Is homosexuality a biological construct?

No it's not. Gay folks can no more choose who they're attracted to than you can.
Tell me, when did you choose to be straight?
Do you believe that you could be coerced into a homosexual relationship and enjoy it?

What makes you so sure I can't choose who I'm attracted to? Do you really think you HAVE to have so little control over your own mind, and merely exist in a state of helplessness before your all-powerful subconscious?

Also, did you miss the post about "who says a choice has to be conscious to be a choice"? Or were you just in such a rush to kneejerk out your favorite "Gotcha!" talking point that you couldn't be bothered?

You might want to consider that you know jack shit about me or my personal life before you rush in with your "Aha!" argument attempts. But for the record, any psychiatrist will tell you it IS completely possible to be coerced into a relationship that you would not have freely chosen and still derive some enjoyment from it. Hell, people get into toxic relationships all the time. Do you really think they're hating every second of it, and getting no pleasure from it at all? Doesn't make it any less bad for them.

What does any of that have to do with who you're attracted to? Gay people have been playing it straight for centuries so of course you can make the best of a bad situation. Talk to gay people that came out later in life, after being married and having children. They will tell you that they loved their former spouses and derived pleasure from being with them. Guess what? They're still gay and always were.

Maybe sexuality is simply more fluid than our puritanical roots allow it to be.

Yeah, or maybe you're just a fucked-in-the-head pervert who's too cowardly to be at peace with it.

What in my post made you feel the need to be a see you next Tuesday? I'm quite "at peace" with my orientation, it's bigots and homophobes that need to have the come to Jesus about it, not gays.

Honey, the fact that you just said that OTHER people need to "come to Jesus" - which is funny in and of itself, since, despite all your rewriting attempts to the contrary, the Bible and Christianity still firmly and clearly OPPOSE homosexual behavior - about YOUR sexuality tells us that you are NOT at peace with it, because you're STILL trying to make everyone else agree with your worldview, RIGHT FUCKING NOW, in order to give you a sense of legitimacy and fitting-in.

I'm simply stating fact. It's the bigots and homophobes that have to change because they can change, unlike gays. The world has become a place where the gays don't have to live in the closet anymore, the bigots do. It's a good reversal of fortune.

If you were really "at peace" with who and what you are, you wouldn't give a tin shit what other people think about it, so long as they leave you alone. Noticeably, there is NEVER anything in any of your posts about people "leaving you alone" or you allowing them to do so. They're all about, "You will actively participate in my lifestyle and applaud it, or we will destroy your life, HOW DARE YOU presume to think you have a right to hold and freely express an opinion that differs with mine?!"

I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people like you think of me. I care what my family and friends think of me, but you are certainly not among those. I want you to express your nasty opinion as loudly and as often as possible. It's nasty people like you, that like to call gays "perverts" that actually make more people sympathetic to the discrimination and bigotry suffered by gays and lesbians. Every mean, hate filled post from people just like you actually help the gay rights movement. Thank you for your support! :lol:

Tell yourself all the lies you like about what a happy, satisfied, well-adjusted pervert you are; I can see you, and unlike you, I really don't give a rat's ass what other people think, so I feel perfectly free to tell you that, from where I am sitting and observing, you are an all-around miserable, shitty human being who projects his/her/its mental and emotional disorders onto everyone around like a giant dysfunction spotlight.

Funny, from where I sit you just described yourself. :lol:
Now, that being said, even if a predisposition toward homosexuality IS genetic (and that's by no means proven in any scientific sense), that doesn't make it natural, desirable, or unchangeable, any more than alcoholism is, simply because it HAS been proven to be a genetic predisposition. And just because alcoholics can learn to buck that genetic time bomb, it is entirely possible to learn to swim against other genetic tides, should one wish to.

But being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. Two consenting adults loving each other is nothing like alcoholism or obesity. They aren't hurting anyone.

Consider, for example, the existence of people who have lived their whole lives identifying as gay who were repeatedly molested as children by adults of the same sex. Do you assume THEY were "born gay", and "have no choice but to be gay", and the molestation was simply a coincidence?

So now you're playing hypotheticals? Okay, consider the fact that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexual molested in the United States. Yes, the molestation is simply a coincidence. My ex was molested by her grandfather. When grampy started diddling her (and not her two sisters and they all were only a year apart in age) she already knew she liked girls and not boys. She was a tomboy. Odd isn't it that grampa picked her of the three to rape?

Yeah, yeah, buzzword, buzzword, FEEELZ! Whatever, Sparky.

As far as I can tell, just from watching homosexuals, being gay is EXACTLY like "two consenting adults loving each other" in a toxic, emotionally-destructive relationship. It is EXACTLY like a consenting adult "loving" the bottle so much that it damages his/her ability to function appropriately in other aspects of life. It is EXACTLY like any number of other mental disorders which are both genetic in origin and manageable in function, but nevertheless are undesirable and make life much harder for the patient than it otherwise might be. And no amount of affirmation and "Disorder Pride" is going to change that.

And spare me your protestations of "Gay is normal and wonderful and I'm happy!" I wouldn't let a schizophrenic define normality for me, and I won't be any more interested in your mentally-ill take on the subject. Like I said, I can see you, and you are one of the least-happy and maladjusted people I've ever observed.

Wow, you can "see" all that from an internet message board? You're amazing. Does the scientific community know of your incredible powers? :lol:

What I see is someone whose bullshit premise about gays and molestation was destroyed and so they come back with a non sequitur homophobic rant about how perverted and sick gays are. Your hate is a choice....choose differently.
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
If it's a biological construct, then it was set in motion as an element of natural selection, to filter-out the biological mistakes...
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
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Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
If it's a biological construct, then it was set in motion as an element of natural selection, to filter-out the biological mistakes...
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
If it's a biological construct, then it was set in motion as an element of natural selection, to filter-out the biological mistakes...
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
wow, great argument... let me think about some of those brilliant points you made and get back to you.
Historically I believe that homosexuality was typically considered a social construct, in which any person had the potential to develop gay attractions if in the right situation (ex. prison inmates having gay relations due to isolation from women).

It seems like only in recent times has homosexuality been touted as a biological construct and an "identity" put on the same level as sex and race.

I'm wondering what exactly sparked all of this hubub; as there's definitely no conclusive evidence that homosexuality is "genetic" or that people are "born that way" despite activist claims.
If it's a biological construct, then it was set in motion as an element of natural selection, to filter-out the biological mistakes...
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
If it's a biological construct, then it was set in motion as an element of natural selection, to filter-out the biological mistakes...
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Wonderful theory... Then why rub it in their face and further the oppression and hate? Why not show a little class and allow them some happiness as their species filter towards extinction?
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Your truth is directly contracted by the word of your God as i've shown. Your lack of a substantive response shows that you can't defend your point. Thats your problem.
Because 3,000 years of Judeo-Christian religious practice across the Western World informs us that sexual deviants and perverts (homosexuals) are wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk?
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Your truth is directly contracted by the word of your God as i've shown. Your lack of a substantive response shows that you can't defend your point. Thats your problem.
Oh, my, my, my... look, Mumsie... a Fruit Loop who's bound and determined to argue...

It's a funny little creature, isn't it, Mumsie?

Go dry-hump somebody else's pants cuff, fruit-fly... you haven't proven diddly-squat... you really haven't said diddly-squart... shooo, little fruit-fly... shooo
Well those worlds don't sound like anything that would come out of christs mouth... But that's fine if you want to have that attitude in your household or church but we have separation of church and state in this country. It also says in your bible that we are all sinners and to love thy neighbor. Judgment is not for you but for God. It also says to obey the laws set forth by your government. You're a hypocrite if you use the biblical argument, plain and simple
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Your truth is directly contracted by the word of your God as i've shown. Your lack of a substantive response shows that you can't defend your point. Thats your problem.
Oh, my, my, my... look, Mumsie... a Fruit Loop who's bound and determined to argue...

It's a funny little creature, isn't it, Mumsie?

Go dry-hump somebody else's pants cuff, fruit-fly... you haven't proven diddly-squat... you really haven't said diddly-squart... shooo, little fruit-fly... shooo
haha, third dodge in a row...Keep it up, you're just digging yourself deeper in that hole. If you want to diss me then do it with intellect not elementary school name calling.
Nominated for most juicy bullshit Rationalization of the Day... thank you for your feedback.
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Your truth is directly contracted by the word of your God as i've shown. Your lack of a substantive response shows that you can't defend your point. Thats your problem.
Oh, my, my, my... look, Mumsie... a Fruit Loop who's bound and determined to argue...

It's a funny little creature, isn't it, Mumsie?

Go dry-hump somebody else's pants cuff, fruit-fly... you haven't proven diddly-squat... you really haven't said diddly-squart... shooo, little fruit-fly... shooo
haha, third dodge in a row...Keep it up, you're just digging yourself deeper in that hole. If you want to diss me then do it with intellect not elementary school name calling.
Posts 218 and 220 contain all I needed to say on the subject... the rest is just phukking with you, my little Fruit Loop... now... go away, little pissant...
Notice how I used facts and statements to back up my claim that your argument was hypocritical. See, thats how these things work. Now if you don't agree and want to call my statement bullshit then you have to do more than just make that claim. Use your words to explain WHY it's bullshit or state what you don't agree with... Otherwise you just make yourself look stupid.
Sit down, little one. I've said what needed to be said - The Truth - and that's enough. It's your problem, not mine, that The Truth hurts.
Your truth is directly contracted by the word of your God as i've shown. Your lack of a substantive response shows that you can't defend your point. Thats your problem.
Oh, my, my, my... look, Mumsie... a Fruit Loop who's bound and determined to argue...

It's a funny little creature, isn't it, Mumsie?

Go dry-hump somebody else's pants cuff, fruit-fly... you haven't proven diddly-squat... you really haven't said diddly-squart... shooo, little fruit-fly... shooo
haha, third dodge in a row...Keep it up, you're just digging yourself deeper in that hole. If you want to diss me then do it with intellect not elementary school name calling.
Posts 218 and 220 contain all I needed to say on the subject... the rest is just phukking with you, my little Fruit Loop... now... go away, little pissant...
Thats as far as you can go on the subject? Sad.

So to summarize, you claim that homosexuality is a biological construct that by the Christian faith is deemed "wicked and filthy and licentious and degenerate and undeserving of such accommodation and are to be shunned and despised and kept away from children and decent normal folk" You back it up with no evidence, just an empty statement... did I get that right??

I respond by pointing to the areas of the bible that instructs us to obey our governments laws, love thy neighbor and not judge each other for God is the ultimate judge...

And you have no response?? Really??

The Religious justification is hypocritical and weak as it is for our nation is built on its own laws and not on that of any religion. But even focusing on your religious justification you can't make a substantial point... What a joke.
What makes you so sure I can't choose who I'm attracted to? Do you really think you HAVE to have so little control over your own mind, and merely exist in a state of helplessness before your all-powerful subconscious?

Also, did you miss the post about "who says a choice has to be conscious to be a choice"? Or were you just in such a rush to kneejerk out your favorite "Gotcha!" talking point that you couldn't be bothered?

You might want to consider that you know jack shit about me or my personal life before you rush in with your "Aha!" argument attempts. But for the record, any psychiatrist will tell you it IS completely possible to be coerced into a relationship that you would not have freely chosen and still derive some enjoyment from it. Hell, people get into toxic relationships all the time. Do you really think they're hating every second of it, and getting no pleasure from it at all? Doesn't make it any less bad for them.

What does any of that have to do with who you're attracted to? Gay people have been playing it straight for centuries so of course you can make the best of a bad situation. Talk to gay people that came out later in life, after being married and having children. They will tell you that they loved their former spouses and derived pleasure from being with them. Guess what? They're still gay and always were.

Maybe sexuality is simply more fluid than our puritanical roots allow it to be.

Yeah, or maybe you're just a fucked-in-the-head pervert who's too cowardly to be at peace with it.

What in my post made you feel the need to be a see you next Tuesday? I'm quite "at peace" with my orientation, it's bigots and homophobes that need to have the come to Jesus about it, not gays.

Honey, the fact that you just said that OTHER people need to "come to Jesus" - which is funny in and of itself, since, despite all your rewriting attempts to the contrary, the Bible and Christianity still firmly and clearly OPPOSE homosexual behavior - about YOUR sexuality tells us that you are NOT at peace with it, because you're STILL trying to make everyone else agree with your worldview, RIGHT FUCKING NOW, in order to give you a sense of legitimacy and fitting-in.

I'm simply stating fact. It's the bigots and homophobes that have to change because they can change, unlike gays. The world has become a place where the gays don't have to live in the closet anymore, the bigots do. It's a good reversal of fortune.

If you were really "at peace" with who and what you are, you wouldn't give a tin shit what other people think about it, so long as they leave you alone. Noticeably, there is NEVER anything in any of your posts about people "leaving you alone" or you allowing them to do so. They're all about, "You will actively participate in my lifestyle and applaud it, or we will destroy your life, HOW DARE YOU presume to think you have a right to hold and freely express an opinion that differs with mine?!"

I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people like you think of me. I care what my family and friends think of me, but you are certainly not among those. I want you to express your nasty opinion as loudly and as often as possible. It's nasty people like you, that like to call gays "perverts" that actually make more people sympathetic to the discrimination and bigotry suffered by gays and lesbians. Every mean, hate filled post from people just like you actually help the gay rights movement. Thank you for your support! :lol:

Tell yourself all the lies you like about what a happy, satisfied, well-adjusted pervert you are; I can see you, and unlike you, I really don't give a rat's ass what other people think, so I feel perfectly free to tell you that, from where I am sitting and observing, you are an all-around miserable, shitty human being who projects his/her/its mental and emotional disorders onto everyone around like a giant dysfunction spotlight.

Funny, from where I sit you just described yourself. :lol:

Honey, the REAL bigots and homophobes are the homosexuals themselves, and their cadre of ass-kissing leftist toadies. You know what the anathema to "tolerance" is? It's "You have to change, because you don't fit my worldview!" THAT is bigotry: my agenda has a place that you must get into RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And homophobia? If you self-loathing dipshits were REALLY as foursquare behind the idea that you are 100% natural and normal and okay just like you are, you wouldn't be marching in the damned streets, shouting, "We're here, we're queer, and we're in your face!" People who are TRULY okay with and accepting of who they are aren't in ANYONE'S face about it. It's the ones who secretly believe there's something wrong with them who need to aggressively demand that others agree with them.

"I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people think of me . . . EXCEPT THAT THEY HAVE TO CHANGE BECAUSE THEY'RE WRONG!" I don't even have to ask if you can hear the hypocrisy and unintended irony of your own fucking post, because if you were capable of that level of self-awareness, you would also be able to come to terms with being a pervert, stop hating yourself for it, and stop bothering the rest of us to applaud it, as though there is a single other person on this planet who even wants to know you're AWARE of sex, let alone that you have it or who with. "I'M A LESBIAN!" you shout, and the whole world shouts back, "Yeah, but you're also an asshole."

BTW, any negative connotations to the word "pervert" are inferred, not implied, so again, all you do is show us YOUR opinion of homosexuality by automatically ascribing negativity to other people's opinions . . . unless they're applauding your "courage".

Lemme show you what "okay with yourself" actually looks like: "From where I sit, you just described yourself." :dunno: Didn't ask, don't care. I like me, and I'm smarter than you are, so my opinion counts for more.
Now, that being said, even if a predisposition toward homosexuality IS genetic (and that's by no means proven in any scientific sense), that doesn't make it natural, desirable, or unchangeable, any more than alcoholism is, simply because it HAS been proven to be a genetic predisposition. And just because alcoholics can learn to buck that genetic time bomb, it is entirely possible to learn to swim against other genetic tides, should one wish to.

But being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. Two consenting adults loving each other is nothing like alcoholism or obesity. They aren't hurting anyone.

Consider, for example, the existence of people who have lived their whole lives identifying as gay who were repeatedly molested as children by adults of the same sex. Do you assume THEY were "born gay", and "have no choice but to be gay", and the molestation was simply a coincidence?

So now you're playing hypotheticals? Okay, consider the fact that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexual molested in the United States. Yes, the molestation is simply a coincidence. My ex was molested by her grandfather. When grampy started diddling her (and not her two sisters and they all were only a year apart in age) she already knew she liked girls and not boys. She was a tomboy. Odd isn't it that grampa picked her of the three to rape?

Yeah, yeah, buzzword, buzzword, FEEELZ! Whatever, Sparky.

As far as I can tell, just from watching homosexuals, being gay is EXACTLY like "two consenting adults loving each other" in a toxic, emotionally-destructive relationship. It is EXACTLY like a consenting adult "loving" the bottle so much that it damages his/her ability to function appropriately in other aspects of life. It is EXACTLY like any number of other mental disorders which are both genetic in origin and manageable in function, but nevertheless are undesirable and make life much harder for the patient than it otherwise might be. And no amount of affirmation and "Disorder Pride" is going to change that.

And spare me your protestations of "Gay is normal and wonderful and I'm happy!" I wouldn't let a schizophrenic define normality for me, and I won't be any more interested in your mentally-ill take on the subject. Like I said, I can see you, and you are one of the least-happy and maladjusted people I've ever observed.

Wow, you can "see" all that from an internet message board? You're amazing. Does the scientific community know of your incredible powers? :lol:

What I see is someone whose bullshit premise about gays and molestation was destroyed and so they come back with a non sequitur homophobic rant about how perverted and sick gays are. Your hate is a choice....choose differently.

Yes, I know, leftists are always SOOOOO shocked when they find out that the words they spew actually MEAN things, and allow people to form perceptions of who they are and what their worldview is. Despite the fact that your rantings often closely resemble animalistic grunting, they DO actually contain some words, and those words DO form . . . y'know, thoughts and concepts and shit.

Do us all a favor and share this new wisdom you've acquired with your brethren, 'kay?
If gay sex is so outlandish, why is it that the typical hetero guy wants oral and anal from his girlfriend after they've done the 'normal' thing?
What does any of that have to do with who you're attracted to? Gay people have been playing it straight for centuries so of course you can make the best of a bad situation. Talk to gay people that came out later in life, after being married and having children. They will tell you that they loved their former spouses and derived pleasure from being with them. Guess what? They're still gay and always were.

Maybe sexuality is simply more fluid than our puritanical roots allow it to be.

Yeah, or maybe you're just a fucked-in-the-head pervert who's too cowardly to be at peace with it.

What in my post made you feel the need to be a see you next Tuesday? I'm quite "at peace" with my orientation, it's bigots and homophobes that need to have the come to Jesus about it, not gays.

Honey, the fact that you just said that OTHER people need to "come to Jesus" - which is funny in and of itself, since, despite all your rewriting attempts to the contrary, the Bible and Christianity still firmly and clearly OPPOSE homosexual behavior - about YOUR sexuality tells us that you are NOT at peace with it, because you're STILL trying to make everyone else agree with your worldview, RIGHT FUCKING NOW, in order to give you a sense of legitimacy and fitting-in.

I'm simply stating fact. It's the bigots and homophobes that have to change because they can change, unlike gays. The world has become a place where the gays don't have to live in the closet anymore, the bigots do. It's a good reversal of fortune.

If you were really "at peace" with who and what you are, you wouldn't give a tin shit what other people think about it, so long as they leave you alone. Noticeably, there is NEVER anything in any of your posts about people "leaving you alone" or you allowing them to do so. They're all about, "You will actively participate in my lifestyle and applaud it, or we will destroy your life, HOW DARE YOU presume to think you have a right to hold and freely express an opinion that differs with mine?!"

I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people like you think of me. I care what my family and friends think of me, but you are certainly not among those. I want you to express your nasty opinion as loudly and as often as possible. It's nasty people like you, that like to call gays "perverts" that actually make more people sympathetic to the discrimination and bigotry suffered by gays and lesbians. Every mean, hate filled post from people just like you actually help the gay rights movement. Thank you for your support! :lol:

Tell yourself all the lies you like about what a happy, satisfied, well-adjusted pervert you are; I can see you, and unlike you, I really don't give a rat's ass what other people think, so I feel perfectly free to tell you that, from where I am sitting and observing, you are an all-around miserable, shitty human being who projects his/her/its mental and emotional disorders onto everyone around like a giant dysfunction spotlight.

Funny, from where I sit you just described yourself. :lol:

Honey, the REAL bigots and homophobes are the homosexuals themselves, and their cadre of ass-kissing leftist toadies. You know what the anathema to "tolerance" is? It's "You have to change, because you don't fit my worldview!" THAT is bigotry: my agenda has a place that you must get into RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And homophobia? If you self-loathing dipshits were REALLY as foursquare behind the idea that you are 100% natural and normal and okay just like you are, you wouldn't be marching in the damned streets, shouting, "We're here, we're queer, and we're in your face!" People who are TRULY okay with and accepting of who they are aren't in ANYONE'S face about it. It's the ones who secretly believe there's something wrong with them who need to aggressively demand that others agree with them.

"I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people think of me . . . EXCEPT THAT THEY HAVE TO CHANGE BECAUSE THEY'RE WRONG!" I don't even have to ask if you can hear the hypocrisy and unintended irony of your own fucking post, because if you were capable of that level of self-awareness, you would also be able to come to terms with being a pervert, stop hating yourself for it, and stop bothering the rest of us to applaud it, as though there is a single other person on this planet who even wants to know you're AWARE of sex, let alone that you have it or who with. "I'M A LESBIAN!" you shout, and the whole world shouts back, "Yeah, but you're also an asshole."

BTW, any negative connotations to the word "pervert" are inferred, not implied, so again, all you do is show us YOUR opinion of homosexuality by automatically ascribing negativity to other people's opinions . . . unless they're applauding your "courage".

Lemme show you what "okay with yourself" actually looks like: "From where I sit, you just described yourself." :dunno: Didn't ask, don't care. I like me, and I'm smarter than you are, so my opinion counts for more.
What a weak ass arguement. Gays are bigots because they demand to be accepted???? That's like saying blacks are bigots because they don't want to be sold as property or women are bigots for demanding the right to vote and be treated equal.

Grow up and don't ever use that dumb ass justification again to make your case. Just say you are a homophob or a bigot or you don't agree... Whatever the degree may be. Own it.
What does any of that have to do with who you're attracted to? Gay people have been playing it straight for centuries so of course you can make the best of a bad situation. Talk to gay people that came out later in life, after being married and having children. They will tell you that they loved their former spouses and derived pleasure from being with them. Guess what? They're still gay and always were.

Maybe sexuality is simply more fluid than our puritanical roots allow it to be.

Yeah, or maybe you're just a fucked-in-the-head pervert who's too cowardly to be at peace with it.

What in my post made you feel the need to be a see you next Tuesday? I'm quite "at peace" with my orientation, it's bigots and homophobes that need to have the come to Jesus about it, not gays.

Honey, the fact that you just said that OTHER people need to "come to Jesus" - which is funny in and of itself, since, despite all your rewriting attempts to the contrary, the Bible and Christianity still firmly and clearly OPPOSE homosexual behavior - about YOUR sexuality tells us that you are NOT at peace with it, because you're STILL trying to make everyone else agree with your worldview, RIGHT FUCKING NOW, in order to give you a sense of legitimacy and fitting-in.

I'm simply stating fact. It's the bigots and homophobes that have to change because they can change, unlike gays. The world has become a place where the gays don't have to live in the closet anymore, the bigots do. It's a good reversal of fortune.

If you were really "at peace" with who and what you are, you wouldn't give a tin shit what other people think about it, so long as they leave you alone. Noticeably, there is NEVER anything in any of your posts about people "leaving you alone" or you allowing them to do so. They're all about, "You will actively participate in my lifestyle and applaud it, or we will destroy your life, HOW DARE YOU presume to think you have a right to hold and freely express an opinion that differs with mine?!"

I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people like you think of me. I care what my family and friends think of me, but you are certainly not among those. I want you to express your nasty opinion as loudly and as often as possible. It's nasty people like you, that like to call gays "perverts" that actually make more people sympathetic to the discrimination and bigotry suffered by gays and lesbians. Every mean, hate filled post from people just like you actually help the gay rights movement. Thank you for your support! :lol:

Tell yourself all the lies you like about what a happy, satisfied, well-adjusted pervert you are; I can see you, and unlike you, I really don't give a rat's ass what other people think, so I feel perfectly free to tell you that, from where I am sitting and observing, you are an all-around miserable, shitty human being who projects his/her/its mental and emotional disorders onto everyone around like a giant dysfunction spotlight.

Funny, from where I sit you just described yourself. :lol:

Honey, the REAL bigots and homophobes are the homosexuals themselves, and their cadre of ass-kissing leftist toadies. You know what the anathema to "tolerance" is? It's "You have to change, because you don't fit my worldview!" THAT is bigotry: my agenda has a place that you must get into RIGHT FUCKING NOW. And homophobia? If you self-loathing dipshits were REALLY as foursquare behind the idea that you are 100% natural and normal and okay just like you are, you wouldn't be marching in the damned streets, shouting, "We're here, we're queer, and we're in your face!" People who are TRULY okay with and accepting of who they are aren't in ANYONE'S face about it. It's the ones who secretly believe there's something wrong with them who need to aggressively demand that others agree with them.

"I don't give a shit what angry, nasty people think of me . . . EXCEPT THAT THEY HAVE TO CHANGE BECAUSE THEY'RE WRONG!" I don't even have to ask if you can hear the hypocrisy and unintended irony of your own fucking post, because if you were capable of that level of self-awareness, you would also be able to come to terms with being a pervert, stop hating yourself for it, and stop bothering the rest of us to applaud it, as though there is a single other person on this planet who even wants to know you're AWARE of sex, let alone that you have it or who with. "I'M A LESBIAN!" you shout, and the whole world shouts back, "Yeah, but you're also an asshole."

:lol: You must be supporting Trump, you argue like him. "I'm not the racist, Pocahontas is". Slade is 100% spot on, weak.

BTW, any negative connotations to the word "pervert" are inferred, not implied, so again, all you do is show us YOUR opinion of homosexuality by automatically ascribing negativity to other people's opinions . . . unless they're applauding your "courage".

On what planet is the word pervert not a negative connotation? What you just did was confirm your bias by trying to throw a rock and hide your hand. Bigots and homophobes call gays perverts, just like you did. So, either you are a bigot and a homophobe or you just agree with bigots and homophobes...which is exactly the same thing, inferred and implied.
Now, that being said, even if a predisposition toward homosexuality IS genetic (and that's by no means proven in any scientific sense), that doesn't make it natural, desirable, or unchangeable, any more than alcoholism is, simply because it HAS been proven to be a genetic predisposition. And just because alcoholics can learn to buck that genetic time bomb, it is entirely possible to learn to swim against other genetic tides, should one wish to.

But being gay isn't like being an alcoholic. Two consenting adults loving each other is nothing like alcoholism or obesity. They aren't hurting anyone.

Consider, for example, the existence of people who have lived their whole lives identifying as gay who were repeatedly molested as children by adults of the same sex. Do you assume THEY were "born gay", and "have no choice but to be gay", and the molestation was simply a coincidence?

So now you're playing hypotheticals? Okay, consider the fact that 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys are sexual molested in the United States. Yes, the molestation is simply a coincidence. My ex was molested by her grandfather. When grampy started diddling her (and not her two sisters and they all were only a year apart in age) she already knew she liked girls and not boys. She was a tomboy. Odd isn't it that grampa picked her of the three to rape?

Yeah, yeah, buzzword, buzzword, FEEELZ! Whatever, Sparky.

As far as I can tell, just from watching homosexuals, being gay is EXACTLY like "two consenting adults loving each other" in a toxic, emotionally-destructive relationship. It is EXACTLY like a consenting adult "loving" the bottle so much that it damages his/her ability to function appropriately in other aspects of life. It is EXACTLY like any number of other mental disorders which are both genetic in origin and manageable in function, but nevertheless are undesirable and make life much harder for the patient than it otherwise might be. And no amount of affirmation and "Disorder Pride" is going to change that.

And spare me your protestations of "Gay is normal and wonderful and I'm happy!" I wouldn't let a schizophrenic define normality for me, and I won't be any more interested in your mentally-ill take on the subject. Like I said, I can see you, and you are one of the least-happy and maladjusted people I've ever observed.

Wow, you can "see" all that from an internet message board? You're amazing. Does the scientific community know of your incredible powers? :lol:

What I see is someone whose bullshit premise about gays and molestation was destroyed and so they come back with a non sequitur homophobic rant about how perverted and sick gays are. Your hate is a choice....choose differently.

Yes, I know, leftists are always SOOOOO shocked when they find out that the words they spew actually MEAN things, and allow people to form perceptions of who they are and what their worldview is. Despite the fact that your rantings often closely resemble animalistic grunting, they DO actually contain some words, and those words DO form . . . y'know, thoughts and concepts and shit.

Do us all a favor and share this new wisdom you've acquired with your brethren, 'kay?

Wow...non sequitur much? What does the above screed have to do with anything I said? I destroyed your bullshit premise and all you can do is rant. I'm sorry that facts have you so incredibly unhinged. No, I'm not really sorry. Your unhingedness is all on you.
You know, the other day I watched an interesting program on PBS called "9 Months That Made You", which showed how the fetus developed over the course of 9 months.

Up until 8 weeks, the fetus is pretty much generic, and could be confused with the fetus of just about any other mammal. However, shortly after the 8 weeks, the face forms, and then the sex of the body is determined. If a woman doesn't have enough of a particular type of testosterone in her body when the fetus decides it's sex, it can be born with incomplete genitals, or you can have women who look more like men who were born with both sets of genitals.

After the body has started to form and individual traits like fingerprints start to develop (interestingly enough, there actually are people who are born without fingerprints), then that is when the brain starts to develop, and they said that sexuality is centered in the actual structure of the brain. is possible to be born in the body of a woman, while having a brain that is structured like a male's or vice versa.

I say that sexuality is something you're born with, not necessarily a factor of environment, because I've known a 15 year old girl who had been raised by a lesbian couple since she was 5, and she was definitely boy crazy and interested in dating dudes, not women.

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