Is God the epitome of both good and evil?


VIP Member
Jan 12, 2012
Is God the epitome of both good and evil?

God claims to be the epitome of all attributes and commands that we place no one above him for any of them.

We are not to see or name anyone as more moral, more loving, more just, more compassionate or more of any other attributes we can name. Fewer scriptures talk of his great jealousy, greed or wrath but they and other evil attributes are all there.

Believers will know that since in the beginning there was only God, then all that is must have emanated from God as the only possible source of anything and everything.

All good, all evil and all in between must then have been born from the essence of God.

If all good and evil come from God and he loves himself as well as his neighbors, not that he could have any, then God must love both his good side and his evil side.

Is that why God does not rid this world of evil? Because God loves evil?

Does God also gain pleasure from evil as this quote indicates?

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Is God the epitome of both good and evil?

God claims to be the epitome of all attributes and commands that we place no one above him for any of them.

We are not to see or name anyone as more moral, more loving, more just, more compassionate or more of any other attributes we can name. Fewer scriptures talk of his great jealousy, greed or wrath but they and other evil attributes are all there.

Believers will know that since in the beginning there was only God, then all that is must have emanated from God as the only possible source of anything and everything.

All good, all evil and all in between must then have been born from the essence of God.

If all good and evil come from God and he loves himself as well as his neighbors, not that he could have any, then God must love both his good side and his evil side.

Is that why God does not rid this world of evil? Because God loves evil?

Does God also gain pleasure from evil as this quote indicates?

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.


My understanding is we just have to ask, God respects our free will.

God's laws of nature go both ways: if you keep your body, mind and relations in "good health"
then these heal themselves. But if you abuse them, they deteriorate, lose their strength and become vulnerable to disease.

There are laws of cause and effect, for us to learn by experience, by trial and error.

Like a teacher, we can ask help to learn the laws and process so we can manage by ourselves.
But God is not going to "magically repair" what we have thrown into disrepair, or we'd never learn
how to prevent and correct the problems ourselves.

Bad consequences occur for a reason.
God gave us a conscience that operates by FREE WILL and REASON
so we could use it to understand the laws of nature and how the universe/spiritual energy works
and work with those laws in harmony and balance, instead of working against them destroying ourselves.

It's part of our learning curve.
The bad consequences are not there to punish us and make us suffer
but to teach us the difference so we make better choices on the side of prevention and correction.

Thanks DL
Is God the epitome of both good and evil?

God claims to be the epitome of all attributes and commands that we place no one above him for any of them.

We are not to see or name anyone as more moral, more loving, more just, more compassionate or more of any other attributes we can name. Fewer scriptures talk of his great jealousy, greed or wrath but they and other evil attributes are all there.

Believers will know that since in the beginning there was only God, then all that is must have emanated from God as the only possible source of anything and everything.

All good, all evil and all in between must then have been born from the essence of God.

If all good and evil come from God and he loves himself as well as his neighbors, not that he could have any, then God must love both his good side and his evil side.

Is that why God does not rid this world of evil? Because God loves evil?

Does God also gain pleasure from evil as this quote indicates?

Revelation 4:11 (KJV)
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.


My understanding is we just have to ask, God respects our free will.

God's laws of nature go both ways: if you keep your body, mind and relations in "good health"
then these heal themselves. But if you abuse them, they deteriorate, lose their strength and become vulnerable to disease.

There are laws of cause and effect, for us to learn by experience, by trial and error.

Like a teacher, we can ask help to learn the laws and process so we can manage by ourselves.
But God is not going to "magically repair" what we have thrown into disrepair, or we'd never learn
how to prevent and correct the problems ourselves.

Bad consequences occur for a reason.
God gave us a conscience that operates by FREE WILL and REASON
so we could use it to understand the laws of nature and how the universe/spiritual energy works
and work with those laws in harmony and balance, instead of working against them destroying ourselves.

It's part of our learning curve.
The bad consequences are not there to punish us and make us suffer
but to teach us the difference so we make better choices on the side of prevention and correction.

Thanks DL

Thanks for this.

You said ----
"God respects our free will."

When did this begin?

Where was his respect for the free will that wanted to live in all those God is shown to kill in the bible?

That is not any kind of respect for our free will at all.

Please show how it is?

If there is a God, I doubt God would waste time on what humans thought or did. I mean, really--what can humans do to an all powerful and knowing entity?

I guess that is why god is accredited with sentience. If God did not care, then what is the purpose to worship God? Is it to annoy God?

That could be dangerous......

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?

If there is a God, I doubt God would waste time on what humans thought or did. I mean, really--what can humans do to an all powerful and knowing entity?

I guess that is why god is accredited with sentience. If God did not care, then what is the purpose to worship God? Is it to annoy God?

That could be dangerous......

If real.

Evil is not a positive force of nature. It is a negative. Evil is the absence of good.
God MADE good AND evil.
No, evil is not a positive force in the world, or even a "thing" that could be created.

Evil is the ABSENCE of good. When good is not present, evil is all that is left. It is like a vacuum, after all the air has been sucked out of the room. Vacuum isn't an "object" and neither is evil. A vacuum is the absence of air, and evil is the absence of God.

God cannot be evil, because he is the source of all that is good. All good within any person or thing is because God created us. All creatures and things created by God are inherently good. The only evil in the world is caused by the sinfulness of man. Animals, plants, and rocks cannot be "evil."
I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

Dear Goddess_Ashtara:
I think we can preserve the CHOICE and FREE WILL to choose, without preserving the Evil itself.

Like we can have the CHOICE to go to war, the CHOICE to commit crime, steal or rape,
but we can do without the actual rape, war and crime.

By the time we are mature enough to understand what goes wrong and why,
we can AVOID the wrong choices that lead to bad effects. We don't need to keep repeating the same ills.

GA you remind me of the former councilmember I just cited on another thread,
who preaches about defending the civil liberty of people to be able to drink and drive legally.

He seems insensitive to all the people who pay the price of people abusing freedom to drive drunk and maim or kill people, even entire families.
We don't need that kind of damage in order to celebrate human freedom.

We can have our freedom and choose to AVOID causing suffering.
That doesn't mean we give up our freedom, it means we are using it wisely checked by reason
and knowledge of cause and effect, good and bad consequences, and choosing pleasure over pain.
Evil is not a positive force of nature. It is a negative. Evil is the absence of good.

But your God is said to be Omni-present.

Are you saying we can force God to move just by cursing the prick?

Wow. Man sure is powerful.

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

Dear Goddess_Ashtara:
I think we can preserve the CHOICE and FREE WILL to choose, without preserving the Evil itself.

Like we can have the CHOICE to go to war, the CHOICE to commit crime, steal or rape,
but we can do without the actual rape, war and crime.

By the time we are mature enough to understand what goes wrong and why,
we can AVOID the wrong choices that lead to bad effects. We don't need to keep repeating the same ills.

GA you remind me of the former councilmember I just cited on another thread,
who preaches about defending the civil liberty of people to be able to drink and drive legally.

He seems insensitive to all the people who pay the price of people abusing freedom to drive drunk and maim or kill people, even entire families.
We don't need that kind of damage in order to celebrate human freedom.

We can have our freedom and choose to AVOID causing suffering.
That doesn't mean we give up our freedom, it means we are using it wisely checked by reason
and knowledge of cause and effect, good and bad consequences, and choosing pleasure over pain.

I do not agree.

Christians are always trying to absolve God of moral culpability in the fall by whipping out their favorite "free will!", or “ it’s all man’s fault”.

That is "God gave us free will and it was our free willed choices that caused our fall. Hence God is not blameworthy." But this simply avoids God's culpability as the author of Human Nature. Free will is only the ability to choose. It is not an explanation why anyone would want to choose "A" or "B" (bad or good action). An explanation for why Eve would even have the nature of "being vulnerable to being easily swayed by a serpent" and "desiring to eat a forbidden fruit" must lie in the nature God gave Eve in the first place. Hence God is culpable for deliberately making humans with a nature-inclined-to-fall, and "free will" means nothing as a response to this problem.

If all sin by nature then, the sin nature is dominant. If not, we would have at least some who would not sin.


I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

Dear DL and GA
I don't think you would really
want to be killed or raped by the kind
of sickness going on in the world due to ill will.

It seems you only say this cuz you
don't imagine it happening to you.

If cancer could be prevented
wouldn't you rather cure it than let it kill you?
Or are you only saying its okay
as long as it affects other ppl not you.
I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

Dear DL and GA
I don't think you would really
want to be killed or raped by the kind
of sickness going on in the world due to ill will.

It seems you only say this cuz you
don't imagine it happening to you.

If cancer could be prevented
wouldn't you rather cure it than let it kill you?
Or are you only saying its okay
as long as it affects other ppl not you.

Why did your God create evil if he did not think it a requirement for us?

Why did he create cancer?

Why did it give him pleasure to do so knowing it would kill millions?

I view YHWH as the peak of Spiritual Balance. Good & Evil, Creation and Destruction, Light Side/ Dark Side...

The ultimate Deific Archetype...

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

Dear DL and GA
I don't think you would really
want to be killed or raped by the kind
of sickness going on in the world due to ill will.

It seems you only say this cuz you
don't imagine it happening to you.

If cancer could be prevented
wouldn't you rather cure it than let it kill you?
Or are you only saying its okay
as long as it affects other ppl not you.

Why did your God create evil if he did not think it a requirement for us?

Why did he create cancer?

Why did it give him pleasure to do so knowing it would kill millions?

Every life and path in life is unique.
But from the testimonies I've run across by people healed of cancer, they learned to forgive and let go of resentments holding them back and blocking them from healing.
After they forgave and let go, they were healed. Not just cases of cancer, but schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, suicidal obsessions, even homicidal sickness cured this way.

The disease was not God's will but symptoms of sickness so causes and cures can be studied and applied. It is part of humanity learning experience by conscience.

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