Is homosexuality a biological construct?

Now, that being said, even if a predisposition toward homosexuality IS genetic (and that's by no means proven in any scientific sense), that doesn't make it natural, desirable, or unchangeable, any more than alcoholism is, simply because it HAS been proven to be a genetic predisposition. And just because alcoholics can learn to buck that genetic time bomb, it is entirely possible to learn to swim against other genetic tides, should one wish to.

But being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. Two consenting adults loving each other is nothing like alcoholism or obesity. They aren't hurting anyone.

Consider, for example, the existence of people who have lived their whole lives identifying as gay who were repeatedly molested as children by adults of the same sex. Do you assume THEY were "born gay", and "have no choice but to be gay", and the molestation was simply a coincidence?

So now you're playing hypotheticals? Okay, consider the fact that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexual molested in the United States. Yes, the molestation is simply a coincidence. My ex was molested by her grandfather. When grampy started diddling her (and not her two sisters and they all were only a year apart in age) she already knew she liked girls and not boys. She was a tomboy. Odd isn't it that grampa picked her of the three to rape?

Yeah, yeah, buzzword, buzzword, FEEELZ! Whatever, Sparky.

As far as I can tell, just from watching homosexuals, being gay is EXACTLY like "two consenting adults loving each other" in a toxic, emotionally-destructive relationship. It is EXACTLY like a consenting adult "loving" the bottle so much that it damages his/her ability to function appropriately in other aspects of life. It is EXACTLY like any number of other mental disorders which are both genetic in origin and manageable in function, but nevertheless are undesirable and make life much harder for the patient than it otherwise might be. And no amount of affirmation and "Disorder Pride" is going to change that.

And spare me your protestations of "Gay is normal and wonderful and I'm happy!" I wouldn't let a schizophrenic define normality for me, and I won't be any more interested in your mentally-ill take on the subject. Like I said, I can see you, and you are one of the least-happy and maladjusted people I've ever observed.

Wow, you can "see" all that from an internet message board? You're amazing. Does the scientific community know of your incredible powers? :lol:

What I see is someone whose bullshit premise about gays and molestation was destroyed and so they come back with a non sequitur homophobic rant about how perverted and sick gays are. Your hate is a choice....choose differently.

Yes, I know, leftists are always SOOOOO shocked when they find out that the words they spew actually MEAN things, and allow people to form perceptions of who they are and what their worldview is. Despite the fact that your rantings often closely resemble animalistic grunting, they DO actually contain some words, and those words DO form . . . y'know, thoughts and concepts and shit.

Do us all a favor and share this new wisdom you've acquired with your brethren, 'kay?

Wow...non sequitur much? What does the above screed have to do with anything I said? I destroyed your bullshit premise and all you can do is rant. I'm sorry that facts have you so incredibly unhinged. No, I'm not really sorry. Your unhingedness is all on you.
How does one do a "non sequitur" as it is a noun not a verb?
But being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. Two consenting adults loving each other is nothing like alcoholism or obesity. They aren't hurting anyone.

So now you're playing hypotheticals? Okay, consider the fact that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexual molested in the United States. Yes, the molestation is simply a coincidence. My ex was molested by her grandfather. When grampy started diddling her (and not her two sisters and they all were only a year apart in age) she already knew she liked girls and not boys. She was a tomboy. Odd isn't it that grampa picked her of the three to rape?

Yeah, yeah, buzzword, buzzword, FEEELZ! Whatever, Sparky.

As far as I can tell, just from watching homosexuals, being gay is EXACTLY like "two consenting adults loving each other" in a toxic, emotionally-destructive relationship. It is EXACTLY like a consenting adult "loving" the bottle so much that it damages his/her ability to function appropriately in other aspects of life. It is EXACTLY like any number of other mental disorders which are both genetic in origin and manageable in function, but nevertheless are undesirable and make life much harder for the patient than it otherwise might be. And no amount of affirmation and "Disorder Pride" is going to change that.

And spare me your protestations of "Gay is normal and wonderful and I'm happy!" I wouldn't let a schizophrenic define normality for me, and I won't be any more interested in your mentally-ill take on the subject. Like I said, I can see you, and you are one of the least-happy and maladjusted people I've ever observed.

Wow, you can "see" all that from an internet message board? You're amazing. Does the scientific community know of your incredible powers? :lol:

What I see is someone whose bullshit premise about gays and molestation was destroyed and so they come back with a non sequitur homophobic rant about how perverted and sick gays are. Your hate is a choice....choose differently.

Yes, I know, leftists are always SOOOOO shocked when they find out that the words they spew actually MEAN things, and allow people to form perceptions of who they are and what their worldview is. Despite the fact that your rantings often closely resemble animalistic grunting, they DO actually contain some words, and those words DO form . . . y'know, thoughts and concepts and shit.

Do us all a favor and share this new wisdom you've acquired with your brethren, 'kay?

Wow...non sequitur much? What does the above screed have to do with anything I said? I destroyed your bullshit premise and all you can do is rant. I'm sorry that facts have you so incredibly unhinged. No, I'm not really sorry. Your unhingedness is all on you.
How does one do a "non sequitur" as it is a noun not a verb?

Liberals have a lot of trouble with words. Remember, they're the ones who needed a national debate to clarify the meaning of "is". Seawytch is Exhibit A of why I advocate a "Dictionaries for Democrats" program, to help these idiots learn to speak.
"Biological construct"? An interesting term. There is no doubt that the U.S. is the greatest and most tolerant Country in the world and homosexuals are free to the use the word "gay" if it makes them comfortable and pursue their sexual orientation without legal constraints. The problem is that the democrat party has hijacked the homosexual agenda and turned it into a political issue. Democrats have used the most extreme agenda of the homosexual community as a tool to intimidate decent Christian people and with the cooperation of the mainstream media it sometimes works.
your sex/love life, It's none of my business. keep the government out of our bedrooms.
Dear sartre play
Then why drag marriage into govt and make it state business to define and regulate?

How is that unlike dragging "right to prayer" into govt to protect it, yet argue to keep beliefs separate from govt!

Which way do you want it?

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