Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.

Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with lies

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Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with lies

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Who blames Christians? I blame bigots like you. Bigots are the cause of any "unhappiness or troubles" gays might experience. What lies are you talking about? Try to make some sense for a change. You are as pathetic as Sill is when it comes to being able to deal with the facts and logic that I present.
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After 2000 years of science, funny how 5 black robes can walk in and completely contradict science.
Homosexuality and Psychiatry -WARNING! Homosexuality is VERY ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR!
In 1973, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the APA's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Of Mental Disorders (DSM-II). A lot of money was coming out of Hollywood where homosexual were in the closet. Liberals took that money and ran with it.

Liberals have a mental disorder, says doctor
A veteran psychiatrist now claims that liberalism is a mental disorder, not purely a political choice.

"Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms were founded," said Dr. Lyle Rossiter, author of the new book, The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.

"Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave."
When you understand how liberals think, then you can see why they act the way they do.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Opening page - Dedication

So recognizing same sex marriage leads to .....gulags?

You may be affording a young married lesbian couple changing diapers with *far* more power than they actually have.

Take a breath, Chicken little. The sky isn't falling. Your right to marry is pristine unaffected. Its gonna be okay.
Liberals are all about themselves and could care less wh their actions cause upon others. So these immoral people who fudge pack and muff dive, adopt little babies who will grow up messed up and continue the liberal way, even to the point of self extinction. Only if more liberals would abort or go gay, soon there wouldn't be any left.

Ah another Conservative who just wants to tell people to have abortions.
gay marriage is the law.

get over it.
The first amendment is the law too, yet New York vs Ferber found that it isn't the law if adults use it and that use harms children physically or psychologically. So, might want to get ready for "Generic Catholic Adoption Agency vs Obergefell"...

dude...apples and oranges.

no matter how much you cry.

The question of if children are harmed by..

are harmed by legally preventing their parents from marrying.

The Court has already confirmed that twice.

And you want those children to be harmed.
Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.
Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.

Including boys without fathers or girls without mothers for life (gay marriage)? That kind of harm? Or are we to continue these debates without considering what stripping the child of even the hope of a mother or father for life will do to that child? For those who are curious about that, visit this link: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY or the link in my signature of young adults raised in gay homes...otherwise "just fine" gay homes where the vacuum of the missing parent was felt...and felt the HARM of the children involved..

Syriusly also wants people to believe that if Christians follow the mandate of Jude 1 of the Bible, to never EVER aid or abet the spread of a homosexual culture into a normal one of father/mother, husband/wife, man/woman, under promise of eternal soul death, those Christians are "faux Christians" or by definition "therefore" "haters"..

This is what we call spin. Christians, will you let a homosexual cultural advocate spin you right down into the pit of fire? Who to believe...hmm...tough one :eusa_think:...Jude 1 or Syriusly the serial LGBT-promotional internet troll?
Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.

Including boys without fathers or girls without mothers for life .

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments
Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.

Including boys without fathers or girls without mothers for life (gay marriage)? That kind of harm? Or are we to continue these debates without considering what stripping the child of even the hope of a mother or father for life will do to that child? For those who are curious about that, visit this link: PRINCE'S TRUST 2010 YOUTH INDEX SURVEY or the link in my signature of young adults raised in gay homes...otherwise "just fine" gay homes where the vacuum of the missing parent was felt...and felt the HARM of the children involved..

Syriusly also wants people to believe that if Christians follow the mandate of Jude 1 of the Bible, to never EVER aid or abet the spread of a homosexual culture into a normal one of father/mother, husband/wife, man/woman, under promise of eternal soul death, those Christians are "faux Christians" or by definition "therefore" "haters"..

This is what we call spin. Christians, will you let a homosexual cultural advocate spin you right down into the pit of fire? Who to believe...hmm...tough one :eusa_think:...Jude 1 or Syriusly the serial LGBT-promotional internet troll?
So is it safe to say that you're OK with two gay guys raising boys and a lesbian couple raising girls?? Hey, what could be better than a boy having two dads as role models and girls having two moms??
Who to believe...hmm...tough one :eusa_think:...Jude 1 or Syriusly the serial LGBT-promotional internet troll?

A habitual liar whom is hilariously and hysterically homophobic or Syriusly? Yeah, I got go with Syriusly on this one.
Seems to me that some people have been spending sleepless nights thinking about that huge, thick gay agenda being forced down their throats.

No wonder they are responding here with slippery slopes.
So is it safe to say that you're OK with two gay guys raising boys and a lesbian couple raising girls?? Hey, what could be better than a boy having two dads as role models and girls having two moms??

Nope, because I know that girls also benefit from a father and boys a mother as well. Both are necessary. So no, it isn't "safe" to say. And anyway, good luck talking gay men into adopting girls especially. Though there are the rarer exceptions, generally gay men seem keen on just boys to adopt. Your idea would go over like a lead balloon..

Not only do boys need a male role model, they need to learn how men interact with women by the example of their father with their mother. And vice versa for girls.

Next we will hear exceptions from the rule about "what if the man beats up his wife?"...etc. etc. Where I would then point out the per capita incidents of domestic violence in gay couples is higher than straights given their relative proportions to the overall population...even if all things were equal, boys still need both a mom and dad; girls need both a mom and dad.
So is it safe to say that you're OK with two gay guys raising boys and a lesbian couple raising girls?? Hey, what could be better than a boy having two dads as role models and girls having two moms??

Nope, because I know that girls also benefit from a father and boys a mother as well. Both are necessary. So no, it isn't "safe" to say. And anyway, good luck talking gay men into adopting girls especially. Though there are the rarer exceptions, generally gay men seem keen on just boys to adopt. Your idea would go over like a lead balloon..

Not only do boys need a male role model, they need to learn how men interact with women by the example of their father with their mother. And vice versa for girls.

Next we will hear exceptions from the rule about "what if the man beats up his wife?"...etc. etc. Where I would then point out the per capita incidents of domestic violence in gay couples is higher than straights given their relative proportions to the overall population...even if all things were equal, boys still need both a mom and dad; girls need both a mom and dad.
Yo, here is a bizarre and bigoted jerk that I bet you can relate the link. Since you are impervious to all reason and have failed miserably to respond to the documented factual evidence that I presented about gay parenting, I have to resort to this.

Bradlee Dean: Gay People Have Never Once Been Victims Of Hate Submitted by Brian Tashman on Friday, 1/29/2016 10:35 am On Tuesday, Religious Right activist Bradlee Dean appeared on “The Real Side with Joe Messina,” where he criticized “the homosexual industry, or lobby, in America” for going to “war with Scripture.” Dean also had a message for “radical” gay rights advocates: “Those radicals need to be lawfully dealt with because they are radical, they mean to divide and conquer, they mean to make war against real Christianity.” “I’ve yet to find a situation where a homosexual could actually verify the fact that they were the victim of someone actually hating - on them,” he said. “I have yet to see it.”

Bradlee Dean: Gay People Have Never Once Been Victims Of Hate
So is it safe to say that you're OK with two gay guys raising boys and a lesbian couple raising girls?? Hey, what could be better than a boy having two dads as role models and girls having two moms??

Nope, because I know that girls also benefit from a father and boys a mother as well. Both are necessary. So no, it isn't "safe" to say. And anyway, good luck talking gay men into adopting girls especially. Though there are the rarer exceptions, generally gay men seem keen on just boys to adopt. Your idea would go over like a lead balloon..

Not only do boys need a male role model, they need to learn how men interact with women by the example of their father with their mother. And vice versa for girls.

Next we will hear exceptions from the rule about "what if the man beats up his wife?"...etc. etc. Where I would then point out the per capita incidents of domestic violence in gay couples is higher than straights given their relative proportions to the overall population...even if all things were equal, boys still need both a mom and dad; girls need both a mom and dad.

Is this the part where you insinuate gay people are pedophiles?
Yo, here is a bizarre and bigoted jerk that I bet you can relate the link. Since you are impervious to all reason and have failed miserably to respond to the documented factual evidence that I presented about gay parenting, I have to resort to this.

So essentially when I rebut a point in a way you have no lucid comeback to, no defense, you change the subject back to "anyone who disagrees with LGBT agenda points is a bigoted, hating freak." Do you believe that people with a brain cannot see your weak scale? Your inability to rebut my points and your lame attempts at diversions?
Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with lies

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Who blames Christians? I blame bigots like you. Bigots are the cause of any "unhappiness or troubles" gays might experience. What lies are you talking about? Try to make some sense for a change. You are as pathetic as Sill is when it comes to being able to deal with the facts and logic that I present.
Unlike you regressives I am not a bigot. I don't hate nor fear homosexuals. I don't agree with thier choice that's all. Unlike you I don't feel the need to lie about it . Homosexuals are going to get shafted by you regressives because in the in long run we all know where the true bigots are .

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Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with liesk

I don't blame Christians for being Christians. Most Christians are wonderful people who want no harm to come to anyone- just as most gay Americans- most of whom are Christian- also want no harm to come to anyone.

Now there are some faux Christians who preach hate towards homosexuals and other groups they despise- they are false Christians who live to hate- not to follow Christs commandments.
Show me the preachers preaching hate of homosexuals?

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Stop blaming christians for everything. Christians are not the cause of homosexual unhappiness or troubles. They need only look at the regressives who at every turn incite them with lies

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Who blames Christians? I blame bigots like you. Bigots are the cause of any "unhappiness or troubles" gays might experience. What lies are you talking about? Try to make some sense for a change. You are as pathetic as Sill is when it comes to being able to deal with the facts and logic that I present.
Unlike you regressives I am not a bigot. I don't hate nor fear homosexuals. I don't agree with thier choice that's all. Unlike you I don't feel the need to lie about it . Homosexuals are going to get shafted by you regressives because in the in long run we all know where the true bigots are .

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We know that the true bigots are you and others on the social right who seek to deny gay Americans their Constitutional rights for no other reason than who they are, such as denying them their right to equal protection of the law.
Seems to me that some people have been spending sleepless nights thinking about that huge, thick gay agenda being forced down their throats.

No wonder they are responding here with slippery slopes.
It isn't a gay agenda.... it is a man hating feminist agenda using homosexuals who they despise as well

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