is Hillary sick?

They are in the hard yards of campaigning, all the candidates have been at it quite hard for a few months now... Is Hillary feeling it more than most? I doubt it, she has still the highest vote in the primaries....

But it won't stop the Right Wing Nuts from inventing shit up...
YES, it's just you....

10,000 video clips of her not coughing....

and just a couple of her coughing video clips is all that you see.... me thinks that it is you that is disabled...blindly partisan. ;)
Every time I hear her speak, it sounds like she is more and more sick. Is it just me?
I think the rubes are projecting their fears about losing to Hillary.

Newsflash, kids. Hillary is not going to jail. Hillary is not dying. Deal with it. Get your shit together.
It seems like she takes a coughing fit when she gets a rare tough question but since she called in sick on her last job maybe she really is sick. It should be noted that tradition calls for newly elected presidents to submit medical records but her husband, the pervert-in-chief skipped it. No outcry of course from the liberal media.
Well there are a few healthcare exchanges left under OCare that have not crashed and burned yet.
Maybe she can still sign up...
Every time I hear her speak, it sounds like she is more and more sick. Is it just me?

To be completely honest, I think both Bill and Hillary look like they have health problems, Bill looks terrible.

Regardless of politics, I don't wish ill health on either of them, they have a daughter and Grandchildren whom I'm sure greatly love them.
Mentally, yes, she is sick. She's a liar who doesn't know how to lie.

Physically. She is hiding something with those "dresses" covering her neck. Could be thyroid cancer.

My guess is that she is trying to cough up "rug" fibers.

Huma hairballs.
They are in the hard yards of campaigning, all the candidates have been at it quite hard for a few months now... Is Hillary feeling it more than most? I doubt it, she has still the highest vote in the primaries....

But it won't stop the Right Wing Nuts from inventing shit up...
Nobody has to "invent shit up". It would be refreshing if many would recognized facts a
It seems like she takes a coughing fit when she gets a rare tough question but since she called in sick on her last job maybe she really is sick. It should be noted that tradition calls for newly elected presidents to submit medical records but her husband, the pervert-in-chief skipped it. No outcry of course from the liberal media.

It would never do for the American proletariat to know about syphilis, gonorrhea, or any other STD being harbored and dissemination from the White House, would it?
It's damn near impossible to get enough fresh Eye of Newt on the campaign trail...
Coughing cause: two part issue

A. Snoring (overview not help)
B. Stress (FBI, email, lying)

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