Is God the epitome of both good and evil?

So to rid ourselves of evil, we would have to rid ourselves of God. Right?


Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

Dear DL and GA
I don't think you would really
want to be killed or raped by the kind
of sickness going on in the world due to ill will.

It seems you only say this cuz you
don't imagine it happening to you.

If cancer could be prevented
wouldn't you rather cure it than let it kill you?
Or are you only saying its okay
as long as it affects other ppl not you.

Why did your God create evil if he did not think it a requirement for us?

Why did he create cancer?

Why did it give him pleasure to do so knowing it would kill millions?

Every life and path in life is unique.
But from the testimonies I've run across by people healed of cancer, they learned to forgive and let go of resentments holding them back and blocking them from healing.
After they forgave and let go, they were healed. Not just cases of cancer, but schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, suicidal obsessions, even homicidal sickness cured this way.

The disease was not God's will but symptoms of sickness so causes and cures can be studied and applied. It is part of humanity learning experience by conscience.

That was not the issue but thanks for ignoring how your vile God created those conditions in the first place.

You are learning well how to be a hypocrite.

Why would we wish to rid ourselves of Evil? To do so would be to destroy half of our entire human Nature.

Evil is necessary for the story of Humanity to be as epic and beautiful as it is.

I agree.

Christians will not.

Dear DL and GA
I don't think you would really
want to be killed or raped by the kind
of sickness going on in the world due to ill will.

It seems you only say this cuz you
don't imagine it happening to you.

If cancer could be prevented
wouldn't you rather cure it than let it kill you?
Or are you only saying its okay
as long as it affects other ppl not you.

Why did your God create evil if he did not think it a requirement for us?

Why did he create cancer?

Why did it give him pleasure to do so knowing it would kill millions?

Every life and path in life is unique.
But from the testimonies I've run across by people healed of cancer, they learned to forgive and let go of resentments holding them back and blocking them from healing.
After they forgave and let go, they were healed. Not just cases of cancer, but schizophrenia, rheumatoid arthritis, suicidal obsessions, even homicidal sickness cured this way.

The disease was not God's will but symptoms of sickness so causes and cures can be studied and applied. It is part of humanity learning experience by conscience.

That was not the issue but thanks for ignoring how your vile God created those conditions in the first place.

You are learning well how to be a hypocrite.


Dear GreatestIam
1. I said nothing denying anything, I do believe God created the laws of nature
that work by cause and effect! So if we act out of harmony and damage our health by imbalance,
then of course there are bad consequences as a result!

These come with the laws of nature that God created:
healthy peaceful natural actions that are positive yield positive results
negative hurtful damaging actions yield hurtful results

Can you please explain to me how am I being hypocritical
by putting both sides in full context?

2. have you answered my question:
are you only in support of evil or ill will continuing
if it 'doesn't affect you'

maybe you are projecting onto me as a hypocrite
to avoid this question? can you answer it?

I posted a Bullring challenge to you and Goddess_Ashtara
asking if you only mean to condone evil in the world
as long as it doesn't affect you. as long as it only
hurts other people, it's okay, but when it comes to you
you would choose to prevent death or suffering caused by ill will
that could have been corrected or changed. Am I right?

How am I being more of a hypocrite than you are?
Please explain, thanks DL! I will check if you answered in the Bullring
as well, sorry if I miss msgs on this new format...

I would be glad to respond to your bullring "callout" although you should know that I hardly consider it a "challenge", rather, an interesting discussion between two people, with no animosity stemming from my end.


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