Is it a rule that a thread title must describe the subject of the thread?


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
At the risk of being an asshole, which I am, at times, I don't like threads like the following which fail to address the actual topic of the thread. I don't believe one should have to click on a thread to learn what's in it. Maybe I'm too anal.

Nazis must be all around
Appropriate title, since the content is antifa punks attacking an old woman, under the guise of stamping out "Nazis".

Nice teaser.
Looked like it followed the article perfectly to me. Did you actually read it?

Its about how ANTIFA pukes see Nazis everywhere even as they are the ones actually acting like them .
I love all different colored threads.
Looked like it followed the article perfectly to me. Did you actually read it?

Its about how ANTIFA pukes see Nazis everywhere even as they are the ones actually acting like them .

Yea, read about it earlier. I guess I'm of the opinion that thread titles should be a little more descriptive. I'll live. ;)
At the risk of being an asshole, which I am, at times, I don't like threads like the following which fail to address the actual topic of the thread. I don't believe one should have to click on a thread to learn what's in it. Maybe I'm too anal.

Nazis must be all around

There's no rule about hyping a title to a piece.. Even the NY Times does it... :2up: But it often used to disguise duplicate threads just to get a member's name on the thread.. When we merge duplicates and find that out -- these "non-descriptive" titles will sometimes just get closed instead of merged...

Now -- if the title is "baiting or polarizing" --- we will consider closing or moving to Taunting forums.. So if it's all ad hom or attacks a group as "retarded or stupid or commies or nazis" -- that's not appropriate...

Keep the title and OP clean and void of excess drama.. Because (according to our accountants LOL) 21% of members ONLY read the title, 67% only read the title and the OP without reading the linkage in the OP, and 93.5% are just ready to brawl over anything.. Even syntax and punctuation -- rather than DISCUSS the title and OP...

Can't a caption of the first couple of lines of the OP appear when you pass the pointer over the title?

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