children first as anything other than a piece of property, a past mistake or a political tool to be dressed up and taken out as part of a dog-and-pony show to impress the well-meaning,” Klein wrote. She added that as a child of a lesbian mother, she was pressured to pay “constant homage and attention” to her mother’s gay identity, taught that “some Jews and most Christians were stupid and hated gays and were violent,” and told that homosexuals were “much more creative and artistic because they were not repressed and were naturally more ‘feeling.’”

While Klein classified her upbringing as abusive, Robert Oscar Lopez told the court that his own childhood upbringing by his mother and her longtime partner represented the “best possible conditions for a child raised by a same-sex couple.” Even so, Lopez testified that the lack of a father figure in his life, combined with the influence of the radical gay culture in which he was raised, gave rise to a devastating confusion about his own sexuality and ultimately led to his becoming a homosexual prostitute in his teen years in order to fulfill his craving for acceptance and love from older men.

“Had I been formally studied by same-sex parenting ‘experts’ in 1985, I would have confirmed their rosiest estimations of LGBT family life,” Lopez wrote. “[But b]ehind these façades of a happy ‘outcome’ lay many problems.”

“I experienced a great deal of sexual confusion,” Lopez wrote. “I had an inexplicable compulsion to have sex with older males … and wanted to have sex with older men who were my father’s age, though at the time I could scarcely understand what I was doing.”
...Lopez said that he has spoken to dozens of other adult children of homosexuals, and that many of them have similar stories of pain and damage inflicted by the absence of a biological parent and the unwanted “step-parent” type relationship demanded by their homosexual parents’ lovers. Lopez included testimonies from nine of them in his brief, but said there were many more who were afraid to speak out for fear that the homosexual lobby would target them for harassment like they have Lopez himself.

“Children raised by same-sex couples face a gauntlet if they break the silence about the ‘no disadvantages’ consensus,” Lopez wrote, after recounting how homosexual activists harassed his employers and spread lies about him on the internet after he first came forward about his own childhood experiences as the son of a lesbian. “In such a climate, I must conclude that placing children in same-sex couples’ homes is dangerous, because they have no space or latitude to express negative feelings about losing a mom or dad, and in fact they have much to fear if they do.”
Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports that missing a dad was great for him. A rare case as it turns out. You see Syriusly, the reason the people who did the Prince's Trust SURVEY did a SURVEY was to show a propensity for a given situation and how it affects kids. As much as your buddies at the American Psychological Association like to no longer use the scientific method to come to conclusions they hold out to the public "as fact" Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. ...the scientific method is still the gold standard.

We aren't discussing the law here with regards to isolated individuals or small groups of them. We are discussing the law and how it affects THE PROPENSITY of the target population affected: ALL children, not just your pet favorites. So, with that in mind, read the ACTUAL SCIENCE on boys without fathers and girls without mothers...and as much as this bums you out...the Prince's Trust Survey is THE LARGEST SURVEY OF ITS KIND. So, therefore, it is the gold standard and the most accurate one we can point to for "how gay marriage will be affecting the demographic "children" over time"...since the effects of laws last longer than just one generation in the isolated cases in your narrow examples..


You talking about the importance of the scientific method is a bit like Anthony Weiner talking about the importance of phone etiquette.

The Prince's Trust survey does not talk about parents, gay or straight. It talks about positive same gender role models. Considering the group behind the survey claims to be able to provide positive role models for the youths in their program, which I have shown you before, clearly they do not agree with your assessment of their survey.

There is no indication how many, if any, of the surveyed youths had same sex parents. The survey you constantly trot only discusses positive role models. You know this, it has been pointed out to you dozens of times. That you still tell the same tired lies about it leaves me curious as to whether you are incapable of accepting the facts involved or are one of the most elaborate, dedicated trolls I've ever seen.
Did you read the testimony given by the children raised in gay homes or not? You're not a big fan of large surveys to come to deductive conclusions...I get it. You like small hand picked ones. Try reading the kids' accounts of being raised in gay homes..
Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports that missing a dad was great for him. A rare case as it turns out. You see Syriusly, the reason the people who did the Prince's Trust SURVEY did a SURVEY was to show a propensity for a given situation and how it affects kids. As much as your buddies at the American Psychological Association like to no longer use the scientific method to come to conclusions they hold out to the public "as fact" Federal Gay-Activist Judges Aren't to Blame: They Rely on "Science".. ...the scientific method is still the gold standard.

We aren't discussing the law here with regards to isolated individuals or small groups of them. We are discussing the law and how it affects THE PROPENSITY of the target population affected: ALL children, not just your pet favorites. So, with that in mind, read the ACTUAL SCIENCE on boys without fathers and girls without mothers...and as much as this bums you out...the Prince's Trust Survey is THE LARGEST SURVEY OF ITS KIND. So, therefore, it is the gold standard and the most accurate one we can point to for "how gay marriage will be affecting the demographic "children" over time"...since the effects of laws last longer than just one generation in the isolated cases in your narrow examples..


The Prince Trust study doesn't mention mothers or fathers. It doesn't measure the effects of any kind of parenting. It never mentions gays, gay marriage, same sex parenting or any of the inane nonsense you're babbling about.

You hallucinated all of it. And your hallucinations are irrelevant.
Did you read the testimony given by the children raised in gay homes or not? You're not a big fan of large surveys to come to deductive conclusions...I get it. You like small hand picked ones. Try reading the kids' accounts of being raised in gay homes..

The Obegefell ruling found that same sex marriage helps children. You disagree. And your agreement or disagreement with the findings of the Supreme Court have no relevance to the authority of their rulings. As it doesn't matter what finding you ignore.

The courts still won't.
Did you read the testimony given by the children raised in gay homes or not? You're not a big fan of large surveys to come to deductive conclusions...I get it. You like small hand picked ones. Try reading the kids' accounts of being raised in gay homes..
Did you read the Obergefell ruling, do you understand that in order for the state to deny citizens their right to due process and equal protection of the law such an act must be rationally based, predicated on objective, documented evidence, and pursue a proper legislative end – clearly not.
Did you read the testimony given by the children raised in gay homes or not? You're not a big fan of large surveys to come to deductive conclusions...I get it. You like small hand picked ones. Try reading the kids' accounts of being raised in gay homes..
Did you read the Obergefell ruling, do you understand that in order for the state to deny citizens their right to due process and equal protection of the law such an act must be rationally based, predicated on objective, documented evidence, and pursue a proper legislative end – clearly not.

Sil never has. Yet she's lied repeatedly about the ruling, denouncing 'sources' that the court never cited. And she knew she was making it up as she went along when she made those claims. Worse, she knew we knew.

This entire thread and those are like it are merely thumb sucking excercises. Lies that Sil tells herself to sooth the dissonance between her pseudo-legal gibberish and reality.

The Prince Trust study doesn't mention mothers or fathers. It doesn't measure the effects of any kind of parenting. It never mentions gays, gay marriage, same sex parenting

...and Loving v Virginia doesn't mention gay marriage or same-sex parenting either. Yet you used it to infer many things about those two topics for a "win" (temporary) at the Supreme Court. So, I like the chances of the Prince's Trust's discussions of the demise to children of the absence of a same-gender role model as they grew up being extrapolated to the systematic disenfranchisement gay marriage foists upon kids to strip them of either a mother or father for life, per contract...

The Prince Trust study doesn't mention mothers or fathers. It doesn't measure the effects of any kind of parenting. It never mentions gays, gay marriage, same sex parenting

...and Loving v Virginia doesn't mention gay marriage or same-sex parenting either. Yet you used it to infer many things about those two topics for a "win" (temporary) at the Supreme Court. So, I like the chances of the Prince's Trust's discussions of the demise to children of the absence of a same-gender role model as they grew up being extrapolated to the systematic disenfranchisement gay marriage foists upon kids to strip them of either a mother or father for life, per contract...

Except, of course, that the Prince's Trust discusses positive role models, and the Prince's Trust has talked about providing role models to the youth in their program. You know, directly contradicting your narrative that only a parent can be the positive same gender role model of the survey.....
Hey what do you know? Syriusly found a child who self-reports

Not one but many- but of course since these are the children of gay parents- you want to deny these children married parents- because you know this will harm their children.

What are the kids of 'gay marriage' saying?

At age 19, Zach Wahls famously spoke before the Iowa House Judiciary Committee on behalf of his lesbian moms when the state was considering a constitutional ban on marriage for same-sex couples. He also addressed a national audience at the Democratic Convention in 2011. His statement, “The sexual orientation of my parents has had zero effect on the content of my character,” captured on film, became YouTube’s No. 1 political video of 2011.

“Growing up with lesbian moms has been the most normal thing to ever happen to me, honestly,” said Katie Hershey van Horn, 19, now a freshman at University of Hawaii. “It’s so brutally normal! I have to do chores around the house, walk our dog, feed our cats and do my own laundry. I was raised like any other kid: always say ‘please’ and ‘thank you,’ don’t put your elbows on the table, and don’t litter!”
Twenty-two-year-old Michael Arden-Sonego is studying to become a firefighter.
“When the social worker told me that the couple that wanted to adopt my brothers and me was two men, she waited for some reaction, but I didn’t care,” Michael recalled. “I just wanted to live somewhere I could call home, somewhere where I could finally relax and know my brothers and I were going to be taken care of. Besides new parents we got a big family with cousins, grandparents, aunts, uncles and four dogs. My parents are good-hearted people who have worked hard to give us many opportunities and I am very grateful to have them as parents.”
Rachele Yaseen-Polanski, 44, of Claremont, California grew up in Colorado. When she was two years old her parents divorced and Rachele spent part of her time with her father and his new wife and part with her mother and her mother’s girlfriend.
“It was just normal,” said Rachelle. “I never knew any different. But my mother and her girlfriend both could have gotten fired in Colorado if their employers found out they were gay so they weren’t out -- except to friends and family.”

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