is it can be hugs tiem now


Feb 14, 2011
just a story ....

My husband doesn't say goodbye to me anymore when he leaves for work. Now he says, "Time to say goodbye to Joe".

You see, Joe the kidgy cat figured out that when hubbers said "Bye" that meant hubbers would be in the livingroom with two free hands not doing anything at all and that would be a good time to sneak in for a little petting. Finally hubbers figured out what Joe was doing and gave the petting duties to me and the new exit line was born.

Hubbers sticks around just long enough to chuckle at me telling Joe "goodbye, have a nice day" and skritching his back.

Today there was a silly twist. Joe was very comfortable in his favorite box and clearly didn't want to move but when he saw hubbers getting ready to leave he knew he had to do his duty and come get said goodbye to. He's a very well-behaved boy and doesn't want to let us down. :)

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