Is homosexuality a biological construct?

She knows better then this. Making a argument that simply does not exist.

Religion is a constitutionally protected right. The other is A Civil Right.

They are completely different.

The other is A Civil Right.

Yet protected by the 14th amd.

The basis for the 1964 civil rights legislation.

The argument is if this applies.

Is this an arbitrary rule that segregates simalar situated individuals?

Clearly it does not.

Wow you are in la-la land aren't you?

No, obviously not.

It's the argument that overturned Same Sex Marriage bans.

Now, demonstrate how a man with a dick is somehow more similar to a woman then another man with a dick.

If a veteran lost his penis in combat, which bathroom would you require him to use?

So transgenders are now equal to war Heros?

You do understand just how warped that makes you look, Right?
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
Is being bi-sexual genetic, too? Doubtful.

Some are born with more effeminate characteristics but does that mean they are destined to act and think as a homosexual? I say no. Environment and nurturing makes the most difference. But there is a spiritual nature to all of us and I think God provides grace to assist in many instances.

Some people could have the same effeminate characteristics in say the wild west 1800. He could easily outgrow that idea and find a woman because he felt that should be his calling ---- and live his life in normal enough consciousness.

Now everyone is so hyped up on sex in these self-centered times they have to try and consider whatever seems like pleasure at the earliest of ages. I doubt two hot high school girls hooking up for a sexual encounter have a single homosexual gene in their body. I am not blaming many for being gay or choosing the gay lifestyle, I am just saying in a different setting it is far from inevitable for many or most.
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I'm not making one assertion one way or the other, but I'm curious what you guys think of this:
Homosexuality ‘may be triggered by environment after birth'
An interesting study!
It shows how identical twins are not identical in their gene expressions, and that several genes could be related to a behavioral disposition that becomes homosexual.
As indicated in the reference:

Epigenetic marks are the consequence of complex interactions between the genetics, development and environment of an individual.”
I did the math, if you flip the demographics, and instead of 90% + being hetro, and made that Population (and all future generations) 90% homosexual, the population of human beings in the United States would be zero within 11 generations.

That's also giving those populations every benefit. Each hetro female having 4 children and no hetro female dies before they too had 4 children.

It's all in the math.
As far as our species in concerned, heterosexually is ultimately important and homosexuality is a dead end street.
Your math is meaningless when accompanied by flawed logic.
Garbage in, garbage out.

Over MANY generations, homosexuality has not been a dead end, has it?
Homosexuality may actually be adaptive!
Evolution works at the group level, not only the individual level.
Obviously it's a natural process. There have always been a percentage of people born this way and there always will be. We don't understand why that is the case, it's purpose, or through what process it develops. It exists in every culture on every continent throughout time. ...
Nature doesn't work that way. Two heterosexuals don't produce a homosexual, it would be a biological dead end. You have put a belief over science, that's never a good idea. The birds and the bees don't work that way.
Apparently, you don't understand bio/psych science.
Many gay people do reproduce. Those that don't could assist a family's propagation and be adaptive at the group level.
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
Is being bi-sexual genetic, too? Doubtful.

Some are born with more effeminate characteristics but does that mean they are destined to act and think as a homosexual? I say no. Environment and nurturing makes the most difference. But there is a spiritual nature to all of us and I think God provides grace to assist in many instances.

Some people could have the same effeminate characteristics in say the wild west 1800. He could easily outgrow that idea and find a woman because he felt that should be his calling ---- and live his life in normal enough consciousness.

Now everyone is so hyped up on sex in these self-centered times they have to try and consider whatever seems like pleasure at the earliest of ages. I doubt two hot high school girls hooking up for a sexual encounter have a single homosexual gene in their body. I am not blaming many for being gay or choosing the gay lifestyle, I am just saying in a different setting it is far from inevitable for many or most.
Who really cares what others do or who they do??? It's always baffled me that the small government, freedom party of the right are so persistent to tell people who they can or can't sleep with. The trans conversation isn't a sex thing though. There is a very small group of people out there that are suffering with an identity disorder. I say either be compassionate and help or just stay the hell out of it. If you don't want to help them just leave it alone and stop making things worse
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.

Homosexuality is a form of free expression entitled to Constitutional protections, where whether homosexuality manifests as a consequence of nature or choice is legally and constitutionally irrelevant:

“It suffices for us to acknowledge that adults may choose to enter upon this relationship in the confines of their homes and their own private lives and still retain their dignity as free persons. When sexuality finds overt expression in intimate conduct with another person, the conduct can be but one element in a personal bond that is more enduring. The liberty protected by the Constitution allows homosexual persons the right to make this choice.”


The freedom of choice, privacy, and expressions of individual liberty are immune from attack by the state, as are attacks by government with regard to race, gender, or religion; whether there is “conclusive evidence” or not as to how homosexuality manifests has no bearing whatsoever on the protected liberties of gay Americans; and for gay Americans to defend their comprehensive civil rights in no way constitutes ‘activism.’

Needless to say, it comes as no surprise that there remains a hateful contingent of the social right that continues to seek to disadvantage gay Americans through force of law, in violation of the Constitution.
Pretty much everything you do in life is a choice
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Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
Is being bi-sexual genetic, too? Doubtful.

Some are born with more effeminate characteristics but does that mean they are destined to act and think as a homosexual? I say no. Environment and nurturing makes the most difference. But there is a spiritual nature to all of us and I think God provides grace to assist in many instances.

Some people could have the same effeminate characteristics in say the wild west 1800. He could easily outgrow that idea and find a woman because he felt that should be his calling ---- and live his life in normal enough consciousness.

Now everyone is so hyped up on sex in these self-centered times they have to try and consider whatever seems like pleasure at the earliest of ages. I doubt two hot high school girls hooking up for a sexual encounter have a single homosexual gene in their body. I am not blaming many for being gay or choosing the gay lifestyle, I am just saying in a different setting it is far from inevitable for many or most.
Who really cares what others do or who they do??? It's always baffled me that the small government, freedom party of the right are so persistent to tell people who they can or can't sleep with. The trans conversation isn't a sex thing though. There is a very small group of people out there that are suffering with an identity disorder. I say either be compassionate and help or just stay the hell out of it. If you don't want to help them just leave it alone and stop making things worse
Not sure your criticisms directly applied to my comments.

Be that as it may, you are telling us to stay out of this because we think there is something intrinsically disordered with homosexuality and transgenderism. Well I do not see Christians making much of an effort to attack either of them. I do see Christians practicing their right as a citizen to try and influence candidates and laws in this land. Is that wrong?

You see, for us the real issue is the salvation of the soul. For us, we are commanded by God to witness to the world, not conquer or coerce. Free will remains an important factor. But if you think the actions of the government and the public schools does not influence the moral conscience and choices of children and adolescents, I would say you would be wrong. You apparently think being gay is inevitable and I say by no means in many cases. But when Hollywood, the media, the govt and the schools are all saying ‘gay is Ok’, celebrate the gay lifestyle and bend their curriculums to do the same, (books like Johnny has Two Daddies for elementary kids for example), when they have heavily encouraged varied degrees and types of sexual interaction in their sex education and health classes, etc., it does program the child / student to be far more open to the ideas of sexual experimentation at the youngest of ages. They have gone too far and taken the moral responsibility of the parents and usurped it big time.

There are eternal consequences for our choices and our actions. Do not think Christians are going to just lie down and let the society around them fall into a world of lust, hedonism and make God an offensive word. This is very bad for the nation and for the individual. We will do whatever we can within the bounds of the law.
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I did the math, if you flip the demographics, and instead of 90% + being hetro, and made that Population (and all future generations) 90% homosexual, the population of human beings in the United States would be zero within 11 generations.

That's also giving those populations every benefit. Each hetro female having 4 children and no hetro female dies before they too had 4 children.

It's all in the math.
As far as our species in concerned, heterosexually is ultimately important and homosexuality is a dead end street.
Your math is meaningless when accompanied by flawed logic.
Garbage in, garbage out.

Over MANY generations, homosexuality has not been a dead end, has it?
Homosexuality may actually be adaptive!
Evolution works at the group level, not only the individual level.

Your kinda weak on objectivity.

The math shows how unimportant homosexuality is.

If it truley is a dead end, those practicing it have no perception beyond their own lifespan. A hetro had a much larger, more long range need to keep the world a good place to live for their future generations.
I did the math, if you flip the demographics, and instead of 90% + being hetro, and made that Population (and all future generations) 90% homosexual, the population of human beings in the United States would be zero within 11 generations.

That's also giving those populations every benefit. Each hetro female having 4 children and no hetro female dies before they too had 4 children.

It's all in the math.
As far as our species in concerned, heterosexually is ultimately important and homosexuality is a dead end street.
Your math is meaningless when accompanied by flawed logic.
Garbage in, garbage out.

Over MANY generations, homosexuality has not been a dead end, has it?
Homosexuality may actually be adaptive!
Evolution works at the group level, not only the individual level.
The math shows how unimportant homosexuality is.

If it truley is a dead end, those practicing it have no perception beyond their own lifespan. A hetro had a much larger, more long range need to keep the world a good place to live for their future generations.
Your math, without scientific grounding, is meaningless.
Homosexuals that don't reproduce (<5% of general population) may be more empathic & responsible than hetero or bisexual people, and often maintain meaningful family relationships (if parents are not bigoted).
Nowadays, there are many hetero couples who don't reproduce too,
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Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
Is being bi-sexual genetic, too? Doubtful.

Some are born with more effeminate characteristics but does that mean they are destined to act and think as a homosexual? I say no. Environment and nurturing makes the most difference. But there is a spiritual nature to all of us and I think God provides grace to assist in many instances.

Some people could have the same effeminate characteristics in say the wild west 1800. He could easily outgrow that idea and find a woman because he felt that should be his calling ---- and live his life in normal enough consciousness.

Now everyone is so hyped up on sex in these self-centered times they have to try and consider whatever seems like pleasure at the earliest of ages. I doubt two hot high school girls hooking up for a sexual encounter have a single homosexual gene in their body. I am not blaming many for being gay or choosing the gay lifestyle, I am just saying in a different setting it is far from inevitable for many or most.
Who really cares what others do or who they do??? It's always baffled me that the small government, freedom party of the right are so persistent to tell people who they can or can't sleep with. The trans conversation isn't a sex thing though. There is a very small group of people out there that are suffering with an identity disorder. I say either be compassionate and help or just stay the hell out of it. If you don't want to help them just leave it alone and stop making things worse
Not sure your criticisms directly applied to my comments.

Be that as it may, you are telling us to stay out of this because we think there is something intrinsically disordered with homosexuality and transgenderism. Well I do not see Christians making much of an effort to attack either of them. I do see Christians practicing their right as a citizen to try and influence candidates and laws in this land. Is that wrong?

You see, for us the real issue is the salvation of the soul. For us, we are commanded by God to witness to the world, not conquer or coerce. Free will remains an important factor. But if you think the actions of the government and the public schools does not influence the moral conscience and choices of children and adolescents, I would say you would be wrong. You apparently think being gay is inevitable and I say by no means in many cases. But when Hollywood, the media, the govt and the schools are all saying ‘gay is Ok’, celebrate the gay lifestyle and bend their curriculums to do the same, (books like Johnny has Two Daddies for elementary kids for example), when they have heavily encouraged varied degrees and types of sexual interaction in their sex education and health classes, etc., it does program the child / student to be far more open to the ideas of sexual experimentation at the youngest of ages. They have gone too far and taken the moral responsibility of the parents and usurped it big time.

There are eternal consequences for our choices and our actions. Do not think Christians are going to just lie down and let the society around them fall into a world of lust, hedonism and make God an offensive word. This is very bad for the nation and for the individual. We will do whatever we can within the bounds of the law.
In one sense I do respect the conviction you have in your beliefs, what I do not respect is the judgement and discrimination that are a result of you imposing your will, or gods will as you call it. To the nonbeliever, gods will is meaningless, to the extreme Muslim, gods will under sharia law is to kill westerners... Shall we respect that the same as you wish to be respected?

If you want to raise your children to think that being gay is wrong that is your choice. My cousin is gay, she knew it since she was a little girl. Her family was very religious so she suppressed it. Even dated boys and had a kid. That whole lifestyle felt dirty and wrong to her and she finally came out in her late 20s. There is no doubt in my mind that there is an instinctual element in this and it is not just a simple choice.

Imagine if you will that society and religion only accepted you being with a member of the same sex. It may turn your stomach a bit but let's say that was the norm and you went along with it. Just imagine it for a second... We lose many to suicide because they, "go with it", they can't be themselves and they hate who they are. It's people like you who think you are doing a civil service, saving souls, that create the type of environment that pushes these people over the edge.

I get back to my original point of you staying out of other people's business. Go to church and believe what you want. Teach your kids whatever you want but as far as public policy, the is no room for your beliefs in our government, just as there is no room for the beliefs of other religions in our government. We have a melting pot of religions and cultures in this country and it is our job to create an open, educated, and accepting environment in our schools and other public areas.
I did the math, if you flip the demographics, and instead of 90% + being hetro, and made that Population (and all future generations) 90% homosexual, the population of human beings in the United States would be zero within 11 generations.

That's also giving those populations every benefit. Each hetro female having 4 children and no hetro female dies before they too had 4 children.

It's all in the math.
As far as our species in concerned, heterosexually is ultimately important and homosexuality is a dead end street.
Your math is meaningless when accompanied by flawed logic.
Garbage in, garbage out.

Over MANY generations, homosexuality has not been a dead end, has it?
Homosexuality may actually be adaptive!
Evolution works at the group level, not only the individual level.
The math shows how unimportant homosexuality is.

If it truley is a dead end, those practicing it have no perception beyond their own lifespan. A hetro had a much larger, more long range need to keep the world a good place to live for their future generations.
Your math, without scientific grounding, is meaningless.
Homosexuals that don't reproduce (<5% of general population) may be more empathic & responsible than hetero or bisexual people, and often maintain meaningful family relationships (if parents are not bigoted).
Nowadays, there are many hetero couples who don't reproduce too,
I think our world would be better off if less people reproduced overall... It's getting crowded up in here!
What does it matter if it's a choice or not?

Why can't any 2 adults choose the type of relationship they want? It's none of anyone else's business what 2 consenting adults do.

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